
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Essay

Decent Essays

Cognitive behavioral therapy gives us tools and support to overcome negative thoughts and feelings that we face on an everyday basis. Changing patterns of thinking and facing negative fearful thinking can allow us to live a more positive life allowing us to live to our fullest potential. The way we think influences the way we live and it defines how we look at the world and events happening all around us. Steps used can help someone over come issues such as anxiety, depression, and fears, such as public speaking. Thoughts lead to feelings and feelings determine our behavior. Our emotions can become overwhelming at times especially if we are under a lot of pressure. When losing control and experiencing negative thoughts we are able to cope with these emotions by applying cognitive behavioral therapy. Negative schemas can impair someone’s lifestyle. It can create an unhealthy way of …show more content…

When we are aware we are able to help others and provide support by guiding them to talk to a professional about perhaps the techniques used in cognitive behavioral therapy. Even more, being aware yourself can alleviate many fears especially if you struggle with anxiety. Anxiety can be very powerful and can feel completely debilitating. Simply knowing that you’re not alone and that there are others dealing with the same issues can feel relieving. Additionally, trying to focus on something else instead of your fearful thoughts can help manage anxiety if you are in class. Breathing techniques also provide a release when dealing with anxiety. Depression can also be consuming and hinder people from doing well in school. The help from cognitive behavior therapy can change someone’s outlook on life and provide the steps to succeed in

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