
Cognitive Function Inquiry Essay examples

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Cognitive Function Inquiry
Growing up in an era so blessed with technological improvement makes it very easy to have a fascination with computers: we see, interact with, and use computers almost every day. They have influence on everything from the brewer that makes your coffee, to the street lights that control the overflow of cars during rush hour. By the way, those cars are controlled by computers, too. We know a significant amount about computers today, more than we did ten years ago, and in ten years from now we will know exponentially more than we know today. Yet the greatest computer of all still eludes us in how it functions- the human brain. Believe it or not, your brain is a computer just like the one I’m typing this paper …show more content…

Logically I was lead to believe that it had something to do with the storage of memories. Certainly if the human brain is anything like my home computer, when it doesn’t have enough space for all the information it is constantly taking in, it must get bogged down at some point - but it doesn’t! This is a result of how our neurons work together to store memories; instead of holding just one single memory, neurons work in networks holding multiple memories, increasing storage to astronomical numbers (Scientific America). Storage may not be a limiting factor in the memory process, but at the same time there must be something limiting the amount of data we can take in.
In the same way a computer stores memory, it also takes time to save memories. While we can handle multiple tasks at a time, only so much information can be absorbed and saved by the brain at any moment. The concept of this limited amount of data we can take in is referred to as, “Cognitive Bandwidth” (Dunning). So although in theory we have unlimited storage space, we are still limited by the number of concepts we can begin to absorb at any given time. While there is not a set number on this cognitive bandwidth, it still provides an insight into how to better use our brains; spacing out the information we plan to take in allows more bandwidth to be available for each memory. I’m talking to you procrastinators, cramming in all your studying at once truly does make it more difficult to remember or

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