
Cognitive Functional Awareness Essay

Decent Essays

cognitive functional independence in stroke patients. Practitioners made treatment plans to check the patients’ response to treatment approach by adapting and grading the activities in order to verify their recovery process. The test result significantly correlate with ADL performance; it was predicted that the level of injury severity and injury location in stroke patients determine the cognition complication. The augment of the research shows the importance of visual perspective and spatial relations on ADL performance. Therefore, any obstacles to it impede ADL performance in the sense that stroke patients find it difficult to distinguish the relationship between an object and a person. For example, patients may not know if either leg is …show more content…

During the research process three articles met the matrix criteria and support early intervention of cognitive rehabilitation of having a great effect on improving ADL participation in stroke patient. The first article from Cochrane library titled “Cognitive rehabilitation for executive dysfunction in adults with stroke or other adult non-progressive acquired brain damage” by Charlie et al discuss which adaptive technique was used to assist stroke survivors who have cognitive impairment, but intact motor function to became independent in the ADL. The research was completed on “19 studies of 907 randomized participants, 496 TBI, 344 strokes, 67 other acquired brain injury. Data were available to potentially include 13 of the studies within meta-analyses (770 participants, 417 TBI, 304 stroke, 49 other acquired brain injury), with 660 participants who are related to the research were included in the treatment groups to be studied in the review. Studies performed during the research were related to (1) cognitive rehabilitation versus sensorimotor meta-analyses (one study, 86 participants), (2) cognitive rehabilitation versus no intervention or placebo meta-analyses (four studies, 184 participants) and (3) experimental cognitive rehabilitation versus standard cognitive rehabilitation meta-analyses (eight studies, 404 participants)”

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