
Cohort Design Diabetes

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According to Aschengrau & Seage (2014), an epidemiologic research is comprised of several types of study designs. The experimental study design studies treatments and preventions for diseases, wherein the investigator actively “controls which study groups receive the agent under study” (Aschengrau & Seage, 2014). The observational study design studies preventions, causes and treatments for diseases, wherein the investigator “only observes the phenomena being studied as nature takes its course” (p. 145). The authors explain that a classic cohort design is an observation study design that “examines one or more variables or health effects of exposure status and followed over a period of time to determine the status of health outcomes” (Aschengrau & Seage, 2014, p.144). In a previously submitted manuscript, this writer presented a specific cohort design used by researchers to determine the risk factors for diabetes mellitus. …show more content…

Rosella, Manuel, Burchill &Stukel (2011), applied the Diabetes Population Risk Tool model in a cohort study to determine the risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus occurrence whereby it was noted that increasing age, elevated BMI, hypertension and less than secondary education are risk factors for diabetes (Rosella, Manuel, Burchill, & Stukel,

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