The question under study is, whether blood pressure drugs can ward off diabetes by taking them at night? The cause-effect relationship, in this case, includes shifting one's medication from daytime to nighttime use. According to Los Angeles Times reporter Melissa Healy, it’s crucial to note that some of the causes of diabetes include the waist circumference and whether one had chronic kidney disease. In this case, the exposure used was special exposure cohort reason being the exposure was not unique but relatively rare. On the other hand, the outcome used was retrospective cohort studies or, in other words, historical as it contained subjects in present form. In addition to these, there were records to ascertain the truth of this theory. …show more content…
To be precise, the subjects or people under study were 1,029, and they were selected randomly. The time frame was six years thus very ideal in observing the outcome of the experiment. In this case scenario, the study design used was Cohort study as it involved follow-up studies. Apart from these, a group of individuals were observed together for the same period. The key results were that those who took the medication in the morning were more probable in developing type 2 diabetes by comparing them with those that took their medication at night. Some of the criteria for causation include the type of food one consumes. Another criterion for causation is a person’s weight and also genetic where diabetes affects people of the same lineage thus passed from one generation to another. Lastly, as reported by Melissa Healy in her article, some other criteria for causation of diabetes is taking blood pressure drugs in the morning as compared to taking them at night. REFERENCE: Melissa Healy. (2015). “Los Angeles Times: Taking blood pressure drugs at night wards off diabetes, study finds.” Retrieved from [Accessed on
Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the Institute of Medicine
This hazard can cause damage to patient’s goods, furniture and can even cause dampness to their rooms and to the environment. This can even cause patient to be sick of
In 2002, among adults, there was an estimated 8.7% prevalence of diabetes. However, rather than there being a prevalence of the disease in the population as a whole, it was found more in specific population subgroups, such as the homeless population. There are certain risk factors these subgroups have that are either associated with diabetes or directly cause it. There is never a 100% correlation of development of diabetes
There are some factors that are non-modifiable and create a predisposition to the onset of developing Type 2 Diabetes. These non-modifiable factors include family history, race/ethnicity and age, and cannot be changed by lifestyle choices. Type 2 diabetes is traditionally a late onset disease however it is becoming more frequent to be diagnosed as a young person. Alpurrulam’s student network is made up of 89% Indigenous students alone. “Indigenous people were three times more likely to be living with Type 2 Diabetes than non-Indigenous people” (Australia Bureau of Statistics, 2004-05). It is vital for our students to be educated on Type 2 Diabetes because of the high vulnerability of our school population of developing this lifestyle disease.
The level of insulin produced varies despite its availability; insulin resistance diminishes the function. The resistances forces the pancreas to work harder and create more insulin, sometimes exceeding the supply, whatever the cause there is a adequate amount to prevent breakdown of fats. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form out of all the diabetes, affecting 85-90% of all people with diabetes. 956,000 people have type 2 diabetes in Australia. It usually can occur at any age, but seen in more middle aged and older people. Cases associated with Type 2 diabetes are generally seen with obesity, physical inactivity, family hereditary and older age. There is a strong genetic predisposition, the risk factors commonly increased due to lifestyle determinants such as being overweight, having high blood pressure, insufficient physical activity and poor diet. Initially Type 2 diabetes can be managed by having a healthy diet and doing regular physically exercise and weight loss. Tablets may also control it and some people may need
The study had an overall total of 1150 participants. Although there were many participants to begin with, they did not provide all of the feedback the researchers had requested. This resulted in the expulsion of their participation, so their results were not included in the final reports of the study. The number of patients that did provide the essential information added up to a total of 901. The profile for a participant was a patients diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in the last 6 months, but has been diagnosed no more than 10 years ago. They had to be between 35-70 years of age. Their BMI had to be more or less than 24 kg/m2 and have an HbA1c more or less than 6.5%. They also had to have treatment with a diet or oral glucose lowering medication. Those needing insulin shots, had been diagnosed with chronic diseases, or had a change in diet or lifestyle 3 months prior to the study were not included in the overall
There are several factors, however, that can increase a person's risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Primary concern and cause of type 2 diabetes is obesity or overweight, people over the normal weight baseline of the BMI spectrum. America has always been known as the country that is two/thirds obese and many of American habits contribute to the following daily bad decisions that seem related to type 2 diabetes. Poor eating habits are the number one cause of obesity and type 2 diabetes, choosing to eat bad food and lots of soda can have tremendous effects on your weight and glucose intake. Watching too much television (T.V.) is another related issue towards diabetes, most likely eating snacks while watching your favorite show or movies. Physical inactivity causes the body to have a high blood glucose causing diabetes; muscles use the glucose through physical activity by helping the hormone insulin absorb glucose into all your body cells. Your muscles use glucose better than it uses fat. Sleeping habits such as sleeping less than 5 hours or more than 9 hours a night can affect the body’s balance of insulin and increase the demand on the pancreas to make it. Lastly, genetics has played a big role in determining if a person is at risk for type 2 diabetes. Your risk is higher if your brother, sister, or parent have type 2 diabetes. Genetics is a factor that is out of our control and it is
Diabetes is an undeniably normal issue with an expansion and commonness because of individuals' stationary ways of life and the subsequent weight. In the article the question is gotten some information about regardless of whether sort 2 diabetes can be forestalled by intercessions that influence the ways of life of subjects at high hazard for the malady. Sort 2 diabetes is "results from the connection between a hereditary inclination and behavioral and ecological hazard elements What this implies is that albeit certain individuals may have a genet inclination to have sort 2 diabetes, eventually it is their way of life decisions have more to do with regardless of whether a man really has the malady. What separates a man from having sort 1 or sort two diabetes is regardless of whether a man can deal with their diabetes with oral drugs or on the off chance that they are insulin subordinate. Presently days they have changed the names to insulin subordinate and no insulin subordinate Diabetes. Truly a man who has sort 1 diabetes was analyzed as a kid and it was at first called Juvenile
Epidemiologic evidence that is related to the prevention of diabetes in for adults can be found in many places in the literature. Some issues that come up are how according to Patel, Misra, and Balasubramanyam (2017) the increase in diagnosis of type 2 diabetes in developing countries has escalated rapidly due to an increase in populations, overall aging of the population, urbanization, and increase prevalence of obesity. Patel, Misra, and Balasubramanyam (2017) also projects that the number of individual that are diagnosed with diabetes in 2040 will have increased to 642 million adults globally compared to the 415 million adults globally who are currently diagnosed with diabetes and in the US, there was 86 million adults who are
INTRODUCTION According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), social determinants can be defined as economic and social conditions that are capable of influencing the health of individuals and are molded by power, money, and resources that affect social factors that are directly and/or indirectly related to the health of individuals (“Social Determinants of Health”). In fact, a variety of social determinants and factors have been linked to diabetes (a progressive and chronic disease that occurs in individuals who have high levels of glucose resulting from a shortage or sensitivity to insulin (an energizing hormone). There are three main types of diabetes: type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes; and all of the three types mentioned in this paper are on the
In the research done for Type 2 Diabetes the paper covers what the risk factors and
Diabetes Type 2 is a chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar (glucose). Researchers don 't fully understand why some people develop type 2 diabetes and others don 't. It 's clear, however, that certain factors increase the risk, including: Family History: If parents or siblings develop type 2 diabetes, your risk of developing it increases. Weight: The more fatty tissue you have, the more resistant your cells become to insulin. Being overweight is a main risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes. Inactivity: Being physically active helps to control weight, makes your cells more sensitive to insulin, and uses glucose as energy. Therefore, being inactive puts you at a greater risk of being overweight and developing type 2 diabetes. Age: After age 45 the risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases. Researchers believe this is true because people tend to exercise less, lose muscle mass and gain weight as they get older. Race: African Americans, Hispanics, Asian-Americans, and American Indians are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes that Caucasians. Prediabetes: Prediabetes is a condition in which your blood sugar level is higher than normal, but not high enough to be classified as diabetes. Left untreated, prediabetes
a. Contributions in Research Methodology – Longitudinal Study Apart from contributing to the content of researches in the field of early crime prevention, Wilson impacted and significantly increased the use of longitudinal study in the field. Longitudinal study is a research methodology used in studying people over long periods of time, therefore important in the study of children for researches in early crime prevention. For instance, Wilson being a member of the National Academy of Sciences Panel on Criminal Career Research, strongly advocated for the need of longitudinal studies and eventually in a few occasions influenced research teams in conducting longitudinal studies, the OJJDP’s Program on the Causes and Correlates of Delinquency is an example. Although there are criticisms that longitudinal study are expensive and takes substantial amount of time, it provides high accuracy in observation of changes.
Americans today are faced with a number of health issues, mainly as a result of poor diet, lack of exercise, and lifestyle choices; but, of course, genetics does play a part. My family, for example, has a history of several issues. My father suffers from diabetes and asthma, which my children have as well. My older sister and I both suffer from stress, which is most likely causing our chronic heartburn and my headaches; and, both my husband and I are borderline obese, which is a gateway disease to many others. While some of these issues are linked genetically, many of them are due to lifestyle, which can be viewed as both negative and positive. Negative because we brought these ailments onto ourselves, but positive because we can
In a 2006 research article, Martin and her associates go into depth about their double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study that was done on thirty-two subjects with type 2 diabetes. They have concluded that there was an increase in insulin sensitivity and an improvement in glycemic control over a 10-month period. I would prefer that this study included much more subjects for this topic, in order to be able to