
Cold Storage Fire

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The Worcester Cold Storage Fire
Donavan P. Govenor
FT 121-1002
May 5, 2017

The Worcester Fire Department was officially established a career fire department in the year of 1920 where according to the U.S census served and helped a population around 179,754. In December of 1999 Worcester, Massachusetts there was around 172,000 residents within a 37.6-mile area. The Worcester cold storage fire was one of the most tragic events ever experienced by the Worcester Fire Department resulting in the death of six firefighters. There was a lot learned from this fire and created or changed some national standards forever for Firefighters. In 1905 construction was completed for the Worcester Cold storage and warehouse company; where the …show more content…

Ladder 1 and 5, Rescue 1, and Car 3 by 6:18pm. At this time Incident Commander number one request dispatch to strike a second alarm due to the size of the building and with the second alarm Engines 2, 16, aerial scope 2, and car 2 are all dispatched to the scene. At 6:20pm Incident Commander number one request building information from dispatch but no building plans were ever found creating confusion on how the interior of the building was designed. At 6:26pm Incident Commander one enters the building through a door from the first floor and goes up the stairway into the second floor where the fire originated as well as Engine 13 and Ladder 1 who report that elevator shafts were engulfed into fire. Incident commander number one reports there was possibly two homeless people still in the building and at 6:31pm Incident commander number two comes on scene in Car 2. Three crews from Engine 1, Ladder 1, and Rescue 1 were inside the building reporting the spread of fire and all work their way up the stairway to the roof to cleared a skylight and had it completely vented and started to descend down the stairs while each crew performed search-and-rescue sweeps of each floor for the homeless victims and fire extension checks. They also have 2 ½ inch hose line and 1 ¾ inch hose line on the second and third floor coming up the stairway for an offensive …show more content…

At 6:34pm Incident Commander number two orders a head count and finds out two firefighters are currently missing which was last contacted via radio on the fourth floor. At 6:41pm the incident commander number two makes an announcement to all fire personal to use extreme caution because the building was dangerous and activated the third alarm and demand to clear radio communication for emergencies due to the missing firefighters stuck on certain floors where they heard emergency transmissions from victims in rescue 1 asking for help and that they were lost and out of air. And at 6:54pm the Incident commander orders the fourth alarm be struck and asked the location of the missing firefighters who were stuck in the building and tells them to activate there PASS alarms at 6:57pm one of the victims stated that their alarms were activated. With the other engines and support showed up for the third alarm they were prepared to do a search and rescue operation for the lost firefighters and while they go in after them they unfortunately could not reach the lost victims and by searching they lost all visibility and ran out of air and was

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