Albeit nowadays climate change and environmental challenges facing the globe and its inhabitants are widely discussed in both mass media and scholarly studies, they, in fact, did not get as much attention prior to the Cold War. Due to Cold War concerns with geophysics and with fallouts from nuclear weapons tests being carried around the planet by winds, the awareness of the interconnectedness of the global atmosphere sharply increased. The climate change is thus a non-traditional security (NTS) threat to the state's well-being, as it is non- military in nature, and the novelty of the problem implies that appropriate mechanisms of coping with such an unprecedented threat are yet to be developed. The impacts of global warming are distributed
What can we do about the increasing gun violence in Memphis? I say ban all guns, because in recent years gun violence has escalated and has become an epidemic not only in our communities, but all over the world. Something must be done to decrease the number of deaths and injuries that occurs from gun violence. For many years now Memphis, TN, the city where I go to school has been nationally known as a city that is plagued by violence ranking second to Washington D.C. when it comes to violent crimes committed by guns. Studies released by the FBI ranked Memphis as one of the top three most dangerous cities in America. This year according to statistics, Memphis ranked second to Detroit and has some of the most dangerous neighborhoods to live
The Cold War was a state of political hostility, lasting from 1946 to 1991, between Communists Soviet Union and Capitalist Western powers. Two generations worth of tension was filled with propaganda, hot wars, threat of nuclear attacks, and developments in missiles and space technology. Domestic policy and American society changed in the years of the Cold War: more money was being allotted to the defense budget, committees were being created to root out any communists working in Hollywood or the government and Americans were living their life around the fact that they could enter into a nuclear war at any moment.
On the day of 1945 when World War ll came to end, a whole new form of tension formed known as the Cold War. The Cold War was essentially a long period of time in which the United States had tensions with the Soviet Union. The Nazis, led by Adolf Hitler had withdrew from the war, the tensions between the United States as well as The Soviet Union and its allies start to get intense. The Soviets
The article “Cold warriors,” Gregoire (2008) indicates that climate change leads to environmental issues and melting ice, and the scientists’ researches point out climatic issues in Canada. The author comes up with a point that everyone is responsible for protecting the environment because people around the world are bearing negative effects due to climate degradation. For example, residents in Grise Fiord and Inuit notice a huge differences, the landscape is becoming warmer, softer and unpredictable. Moreover, a greater risk of environmental pollution is caused by climate change. In addition to changes in environment, shrinking glaciers, earlier ice breakup, later freeze-up and less snow caused by warmer temperature bring double-edged effects
War is the result of hate and brutality that can affect people in a negative way. The Cold War relates to the war in the Butter Battle book as it demonstrates hate, which should not be taught to kids in children 's books.
Global warming came about in the 1950's. Global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants (). It was not until 1975 that the temperature begin to rise (). In the eighteen hundreds through the time they speed up the Greenhouse emissions. While they bettered the sanitation, speed up growth populations. In the nineteen hundreds they opened up the Texas and Persian Gulf oil fields this was an era of cheap energy. They struggled with controlling the oil field. The greenhouse emissions was never a huge issue in the past. It was just claiming the oil fields that began the struggle.
According to Admiral Locklear, global climate change in the Pacific Ocean is a much more daunting threat to the U.S. military based in the Pacific, rather than other military threats. Locklear states that climate change will, “cripple the security environment, probably more likely than the other scenarios we all often talk about.” The Admiral also mentions how the Pacific Ocean and the long-term threats to the peace of East Asia, is found at the center of the Obama administration’s defense strategy, and that protecting these regions from climate change threats should be the top priority. Locklear’s forces again and again have to respond to the disastrous weather occurrences that are growing more constant as the Earth’s climate continues to change.
With the rise of calamitous news regarding extremists groups taking over certain states, countries threatening to go to war, and viruses spreading throughout the world; the outlook of humanity does not look good. In addition to these dire headlines is the matter of climate change, which, unfortunately, is not as alarming to the public eye. Nonetheless, climate change is a pressing matter as it will impact every facet of society from economy to even human survival. Perhaps the general public find climate change as a vapid subject because of its nature to react belatedly to human activity, and how it is often represented with numbers, graphs, and projections; things that are not compelling to those that do not understand its importance. Even
Throughout the Cold War, Korean War, and Vietnam War the main problem was communism. Although the United States and the Soviet Union were allies in World War Two, during the Cold War the United States and the Soviet Union were known as enemies. The Soviet leaders bragged to other nations that communism would “scrape apart” free-enterprise systems around the world. This attitude angered the capitalists which led into the fifty year Cold War. The United States tried creating many tactics and strategies to contain the “bleeding” of communism, but during the cold war, communism spread faster then it could be restrained. The United States used the Marshall Plan , the Trueman Doctrine, and the Berlin Airlift to help lead people to a
The Cold War had a huge impact on America and it eventually caused Americans to live in complete fear or danger of war due to the arms race. For example, the Cuban missile crisis caused tension within the United States because the missiles were able to reach Americans at any given time. Unfortunately, the Cuban missiles threatened the United States' security, which caused several Americans to live in fear that the war would begin. Additionally, the Cold War instigated strong anti-Communism within the United States and eventually led to McCarthyis. Americans wanted to remove all Communists from American society after identifying the Communists. Overall, the entire situation was created by the Cold War and had a lasting impact on the
It is vital in my opinion that a teacher develops a strong assessment to determine what kind of prior knowledge students will be bringing to the lesson, but most importantly to evaluate the effectiveness of the unit. A pre-assessment will give us an idea of what level the student is at when covering a certain subject, while a post assessment can give us data on whether students successfully retained the content and were able to achieve the learning goals. Using a formative assessment during the unit can also give the teacher an idea of whether students are coming along in learning the content or not, which could open up some adjustments to the lesson plan. I will use these assessments to adapt to the students learning and provide a reteach
National security, in the 21st century, has shifted from the focus on traditional threats (armed forces) (Siddiqi, 2013) to the integration of new threats and challenges, which have global consequences as the world evolves. Climate change has been increasingly identified as a serious contemporary security threat (McDonald, 2013), nationally and globally, instead of an environmental concern (Dupont & Pearman, 2008). This challenge presents a long-term global threat, with substantial human, national and transnational security repercussions (Wuebbles, Chitkara & Matheny, 2014). Furthermore, Wuebbles et al. (2014) acknowledge climate change as a threat multiplier, seen to exacerbate stresses (i.e. conflict, instability and poverty), enhancing the global importance of the issue as recognised as a critical national security risk. In perceiving climate change as a threat multiplier, this essay will recognise how the issues cumulative progression and consequences interacts with existing security issues, directly and indirectly challenging national security (Brown, Hammill & McLeman, 2007). Secondly, the long-term risk of climate change will be discussed, analysing the importance of implementing adaptation strategies for risk protection and vulnerability reduction. Finally, being a transnational security threat, global cooperation will be addressed, stressing the importance of internationalism and collaboration to protect against this evolving threat to national and
The end of the cold war signified a new era of history that has changed the entire world. The face of Europe and Asia has changed dramatically. Vast changes have been felt socially, politically, and especially economically. Also the effect the cold war had on foreign policy was paramount. The effect of these changes is not only felt across the ocean but can be felt here in America. The goal of this paper is to define what the cold war specifically was, and reflect upon the various choices throughout the world as a result of the end of the cold war.
The world is on the verge of a demographic milestone. From the start of documented history, young children have outnumbered their elders. However, during the past decade the number of people aged 65 or older outnumbered children under age five. Due to fall in fertility rates and significant rise in life expectancy, population ageing will continue or even accelerate. According to WHO, the number of people aged 65 or older is expected to increase from 524 million in 2010 to approximately 1.5 billion in 2050.
Within the last decade, the United States, and world alike, have both seen vast advances in technology present in households and daily life. Constant internet and social media access pollutes our society with those who constantly find their eyes dried by the impending information on their phones. Aside from texting, our phones, tablets, computers, and televisions present us with much over-looked information, like statistics. This knowledge is presented through reputable sources that litter the internet, so that viewers believe the information they are being fed. Statistics are very powerful; they are figures that are comparable to the absolute truth. Despite their apparent validity, those who generate these numbers are only human and are susceptible to errors, thus making statistics impure and unreliable.