
Cold War Saga Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Cold War Saga
The United Nations
It was said that the purpose of the UN was to “create a collective security system” because of the division after World War II. Hostility reigned after the war between two political powers, the United States of America and the U.S.S.R., mainly the fight against communism, making the U.S.S.R. as carrier of this dreaded political disease. Nuclear fears were rampant during these times and the fight for the U.S. and its allies was to end communism, which was growing in some areas that included more than the U.S.S.R. (China, Korea (North) and Vietnam (North).
The United Nations held a responsibility to the superpowers to mitigate war, maintaining peace. After the failure of the League of Nations, the United Nations created a rigid structure that wasn’t as effective as many wanted, and the many crisis that happened, …show more content…

The formation of NATO was allies of the Western bloc coming together in a way that supported military action is necessary to suppress attacks from the Eastern Block. The Cold War lasted until 1990.
What is the meaning of the term ‘Cold War’ was protracted battle that did not always include military aggression, although that was part of it. Cold War spoke to economic and political actions, use of propaganda, and espionage. It was considered a way to “out think” the opponents and by using and manipulating other countries in ways that did include aggression and deal making.
After World War II, there was no love lost between the Soviet Union and the United States. But then there were two atomic bomb attacks on Japan that helped to end the war, but ushered in the protracted battle between the two countries. Calculated battles that included pursuing relationships that were either part of the Eastern or Western blocs created bad blood that continues even

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