Everyone knows about “Cole Cutner”! Although the question is is how well do you know me? There are three things that you will learn, and they are how I learn the best my strengths, and personality color. Once I apply these things I will become a better student overall.
First, How do I learn the best? A test we took determined this and here are the numbers of things I related to in that category: Listening 5, Viewing 3, Doing 3, writing 2, reading 2, and speaking four. According to the test I learn the best by listening and speaking (no surprise). This means I will work better by studying with other people and listening to people tell me stuff instead of writing to tell me. For the speaking portion it means I am going to ask a lot of questions, and I will repeat things to remember or understand them.
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According to a test I took here are the results: Body Movement 4.29, social 3.71, self 3.57, nature 3.14, spatial 2.86, language 2.71, musical 2.57, and logic/math 1.86. The numbers are a rating from 1 being the least to 5 being the best, so my best is body movement. This means that I like to move,dance , run, and so on. I will perform the best by discussing while moving, or physically spelling out letters or imagining the routine and do all the motions.
Third, what is my personality Color? My Personality color is red. This means that I am an aggressive, driven, action and detailed oriented person. Although the downside is that I get stressed easily. In order for me to be productive I have to have a way to reduce it so here are some of the things I will do: Meditate, Deep breathing, and even ask for help. All of these things will help me become the most successful red personality person you
The first step to successfully study for any type of material is to keep the material organized and make sure the information is correct. A good routine would be to check notes periodically
I am a visual learner, so I would like to be able to see and read the materials. I learn best by seeing demonstrations and I enjoy hands on activities.
1. Read - around the topics you are learning about or want to learn about and develop
What is the best way to study effectively? Is it reading the text repetitively until a comprehension is reached or is it to read and then self-quiz in order to ensure an understanding of the studied information? Sometimes students put a lot of time and effort into preparing for an exam only to be unhappily surprised when they do not perform as expected on the test. The reason a student scored badly on an exam that they did in fact study for would be influenced by their studying techniques.
The first assessment we took on Euruka.org was a personality assessment called the True Colors. In this test, personalities are identified as four colors: gold, green, blue and orange. My result was green. As a green I am an independent, collected and reserve individual who “values knowledge, insight and justice.” Just like a green person, I do value my education, I was always one to prioritize my homework and studying hours over social activities and leisure. I tend to be quiet and don’t open up to people right away, sometimes not even at all. It takes time for me to feel comfortable with someone before I can speak out and make jokes. Some of the occupations I was recommended, as a green, were a variety of fields from an Architecture to a
Today’s society has many different associations for the color red. Red is most often paired with intensity, anger, and aggression. Red is often times a standout color, not modest at all. Policemen are told that when radaring, they should look for red cars first because
I have learned while in college that the best ways for me to learn are by being able to see or write down something because it is something that I can review and still be able to grasp the concept when it is needed for a test. This strategy was helpful when I was in my English and math class. The second thing that also helps is viewing models because there is something that is tangible which makes it so much easier for me to be able to learn this is the strategy that I used while in my biology. The help of peers has also helped me with my learning process as well because there is not as much pressure when going up and talking to the teacher about what is wrong.
In this world, every individual has their own unique personality. There are many ways to determine your personality with an online test. For example, our class had a color spectrum test to determine our color. When taking the color test, you will add up the total of points for each color that is shown and that will assign you a personality color. Many jobs required for their potential employees to take a personality color test to get a better understanding of their personality. With their personality, they can set their employees into a suitable workplace. Depending on your color it shows how you communicate with others.
The results from the True colors test shows that my color is gold. I am self-sufficient, I have been my whole life. I am very loyal and committed to my family and to my goals. I do not
Based off of my personality assessment, I am an orange. Traits that describe me would be adaptive, in the context that I am willing to adapt to any situation. Another trait to describe me would be spontaneous: I believe I am spontaneous because I am willing to get up and go whenever I feel like it or someone is willing to do something, I will do it right away. I would consider myself very curious, as I like to know a lot of things like watching people and learning hands-on or by just watching, or things that sometimes other people aren’t aware of. I love to be independent, I enjoy doing things on my own. It’s not that I don’t like being told what to do, it’s that I don’t enjoy sometimes they way some people say that I have to do
Spatial, visual, and tactile, just a few of the results that were given to me after taking many tests. A total of four tests were taken the first was one found in-text in a book used in class. In the first test it was about learning styles, after answering all the questions, I primarily fell into the category of being a visual/graphic learner, but fairly close was tactile/kinesthetic and auditory/verbal. These results from the first test was really
When I took the personality tests the results were spot-on. I was described as ISTJ, a Yellow/Gold, and also someone who was laid back and stress free. ISTJ describes me as someone who is sincere, analytical, and realistic. The color test described me as a someone who is responsible, hardworking, and just, I also
Personal learning styles are highly complex and unique to specific individuals. It is often difficult to pinpoint an exact learning style. Though there are different categories, we often fine tune them to our own abilities. By examining our traits and tendencies we create a clearer understanding of how we process and learn information. With careful review, I have developed a specific analysis of my learning characteristics, including an evaluation of skill levels. Based on what I have recently learned and know from experience, I have also devised a structured plan for improvement of time management and study skills.
A range of different and useful topics have been discussed since the start of Pathways to lifelong learning, some of which I found to be of particular help. The college expectations which we learned towards the beginning of the course was especially helpful to learning how to become a critical thinker, something that was not very touched upon throughout my time in high school. I now use Bloom’s Taxonomy when beginning to prepare for an important paper or presentation. In addition to the first chapter, I had also found great help in the second chapter on the skills needed to succeed in school. In the past, I used rehearsal as my main strategy to memorize for any upcoming tests or exams, however that often resulted in either retrieval failure or ineffective encoding. I now use chunking and elaboration as my main strategies to studying as I find it most effective when studying and retrieving information, especially when I am needing to memorize and learn a big amount of material.
There are several keys factor about my personality that shapes the person I am today. When I was a little girl I use to wonder what type of personality I have the type of personality quality I have are ambition, strength, free