
Coleman Social Capital

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Social Capital: The Effects on Society Social Capital is defined as the networks of relationships among people, enabling that society to function effectively. James Coleman’s “Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital” examines the many benefits of social capital in a society. However, most forms of social capital are public goods and do not primarily profit the person who has to bring it about. Therefore, it’s not in his interest to bring it leading to a shortage. Coleman wants to apply economics’s principle of rational action to the social perspective to increase people’s willingness to socialize. On the other hand, Alejandro Portes’s “The Two Meanings of Social Capital” challenges Coleman’s concept by arguing that people shouldn’t …show more content…

In a family, it is the relations between children and parents as well as siblings. A child’s success depends on both the physical presence of adults and attention given to the child by adults. The High School and Beyond sample shows that students who have two parents, one sibling, and a mother who expects college education have the lowest percentage of dropping out of school at 8.1%. On the other hand, students who have one parent, four siblings, and no college expectation have a whopping 30.6% of dropping out. This is caused by the absence of the single-parent as he or she is most likely working. In addition, having more siblings means that the parent’s attention is split and each child receive less consideration. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the second category has a higher dropout rate because they have less social capital. Alejandro Portes discuss the controversy surrounding the actual meaning and effects of social capital. Confusion arises due its applications to manifold topics as well as its uses on different group of people. He provided the concept by Pierre Bourdieu and James Coleman which centered on the benefits of social capital on an individual or a small group. He argued that Coleman focused on the advantages yielded to individual and then expand them to the whole community with subtlety. This transition is not well-defined and thus put social capital at risk of becoming synonymous with all positive things in

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