San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick first refused to stand for the National Anthem on Friday, Aug. 26, to protest racial injustice and police brutality in the United States. These protests have generated controversy; People who support refusing to stand for the national anthem argue is an appropriate and effective method of peaceful protest. People who disagree argue that Kaepernick not standing for the national anthem shows disrespect for the country and those who proudly supportting it. So many people think that this kind of protest should be banned. However, I think he refused to stand for the national anthem is accepted. First, everyone has a right to freedom of expression. Not standing for the national anthem is a legal form
Although, a former teammate Anquan Boldin had a cousin last year shot to death by police, but he still stands during the playing of the anthem. He says that he supports Kaepernick's right to make the decision to sit or stand, but he will continue to stand and support his nation. The NFL is wondering why everyone is making a big deal out of it because he did the same thing in the previous preseason game. Kaepernick says, he feels he needs to stand up for the oppressed people, and if they take football away from him , he knows he has stood up for what is right. Many sources have said that this is what service men and women fight for. The people's right to “stand up and scream the anthem at the top of their lungs, or not honor it at all.” Kaepernick has always been outspoken about the racial issues in America, in the past. He openly supports the “Black Lives Matter” movement. Kaepernick's fans do not seem to care about this factor. One fan even played the National Anthem while setting fire to Kaepernick's jersey, and standing with his hand over his heart. Many angry fans have posted on social media that he is ignorant, spoiled, and childish.” Tomi Lahren, of news site The Blaze, tweeted saying: 'If this country disgusts you so much. Leave. Others would die to be in your spot you cocky
Colin Kaepernick, San Francisco 49ers quarterback, started much controversy against America when he remained seated for the national anthem during a preseason game against the San Diego Chargers. Kaepernick seems to had developed an enmity against America. He feels that he and fellow African American athletes should not show patriotism to their country because of the unfair treatment their ancestors went through throughout history. Although Kaepernick does have a point about the racial discrimination colored people went through throughout American history, he still has no right to disrespect his country. Kaepernick himself is not black, he is white, but he is just drawing attention to himself.
A big problem protesters like Colin Kaepernick and others are facing is that since they don’t participate in the National Anthem people think that they don’t like our country and are unpatriotic. For example Donald Trump and his aides took the situation into their own hands when calling out the protesters by saying, “protests are unpatriotic and disrespectful to the flag and those who have fought to protect the United States”(Tatum). After these comments players fire back by saying they’re exercising free speech by not participating in the National Anthem while standing with their hands over their hearts. Protesting is a
To begin, not standing for the National Anthem is an ineffective and counterproductive way to promote a cause. It’s not good to be a distraction to your team. Also using your football team as a platform for this kind of protest is not right. Not standing for the National Anthem may be a clear message for some. To others, however, it’s just another
The president of the United States who is also the commander in chief for the United States military, Obama, has stated that everyone is strongly encouraged to stand during the playing of the countries national anthem. However he continued to say in a press conference with Cable News Network that Colin Kaepernick is exercising his constitutional rights of freedom of speech to do as he wishes during this time (Diaz, 2016). Although the nation is now divided upon whether this act of Colin’s is considered morally ethical or not, everyone has their very own personal preference to what is right.
“Taking a knee during the National Anthem these days screams disrespect for our flag, our country, our troops” is what a fan posted as Colin Kaepernick kneeled during the National Anthem. On Aug 26, 2016 Colin Kaepernick protested by not standing in the National Anthem this is important because people have been arguing if it is a way to show silent protest. First of all,not standing for the National Anthem is a an appropriate form of silent protest because it is a First Amendment right. According to [Doc A] “President Obama said Kaepernick was exercising his constitutional right to make a statement.
The current debate over kneeling or sitting in protest during the national anthem to protest police brutality was ignited by Kaepernick in 2016, and later adopted by many other professional football players, high school athletes, and professional athletes in other sports, all who have refused to stand for the national anthem. These protests have created disagreement and sparked a public conversation race, police brutality, the flag and if the NFL is the best forum for to protest such issue. Colin Kaepernick has since said “he’s not protesting the flag but police brutality against African Americans.
During the season, it was very frowned upon and Kaepernick was the only player participating, but during the preseason of the 2017-2018 season that changed. In the article “Refusing to Stand During the National Anthem” it states “The 2017 NFL pre-season began with black players from the Seattle Seahawks, Oakland Raiders, and Philadelphia
After all the talk, some have determined Colin Kaepernick has rights, but that does not make him right for not standing during the national anthem. For some who may not know, Colin Kaepernick is a famous football player for the San Francisco 49ers. He recently refused to stand for the national anthem before his game in protest of what he deems are wrongdoings against African American in the United States.
On September 21st, Christine Brennan reported Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand while the national anthem was being played in National Public Radio’s (NPR) online portal ( All through the National Football League 's preseason matches, Colin Kaepernick, a quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, refused to stand for the national anthem. He clarified that he took this stance to point out what he sees as wrongdoings against African-Americans and different minorities, especially with regards to certain atrocities in police activities. Kaepernick has stated he is showing support for the Black Lives Matter movement, which was sparked by a number of police killing innocent black people. When addressed by journalists after the first occasion when he did not stand for the national anthem, Kaepernick stated that, “he would not show respect or pride in a flag for a country that continues to oppress African Americans and people of color.” He added that this was much bigger than any game and that it would be selfish on his part to look away. He also claims that there were bodies lying on the streets and people were getting away with murder. I don’t think Brennan understands why he chose not to stand fully. I think this also could have led to more attacks from other writers and reporters that have been inform of his true reasoning. I do not think he was disrespecting the flag or people that fight for it, but just making a stance to get
Also according to “Kaepernick and others who have refused to stand for the national anthem have caused division among their teams, their fans, and across the country. The Santa Clara police union hinted they would boycott providing security at games after Kaepernick revealed his reasons for protesting the national anthem and wore socks depicting pigs in police uniforms “. According to the NFL handbook says “During the National Anthem, players on the field or bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in the left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure the flag is in good
This is not a solid argument because the National Anthem is played in honor of our nation and the freedom of a diplomatic government; a player feels that his government is not holding up to its purpose then he has the right to not stand and honor it. It seems that the news only reports the problem of the racial discrimination and police brutality with no solution to fix these issues. Consequently, the players are using the same news to air their protest in which sheds light on thousands or millions of viewers about the problems in America for quite some time. Even Drew Brees of the New Orleans Saints disagrees with the delivery of the message by stating, “It’s an oxymoron that you’re sitting down, disrespecting the flag that has given you the freedom to speak out” (Refusing 3). However, Drew Brees supports Kaepernick’s statement that he was protesting against the racial injustice. As stated by Colin Kaepernick, “I’m not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color… To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way” (Refusing 2). This is a great point that the flag provides them freedom, but what is the point of having the ability to protest if they do not use it.
Not standing for the national anthem is a very ineffective way to promote a cause or try to protest in a way. The people that choose to do this are just looked at as disrespectful because they are disrespecting
“Like many of our fans, we believe that everyone should stand for the national anthem,” Goodell said in a letter sent to owners on Tuesday. “The NFL has decided that it will not force players to stand for the playing of our National Anthem. Total disrespect for our great country!” President Trump spoke out again. "You know, these are very divisive times for our country and for us as a football team it 's about us remaining solid," Tomlin said before the game. "We 're not going to be divided by anything said by anyone. ... We 're not going to let divisive times or divisive individuals affect our agenda." Mike Tomlin spoke.
Leading on from the effect on families especially mothers, there appears to be very little empirical research into the effect of youth offending on younger siblings. Previous research into the experience of young siblings of young men in prison found that siblings hide the imprisonment of a relative from teachers and other school children, due to the fear of being bullied or discriminated against (Meek, 2008). This suggests that younger siblings felt shame, fear and furthermore were bullied as a consequence of their sibling's offending. In spite of this, due to the lack of research into the wellbeing of siblings of youth offenders, there is a lack of empirical evidence to support this assumption (Meek, 2010). Furthermore, the incarceration