
Colin Wilson Conformism

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“The average man is a conformist, accepting miseries and disasters with the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain.” –Colin Wilson. Today I am writing my essay on why I agree with this quote. Interpreting the quote as I have, it appears that Wilson shares my disdain for the human condition. He believes that most people, if not directly subservient to other people, situations or social norms, will easily allow themselves to be controlled. He then compares people to cows. A cow almost always follows the herd, unquestioning of the group’s motivation or direction. A cow will stand in the rain and get sick or drown unless the herd moves to shelter or high land. I very much agree with Wilson on this, and have even seen it in my own life. The first example of the willingness of people to submit to another thing’s will is commonly found in the school environment. The males and females within the school have a tendency to wear expensive, name-brand apparel that they soon grow out of or ruin, and use expensive, fragile phones and technology. I can tell you from experience that most of these items feel exactly the same and last no longer than generic brands, and that the older computers and phones are just as effective. So why do they choose to wear the clothes, and use this tech? Because it’s what’s cool. If …show more content…

This one is taken directly from my own life. I have been a half credit behind to graduate since the beginning of junior year. I had to attend a day of summer school to make up my English final. After that I was free to leave. I could have, however, at least attempted to take a summer class simply to make up that credit. Why didn’t I? Because I was too lazy and afraid to make the request. I burdened myself with a potential extra semester of schooling simply because I was powerless against my own emotions. I could not control my emotions, and caused myself undue

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