“The average man is a conformist, accepting miseries and disasters with the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain.” –Colin Wilson. Today I am writing my essay on why I agree with this quote. Interpreting the quote as I have, it appears that Wilson shares my disdain for the human condition. He believes that most people, if not directly subservient to other people, situations or social norms, will easily allow themselves to be controlled. He then compares people to cows. A cow almost always follows the herd, unquestioning of the group’s motivation or direction. A cow will stand in the rain and get sick or drown unless the herd moves to shelter or high land. I very much agree with Wilson on this, and have even seen it in my own life. The first example of the willingness of people to submit to another thing’s will is commonly found in the school environment. The males and females within the school have a tendency to wear expensive, name-brand apparel that they soon grow out of or ruin, and use expensive, fragile phones and technology. I can tell you from experience that most of these items feel exactly the same and last no longer than generic brands, and that the older computers and phones are just as effective. So why do they choose to wear the clothes, and use this tech? Because it’s what’s cool. If …show more content…
This one is taken directly from my own life. I have been a half credit behind to graduate since the beginning of junior year. I had to attend a day of summer school to make up my English final. After that I was free to leave. I could have, however, at least attempted to take a summer class simply to make up that credit. Why didn’t I? Because I was too lazy and afraid to make the request. I burdened myself with a potential extra semester of schooling simply because I was powerless against my own emotions. I could not control my emotions, and caused myself undue
President Wilson's own ineptitude and stubbornness is what led to the Senate's defeat of the Treaty of Versailles, rather than the strength of the opposing forces. Even Wilson's closest and most trusted advisors could not sway his stance. Wilson was strong in his stance and incorporated the idea of the 14 points. While it is true that opposing forces contributed to defeat the treaty, it was Wilson's unmovable position that led to its ultimate defeat in the Senate.
Conformity, known as working in unison with authorities serves an essential role in making the global community function through policies and set of laws that are regulated upon a vast population. John F. Kennedy, an American politician sheds a different light on conformity than what it is commonly understood as through his famous quote, "Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth." This quote reveals the increasing control conformity has taken on one's mind, promoting the importance of being accepted by others rather than accepting one's own individual personality and capabilities. In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury demonstrates conformity as a mask that hides one from the raw inner soul, abolishing one's freedom to think
The act of people conforming is seen every where. Any activity performed by someone that is “in the ordinary” is them conforming to the norm. In the crucible, all the girls conform to the norm, set by Abigail Williams. When Abigail faints, the girls faint, when Abigail screams, the girls scream. They mirror her in her every action due to their fear of what would occur if they did not. Same concept is seen today, for example, when you shower regularly you are conforming to the norm. You shower in fear of judgement if you were not to shower, and you shower in following the actions of others. This common action of following in others footsteps affects us by causing people to become identical and influencing people to ignore their personal morals and follow the mob of society blindly. People force physical change upon themselves due to fear of being that one
Conformity can mark a loss of the individuality and humanity within a society, but those who do not conform will be seen as strange and different. Bradbury and Vonnegut warn against conforming and becoming a truly equal society.
Society forces people to conform to its standards. “Society is a joint-stock company, in which the members agree, for the better securing of his bread to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater.” (Self-Reliance) To live deliberately is to live according to one’s own standards. McCandless sought to escape conformity by living on the edge of society, he chose to ignore government
“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth” John F. Kennedy. In both cases the conformist and the nonconformist face problems because of their choices. When you are placed in situations that can effect you, do you chose to conform or not? Boxer, a horse from the book, Animal Farm, is an example of someone who chose to conform with everyone one else under the oppressor. Martin Luther King Jr. on the other hand stood out amongst the masses against all of the people that tried to keep him down. It is undeniable that these two beings are completely different. One chose to conform and the other did the opposite. Conformity and nonconformity can be both good and bad things. While this is true, both result in long-lasting effects. Conformity is a double-edged sword that stabs those in the line of power, while also slashing the hands of those who reside under the authority. There is no way to avoid this.
Conformity: Jailer and Enemy John F. Kennedy once said, “Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth” (“John F. Kennedy”). This quote is most definitely true for any type of society. Whether it is the society in which John F. Kennedy lived in, present-day society, or the society that can be read about in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. In this novel, the characters have no other choice than to conform to the society in which they inhabit.
Conformity is a struggle that people encounter everyday in society. There are many examples of the different types of conformity in the world. Some of these types are in the examples I am going to discuss. In “The Sociology of the Leopard Man”, “Two Kinds”, and Dead Poet Society we learn that it is not always a good idea to conform. Although conformity can be good, I believe that it is even better for people to step out of their comfort zone and not be afraid to show who they really are.
The prominent reason behind the various overdone school rules regarding dress is the loose power that administrators have been given. They have been “reserve[d] the right to determine if a clothing item or accessory is appropriate for school” (Carroll High School Student Handbook 2010-2011 18). The officials at school are using their own personal opinions to judge the students’ dress. Since styles change as time goes on, the generation in control and the
Another reason that most of the immigrants do not care about becoming citizen is that the pathway to citizenship is very complicated to handle because of bureaucratic process. Becoming a citizen in the U.S. is extremely difficult. Immigrants live in the fear of being deported yet they do not apply for citizenship because most of them are uneducated and it is out of their range. If obtaining a citizenship was just filling out form then all immigrants would be a citizen, but it is more than just filling out form. Once you fill out form, you will be to appear for interview and do other parts of citizenship process. West mention that handling the paperwork and going through complex process is impossible for many immigrants. West argue “Even with
In the story, citizens of Oceania are oppressed, as a totalitarian government attempts to control every aspect of their lives. All citizens are monitored 24/7, thoughtpolice punish those who may even begin to question “big brother”, an ominous leader, and a new dictionary is revised to eliminate most speak;thus eliminating independent thought. The inner party prays on the decision of proles, unintelligent people who go with the flow, and do not question propaganda. On page 269 an inner party member expresses, “We create human nature. Men are infinitely malleable.” Once again, resembling Swift’s words it is proclaimed that all human behavior can be taught; and Author George Orwell broadcast that succumbing to “the flow” is not always the best decision. Evidently, Swift’s words can be related to numerous aspects of our world.
Immigration has always and will always play an important role in America’s history, along with the United States having the most open immigration policy in the world to this date. American history began with flocks of immigrants competing for lands to start a life, bringing over their vast traditions and values. Some brought nothing but determination. It’s disgusting to see our congress and lawmakers make these higher-end laws to keep foreigners out, yet our country is built off immigrants. Since the 19th century, America has been the leading destination unlike no other for immigrants to reside. No other country has such a wide range of races and population like America. Diversity is indeed, what makes this country so unique. America has always
What teens wear identify them as belonging to specific cliques or groups who wear similar apparel. Having this confidence helps children try new things without a fear of rejection. It will give them a sense of belonging and togetherness with other students, and they will feel included and wanted which is essential to a teen’s self esteem (Faber & Media, 2014). In middle school and high school teens need a feeling of belonging and clothing with name brands helps bring them closer together. Teisha-Vonique Hood from SMU (2012) stated that when people associate themselves with a particular brand or branded image, they immediately assume a new identity that is in some sense, confined to the social points of that brand. When people wear a certain brand they are telling people they like that company and what it conveys. Children know that a certain brand could make them popular or
“The average man is a conformist, accepting miseries and disasters with the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain,” by Colin Wilson. This quote is saying that the average man/woman is someone who accepts miseries and disasters and not saying anything about it, that we stand there without complaint just like a cow standing in the rain. Whenever it rains cows just stand there and don’t do anything about it. They just stay in a certain area and just takes it and endures the coldness of the rain. This quote is saying that we as humans don’t stand up for ourselves and we let people push us around and we just let them and we don’t say anything about it. Everyone does this at some point in there live, but some people get sick of it and they realize it and they put it to a
Capital punishment has been a constant heated debate throughout the world, let alone, America. This punishment, also known as the death penalty, is when a person who has been convicted by the court of law can be sentenced to death. Many may argue that Capital Punishment is inhumane, portrays social injustice and does not guarantee deterrence. With thirty two states that still use this form of punishment, passing an abolishment on the death penalty would be a wasteful time-consuming act when there are other social problems we should advert our attention towards, especially when bills and laws can take up to twenty years to pass through each level of government. A just society requires the death penalty for the taking of lives. The death penalty is a necessary punishment in the modern age due to increasing terrorism, serial killers, and heinous crimes that are being committed. It is not vengeful, just fair. Capital Punishment deters crime, provides closure and vindication, and prevents the power of re-offending using retribution. As a society we should