Team collaboration is an important element in organizational function. It is suggested that collaborative working relationships lead to increased job satisfaction and productivity. Leaders should their position to ensure all team members’ ideas and opinions are heard. The research determined interpersonal collaboration lead to better decision making, increased creativity, and effective problem solving.
In this essay I will concentrate on inter-professional collaboration which is cornerstone for providing better care to patients. I will try to examine some benefits and opportunities, while identifying the barriers and issues to effective collaborative work between employees. Throughout my essay I will be using LEARN format for better reflection on my clinical practice, my thoughts and feeling. As a nursing student in Early Identification team which is focused on maternal and children’s health, I will discuss my experience as being a part of this team.
Executives refer to business as a team sport for a variety of reasons. First, many business organizational structures arrange departments either in cross specialty teams or task oriented teams based on operational design and expected outcomes. These teams are designed with members who are assigned roles that increase overall team productivity. The team members bring talents, knowledge and a skill set that uniquely contributes to collective intelligence and resourcefulness. Through collaboration and team work, Successful teams achieve synergy, or “exceeds the sum of each individual’s contribution”.
Interprofessional collaboration is an important component in any health care. According to the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) Code of Ethics, Individuals shall uphold the dignity and autonomy of the professions, maintain collaborative and harmonious interprofessional and intraprofessional relationships, and accept the professions’ self-imposed standards (ASHA, 2016). With this in mind, it is our duty as future speech-language pathologist (SLPs) to adhere to this principle. Clinicians should utilize every resource available to assist his/her client. This even includes if the client needs a referral to a different specialist.
It is essential to have teamwork within a company. Companies who have embraced the concept of teamwork have reported increased performance in work production, problem solving and it has stimulated new growth. This group project approach has improved employee morale and increased input when managed correctly. The benefits of teamwork can make a positive effect in the company that incorporates this type of teamwork approach.
In the workplace, teams play a very important role in goal achievement. With the help and support of a team leader, the organization can become very successful as long as the team is effective and cooperative. There are many different leadership styles/theories that make each leader unique and effective in their own way. It is not just the leader though that has to be effective. The team as a whole needs to come together and being efficient. Team building strategies are very helpful and effective to bring everyone together. Although working in a team is very effective in most cases, conflicts can still arise. In order to bring everyone back together again conflict resolutions need to be put into place such as the problem solving technique.
Characteristics of effective teamwork include clear purpose, informality, participation, listening, civilized disagreement, consensus decisions, open communication, clear roles and work assignments, shared leadership, external relations, style diversity, and self-assessment. (p. 307), and high performance teams have attributes which includes participative leadership, shared responsibility, aligned on purpose, high communication, future focused, focused on task, creative talents, and rapid response. (p. 323)
The two words most often used, ”cooperative and collaboration,” can easily be both applicable to the United States of America and other countries today, and are still often used to describe contract negotiations for the United States of America as well as other countries. (Barnardin & Russell, 2013).
5. Explain how differences in working practices and policies affect collaborative working (A.C.2.3) Organisational practices and policies:
On 7/2/2015 at 1300, VUPD dispatched Officer Hughes to Lowes at Vanderbilt 7th floor room 750 in reference to harassing communications.
According to Jacob Morgan, “there are 12 common habits or success factors for collaborative organizations” (Forbes, July 30, 2013). These start by assuring that individual benefits are as important as the corporate benefits. Leaders have the monumental task of showing employees how collaboration will impact them at the end. In this sense, it is very relevant to explain to employees first why they are expected to do something, then how they are going to accomplish it. Leaders must also practice listening to employees as well as getting out of the way, so employees find their rhythm in executing tasks. Besides, collaboration is received better when there is a reward program for teamwork not only for individual performance. This is key because employees feel integrated to achieve the team’s goal rather than just focusing on individual
written, email, fax, face to face; working effectively together with people like professionals, agencies and
Many incarcerated persons have limited access to healthcare. Correctional facilities afford undergraduate nursing students an opportunity to deliver care to a diverse population with complex health issues that may not otherwise access the health care system.
Group work and collaboration is an opportunity for every nurse to expand their resources and make impacts on a large scale in their community. This final project of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) has provided the opportunity to collaborate with individuals, groups and public health organizations to address a need in the community. The following will include an assessment of the group process utilizing the four stages of forming, storming, norming and performing as identified by Connery and Vohs (2006). An assessment of the collaboration with the Medical Reserve Corp and the Pierce County Health Department will also be evaluated. My personal roles and contributions will be discussed along with my perception of the group and partnerships
RC is a useful model to evaluate collaboration among groups and organizations. The functional structures are organized to define the power and effectiveness of their relational coordination as well as their patients and staff satisfaction. This concept focuses on work roles and may not consider any individual roles; RC emphasis the aspect of human relationship be it with the patients or within employees; The belief in RC is that as human interactions are formed and trust is developed, people no longer see themselves as having individual agendas but a common goal; ownership of their work fosters mutual trust and the benefit of this is commitment which translates into better care for
Many organizations today believe that the use of work teams will allow them to produce better products and provide better services, faster, and at lower costs. Using a work team approach can reinvigorate productivity and service provider motivation, and better position an organization to deal with a rapidly changing environment. However establishing effective work teams is not something that comes easy. Though, the benefits of effective work teams within an organization are very substantial, it takes alot of hard work and dedication on the part of management and team members to develop, implement and maintain effective work teams.