
Collaborative Teaming Chapter 1 Summary

Decent Essays

Janney, R. & Snell, M.E. (2010). Collaborative teaming: chapter 1 an overview of collaborative teaming. Baltimore, MD, Paul H. Brooks Publishing.
Chapter one is a basic overview of collaborative teaming. Collaborative teaming is a student centered teaming approach that are usually created to help with special education and inclusion practices. The authors did note that these strategies will work for any student centered teams that could be revising curriculum, textbook adoption, or implement literacy programs. Collaborative teaming was defined as two or more people working together toward a common goal ( p.6 by Rainforth and York citation). It differentiates the responsibilities between the core team and the whole team and which individuals the teams might involve. Finally, …show more content…

The first was that it was recommended by my elementary school principal mentor as a topic that he thought it would help me out. Second, I have had a lot of opportunities to work within a special education setting or with inclusion and thought it would help broaden my views. Third and the biggest reason, I wanted to learn some strategies that could be used to help run more effective meetings and groups. Collaborative teaming seemed like a good approach to learn about. This was a good chapter as it provided a solid overview of what I was going to learn about.
The one thing that I have learned thus far in class and as a teacher is that time is a valuable commodity. Therefore, the principal in me needs to make sure that meetings run efficiently and cooperatively with all the stakeholders involved. The collaborative teaming approach provides all of that with the ability to make sure that meetings run smoothly and efficiently. The authors state that “two traditions operate against a team structure in schools: 1) teachers are accustomed to working alone, and 2) schools provide few incentives and little support for teamwork” (pg.

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