
Collage Success Research Paper

Decent Essays

Collage Success What is your personality type? My personality type is very motivated on ideas but am very shy, I’m a visual learner I tend to understand better by step by step instructions. I love to set goals for myself and I enjoy controlling my life on how I want to approach myself. My studying strategies that I will begin to advance consists of time management, agenda, and stress management. These strategies are very important when it comes to a successful collage year. When using time management it is very important to use your time wisely especially when you have a busy life/ time schedule. For example when you are taking notes from a lecture/ professor it’s very important to write down what this means to you, the reason why is because it will help you when it comes to studying. When you are writing down everything he says you are wasting time. I have learned that this strategy is very useful and can save you a ton of time. When the studying time comes set yourself a time limit. The reason why is so that you don’t get burned out and you keep your mind focused at all times. This way when you’re studying you will know exactly what you’re studying because you will be focused the whole time. …show more content…

This will also help you plan your day out more efficiently and keep you on track to what’s coming up. For example if you’re not sure what’s due this week then just look at your agenda that’s why it’s very important you keep it up to date. I have learned that an agenda will keep you more focused because you know exactly to what’s occurring day to day in your studies. It’s also very important to stick with the agenda you make because you made it for a reason and its made for you to stick with so don’t let yourself slip outside of your planned agenda because this will set you up for

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