
Collectible Doll Research Paper

Decent Essays

Collectible dolls are all over the place and it is important to know about what is really collectible and what types there are out there that will make you the most money. There are many different types and we will go through them in this article.

Cloth dolls are the most basic of all of them. They are made with cloth, yarn, paint, and fabric. Their faces are painted on, their hair is made out of yarn, and typically the clothing is made out of fabric. There are composition ones that are made up of multiple types of compounds. Bisque dolls are made of unglazed porcelain that is tinted. These were mostly made by Germans and the French.

In the 1930's hard plastic variety came into existence and became very popular from the 40's to the 50's. Their faces are usually more defined and that makes them more unique. Metal dolls either are made out of metal just at their head or their whole body is made out of it. They are made out of various metals such as tin, pewter, brass, and silver. These have been around since the 1880's and are rarely made now but still very collectible. …show more content…

It is not often that they are found in impeccable condition, but that is where the money is. Vinyl ones are made out of very soft plastic and they are the most produced type to this day. Then there are the porcelain dolls that are made by putting pure clay into a kiln. They end up looking beautiful and very

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