Before anyone can lead a team, he or she must be able to lead themselves. This same mindset applies to efficacy. Self-efficacy must come first. Combining each individuals efficacy creates a synergistic effect with collective efficacy being more powerful than the sum. Unfortunately, if the star player is out of their league, then there can be a false sense of collective efficacy. In those situations, the collective efficacy could be equal to or slightly greater than the star player’s self-efficacy. Wooden would not allow such. Abdul-Jabbar had the opportunity to set more records than any other basketball player in history; however, Wooden developed Kareem to be team player where he brought each individual’s efficacy up through focusing
They must clarify values. Norman Dale valued teamwork. He believed that no player was more important than the other and he expressed this during practice and showed it by changing the way the Hickory Huskers practiced. Unlike the town who wanted to get their star player back and keep the basketball in his hands and not confuse the boys by changing their routine, the new coach wanted to break these barriers. He “modeled the way” by sticking to his values and ignoring the pestering from the fathers and other townsfolk who invited themselves to practice and by kick out players who did not want to listen during practice.
effective coach/teacher is “he told them they are a team now so they have to work as a team.”
Great Teammates. When Kareem was with the Milwaukee Bucks, he got the chance to play with Oscar Robertson who was another hall of famer that greatly assisted him. Then, when he signed with the lakers he had a full team of hall of famers to help him out, most notably Magic Johnson. Personally, this teaches me that depending and trusting your teammates is very important for a long and successful
Have you ever been told that practice makes perfect? Have you ever been told that if you keep practicing that you will see progress? Or have you been told that pracing matures you in different areas? You’re probably wondering why I’m am asking you these question because Allen Iverson words has changed my life and think about life more differently. What did he do? Will in 2000 he was at a press conference. Someone in the audience ask him “How come did you miss practice” His response was “We sitting here talking about practice I’m supposed to be the franchise player. Not a game that I go out there and die for. And play it like its my last.”
Basketball teams need a coach that believes in them. The team needs a coach that will work hard to help them achieve the goal of winning. They need a coach that communicates and shows interest in each of the players. On the other hand, they need a coach that can be directive, but also supportive. In the case study this week, Shirley was quite the opposite. Conflicting enough, by all appearances she did not have a total grasp of the concept of leadership in coaching basketball. Factors that could cause the lack of leadership could be confidence or even lack of knowledge (Cohen, 2000). In this paper, Shirley’s leadership style and behavior will be discussed, along with looking at situational factors and other leadership styles that
In Disney’s movie, The Lion King, the manipulative and envious lion, Scar, represents the villain archetype because of several scenes throughout the movie where he is representing the archetype. Near the beginning of the film, Scar attempts to trick the innocent and naive hero, Simba, to go beyond the kingdom of Pride rock, and into the dangerous Elephant graveyard. The Elephants Graveyard is designed to look dangerous with giant elephant bones, and hungry hyenas lurking in the shadows of the bones of animals who had made the mistake by trespassing. Scar’s dark mane, yellow jealous eyes, and his clever manipulative antics are designed to make the viewers fear Scar and comprehend how he is the villain of the film.
John Wooden is a man that knows what success is. Three of the most important traits from Wooden’s pyramid are competitive greatness, confidence, and enthusiasm. Competitive greatness is being
The Middle Ages was one of the most bloodiest times because of the torture tactics that were used as forms of severe punishments, handed down to citizens for a majority of crimes such as murder, theft, kidnapping and even trivial crimes like gossiping, sorcery, and heresy. Lack of education along with impunity caused excessive amounts of crime during the Middle Ages, making many of the lower class citizens resort to stealing. Multiple forms of torture were enforced to keep the community in a state of fear that would keep citizens thinking that they might end up being the next victim. The middle age punishments for crimes were precursors to today's law enforcement and prison system. With no police to regulate citizens on the daily keeping order and peace was in the hands of the community.
Sports make people come close together like family,” because of the opportunity to train, try, win, or lose together.”( The Mental Benefits of Sports, Kathryn Watson, para. 8) Winning and losing as a team is very important to learn how to do. Everyone has to work as a group in something of their life and no one wants to work with a sore loser or winner. Leadership qualities can, “range from being a good character, to respecting others, to being task oriented can be accomplished in both team and individual sports,” because of that “team mindset” ability.(What Do Youth Sports Teach Our Children Really? Suzanne Pish, Michigan State University, para. 6) The “team mindset” is a key thing to strengthen leadership qualities. Leaders are what makes up teams or groups of people or student athletes. Something to improve leadership is, “encouraging and inspiring team members to attain their own personal goals and reach their potential can help you become a better leader.”(Goals to Increase Leadership Skills for Personal Development, Laura Jerpi, para.5) Also, students that are more task oriented or who have better interpersonal skills tend to be healthier than an average human being. Leadership is an significant title to be able to claim. Having the title can get people a long way in
There are many different styles a leader can possess. Taking a team that is not playing consistently to winning four Stanley Cups requires a leader who has a vision, patience and a desire to succeed. Leadership is often situational, depending on the needs of the team. Sometimes a teammate just needs a pat on the back or positive feedback. At other times a team might just need someone to lead the way or on occasion disciplining. Wayne Gretzky’s style of leadership is democratic. Back in his hockey years, he had a very open, friendly and educational style in the way he captained his teams. All his teammates were considered equal and he was very interested in hearing what people had to say. He needed his teammates to buy into the vision and goal of winning the coveted Stanley Cup. To do this, Wayne often started conversations, encouraging teammates to share their ideas. If there were any issues, the group would get together to talk and then come up with solutions. Gretzky has said that offering verbal support is really appreciated by your teammates (Bernstein, Clarke & Stevens,
Coach Carter also displays transformational leadership. Transformational leadership is the ability of a leader to get people to do more than they originally expected to do in support of large scale innovation and change; the leader inspire and excite followers to high level of performance (Nelson & Quick, 2013). According to Marquis & Huston (1992), there are five key qualities of a transformational leader. One of the qualities is having the passion and ability to inspire. Transformational leaders show passion in their work and have the capacity to pass this passion on to others. Coach Carter is successful in achieving this through setting clear expectations and demonstrates passion when doing this. At their first team meeting, Carter hands each student a contract, setting out his expectations of the contracts. If they do not sign and follow it, they do not play. Coach Carter aims to pass on his passion to the players enabling them to succeed in playing sports and succeed in their education. Another quality transformational leaders possess is the ability to pass their values on to others. According to Marquis & Huston (1992), people admire leaders that support their own values and beliefs by enabling others to understand how their own values make them who they are. Coach Carter encourages a team ethic throughout. Carter ensures his team takes this on board by stopping everyone from playing – academic achiever or not. He’s teaching that successful teams succeed because of
In the Article “Why Confidence is Always a Leader’s Best Friend” published to on May 9th, 2017 by Victor Lipman, Golden State Warriors’ head coach Steve Kerr said --"As a leader one of the things that's most important is to know your team needs to see you as confident."
Why is LeBron the person he is? How did he become good at leading his team to the NBA finals? Did one day he just woke up with this ability and then used it to play basketball or something? The reason why LeBron is the person he is today is because he practice. He made steps and plans on how to do things. In addition to that he started at a young age at being a good leader and a good student at school. Even though that LeBron was extremely good at basketball, he had to do his work in order to play the game he loved so much. Most people in the world would like to be him. Those who ask him how to become like him wonder, what steps and plans should they make in order to become successful. John F. Kennedy said, “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” There are certain steps that need to be taken in order to accomplish that. Good students and leaders need to create steps and
A good sports leader will take the time to evaluate their own performance or other participants. Evaluating their own performance helps them to see their
Charles Barkley once said, “I am not a role model. I am not paid to be a role model. I am paid to wreak havoc on the basketball court. Parents should be role models. Just because I can dunk a basketball does not mean I should raise your kids.” No adult has a choice as to whether a child looks up to him or her, but parents are responsible for raising their children as best they can. The first role models or leaders in most children’s lives are in fact their parents; although they may not be the best role models, they are often the figures that children first learn from. Even if there was a perfect parent, that should not limit a child from observing other leaders. John Wooden, considerably the most successful basketball coach in NCAA history, led the UCLA Bruins to 10 NCAA championships with an all-time win-loss coaching record 885-203 (UCLA site). A Game Plane for Life: The Power of Mentoring, is a collection Wooden’s anecdotes related to leadership and the applications of those methods to his coaching practices. Observing leaders from the past allowed Wooden to envision clarity in the future; a clarified vision of the future gave Wooden more power in the present. John Wooden was a consistent and prepared leader who fostered a community of trust and knew his values.