College is expensive. No one can pay for it by themselves unless they’re a millionaire. What about the people who actually need help? I am one of those people. If given a scholarship, how will it benefit my education? If I was given a scholarship, it will benefit me in reaching my educational goal by motivating and pushing me to do better to make the organization proud and it will grant me the ability to get everything I need because it will not have any limitations to what I can do with it.
This scholarship will benefit me in reaching my educational goal. It will benefit me because I will cherish it more due to the fact that you all have blessed me with the opportunity to receive it. When others give me a chance to better myself and my life,
A scholarship will make a difference in a number of ways. There are the typical and immediate impacts, such as alleviating financial strain and allowing me to focus more on my studies rather than potentially having to pick up a second part-time job. Long-term it mitigates the stress of having excessive loans which negatively impacts financial stability in the future when I have am looking at having a family.
Ever since I was young, I was exposed to a Historically Black College or University, Jackson State University. I had always went to activities and functions such as football games, summer programs, and other special events. I did not know whether I would attend a historically Black College or University (HBCU) or not at the time. I had finally decided to go to a HBCU, and I would attend Tougaloo College in the fall to further my education. I have many goals and objectives for pursing my educational experience at a historically Black College, and I plan to achieve them.
I would also like to continue on the fact that it would help rid of anxiety and stress. This scholarship would allow me to purchase all of my books, pencils, classes, and other basic needs to go to school. Covering that cost would definitely take away stress, anxiety and heart aches. I would not go into serious debt from college which would help me financially now and
Receiving this scholarship will boost my self-esteem knowing that I was responsible for creating a foundation that brings me closer to my career goal. This scholarship will also reduce my stress over the tuition cost. It will also eases my burden of the future student
Upon asking how this scholarship will benefit me, I will tell you it will help me a lot because my mom has been working herself to death keeping up with two jobs just to help me get everything I need for high school and get me prepared for my future. On top of all that she helps raise her boyfriend's three kids and treats them like her own. As you can see, this will benefit me a lot by helping with the cost of the tuition for helping me achieve my goals to get into a nice cosmetology school.
When I want something, I work hard to earn it. I believe I should receive this scholarship because of my drive for success and knowledge. I am a hardworking individual and I have a great thirst for knowledge. I am also a firm believer that knowledge is power. I want to gain the credentials that will back up my knowledge someday. I will do anything and everything I am able to put my mind to in order to remain successful. With an education, one can put his or her mind to anything he or she wants.
As a student at IUPUI i would like to accomplish a goal of obtaining a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering. Another goal of mine is to be involved in clubs to meet people with similar interests. I am an outstanding individual and self motivated student and expect to continue to do so in college. My academic goals as a student have and will always be to achieve the best grades that I can possibly obtain. I am an intelligent student and learn the best by being around intelligent students, I also like helping people learn and grow academically. My last goal that I want to achieve while attending college is to obtain a internship in my future career field in order to obtain more knowledge in my field.
A short-term goal I've set for myself is getting accepted into my first choice college: Colorado University of Boulder. During my junior year, I was following my cousin around to colleges that she was interested in. I went along with her to visit Colorado University of Boulder and from that moment on I knew that I wanted to go there. I can finally say that I got accepted and couldn't be happier to check off one of my goals on my list. Nonetheless, I’ve worked strenuously in school to maintain an average GPA of 3.76, plus taking rigorous courses, which accumulates to a GPA of 3.92. I retook my ACT a couple of times in hopes to receive a 28 or higher for scholarships from Boulder and other places. I am currently trying to accomplish that goal by
Being able to receive this scholarship is going to make a great difference in my career. One of the reasons is because it will give me an opportunity to focus in my college classes instead of worrying about how I will pay for college. Being the only one going to college in my family is something I have wanted to accomplish for a very long time and with the help of this scholarship I will be able to achieve it.
Many students are unaware of the benefits of good study skills and effective preparation. The first thing you should recognize is the benefit of having good study habits. Students who practice good study habits are generally more successful and have better grades. Understanding the skills required for courses and remembering what you are here for will keep you motivated. I will give a few suggestions on how to develop study skills for those who haven’t had to understand the comprehensive course structure of college.
I decided to attend college because I want to make you proud and show you that I want to be successful in life. College has so many distractions that can keep me from not being successful if I let the distractions distract me. I believe in myself and I know that none of those distractions won’t bother me. Partying and hanging with friends is cool from time to time but at the end of the day, youre not paying for me to go to school to party and not get an education. Hard work, dedication and being motivated in school is my key to success and it can take me a long way.
Tony Robbins once said, “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” The goals we set tied to our education are often what lead us on the path to success. Goals, no matter how grand or modest, keep students motivated and invested in their education. Furthermore, these are my educational goals and how I plan to achieve them.
My goals for 2018 consist of a lot, my mom is a inspiration for a lot of my goals because of how hard she works. My mom recently went to school for becoming a radiologist, she is studying everyday all the time. We only see the back of her head, she is doing great in the class though, she has the top grade. I can see how she’s able to struggle through these times with the help of God. My first goal I would like to do is join a youth group. My brother was in one and he says there a lot of fun so I would love to try it out. My second goal is my academic goal. I would like to use my mom as inspiration or this one. I would like to study as she is, we can even sit next to each other and study together, and finally my goal for sports, I would like to try to get Jockey award because both of my siblings did and it would top it off, and I would love to improve my soccer skill. I recognize the importance of having God in my life and putting him first and having him help me one step at a time.
To get this scholarship would give me the opportunity to strive for the college of my dreams. Money that I would be able to win can give me the ability to pay for books or even be put towards savings in order to pay for the rest of college. Since I hope to one day become a medical student, money can go a long way and keep me from worrying about paying for school while trying to stay focused and study. A concern for money can be a huge distraction on my education. The whole point in college is to learn and to succeed, but there won't be any succeeding if money is on my mind. I do not want more stress than I would already be getting from my courses. With the support of this scholarship, it can help ease my mind and let me do what I do best, which
This school year I have several things to consider so that I can gain the most out of this school year, and be prepared for any college classes I will take next year and in the following years. I have numerous academic goals for this class and high school as a whole that I need to accomplish this year that will require a great amount of effort. There are also many things that I do outside of school that consumes a significant amount of time. When thinking about how I will undertake everything that needs done this year, I must take into consideration my activities inside and outside of school and if I can perform both but not sacrifice in either area.