Beginning a new journey in Lehigh, I stand at a turning point to achieve success in my future. Fully considering my current situation and setting my new goals on the business path is of great importance in my four-year college life. Before starting my journey of business, my first step is discovering my current situation, exploring my interested major, and knowing how my pursuits will ultimately lead my career aspiration in business. Knowing my current situation in business is not as simple as it seems like. One of my advantages is I am now studying in Lehigh, one of the most excellent university in the United States. It is a good start for me as Lehigh is full of precious and unique educational resource, especially for business students. …show more content…
With the help of my Strong Index Inventory result, I am getting a better insight into my potential and interest. When I looked at the result, I think its suggestion for major and occupation is super fit for what I am thinking of in mind. My highest themes are conventional, enterprising, and social. For my conventional potential, the index leads my occupation choice to accounting, organizing, and processing; in enterprising part, it shows selling, managing, and persuading; while the social theme reveals helping, instructing, and caregiving. My top five interest areas are finance&investing, taxes&accounting, entrepreneurship, sales, and office management. As my theme code is CES, I tend to have a stronger ability to work with people and details, such as numbers and data. My value includes accuracy, efficiency, stability, risk taking, competition, cooperation and service to others. These values reinforce my mind to study in the business area. Personally, the report is mainly fit my anticipation. But for a more specific perspective, this index gives me a better insight about my potential in work. Before reading the report, I only desire to major in accounting and then become an accountant; however, after reading, I have more ideas about my future career path, such as financial manager, financial analyst, business supervisor and other occupations on my top strong list. I realize I
Focus 2 Assessments: After taking the assessments, I realized that I still have some career planning to do. Also, I do very well in english, business, and foreign language classes. My work interest resulted in “enterprising” meaning I often use my skills to influence others. My values are helping others, income, and prestige. My personality type is attracted to occupations where I can combine my abilities to make careful
To begin with, discovering what types of employment maximize my personality let me know whether or not I am pursuing the right major. For instance, computer science and engineering were listed as two possible candidates. Although I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Sciences in Mathematics, all of these occupations are similar. Each of these professions requires diligence, accuracy, and analytic ability, which fully utilizes an
Admittedly, receiving my Myers-Briggs report I felt a little disheartened from the result. When I observed to the career report I saw a flood of occupations I had never before considered or even knew existed but despite that I decided to look into them.
I am surprised that an online test can be so accurate, I think it did a really good job describing my work personality. I even liked all of the occupation suggestions that were given to me. The number one job on my top ten list is an Accountant, which is what my major is. I’m eager to learn more about accounting because it fits my results so well, I was clearly born to be an accountant. I also think accounting is interesting because there are so many different types of accounting and accountants and I’d like to learn more about them. So many people just picture it to be a boring desk job but it can be so much more than that. Another job that is listed that I’d be interested in learning more about is an auditor. I don’t know too much about it, but I know they deal with fraud and investigating and things of that nature. I’m a really nosey person and I would love doing that kind of stuff. However, maybe I am totally off about the kind of work they do. All in all, I’d really like to learn about a lot of different occupations that you can work with when you have an Accounting
In order for me to complete this career assessment paper, I initially took an Interest Inventory survey. Upon completing this process, it revealed that my personality profile score was (I, C, A). These three letters represented my strengths and interests in determining which career field would best suit me.
Throughout my years attending UW-Madison, I have come to realize that I do not want to pursue a career as an employee for my life’s goal. For much of my adolescent years I watched my father build his own accounting business from the ground up which has been very formative in my career goals. The freedom and flexibility of time that my father’s self-employment has given our family is something that I hope to emulate one day for my own family with the help of the Certificate in Business.
My highest occupational theme was enterprising. I think this is accurate because of my interests and potential skills. I have always found business to be interesting and have always seen myself in the business field. In many situations, I often find myself motivating my peers and directing others in many different projects and aspects of my life. I do however feel as though some of the values may not fit me very well. For example, I would not necessarily call myself a risk taker.
After having taken the strong interest inventory assessment, I was given a theme code. My theme code is RSA, which provided me with valuable information that can help me in identifying career options with my interests. I totally agree with the results produced by the strong interest inventory, I felt that the results were very accurate. Furthermore, realistic personality types have good skills in working with tools, mechanical drawings, machines, and animals. More importantly, the ideal work place setting would be outdoors because they do not enjoy being stuck inside, so these individuals avoid office work. Additionally, they enjoy putting things together and also building stuff. For example, construction workers are of a realistic personality type because a construction workers responsibilities mainly consistent of
Warren Buffett once said, “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” Throughout the first years of highschool, I searched for that seed, the seed that would secure me a prominent future. A future where I would be enjoying the fruits of my previous labor. I went on a quest towards finding the perfect career that I would enjoy for a lifetime. Though it was tough, I managed to find my calling sixteen years into my life.
I have always been interested in “doing my own thing” or, better known as, entrepreneurship. In high school, I would buy T-shirts, sweatshirts, and hats in bulk. I’d embroider little emblems on them and mark up the price by 100%. People at school would buy $1 shirts and pay $9 for my craftsmanship. However, I wanted bigger and better things. I channeled Andrew Carnegie in my approach to business: why just stop at my little venture when I could vertically integrate and market for myself? I decided to invest all my money in a new cause and thus, my own social media marketing company was born. The skills I’ve learned in starting my company is something that cannot be taught. I would relish the opportunity to grow and learn at an institution like The Stephen M. Ross School of Business that understands the importance of innovation and exploration.
Obtaining a career focus is valuable in any college student’s lifetime; therefore, it would be profitable to meet with a career counselor to discuss occupational goals and interests. Moreover, involvement with the Focus 2 assessment is another contributing factor used to guide the career decision making process. The Focus 2 is comprised of five simple tests that will analyze compatible careers for the individual taking the assessment. Mr. Richard Glass, the career counselor that agreed to meet with me, believes that the work interests assessment produces the most promising results. For instance, my work interests fall under the social, artistic, and investigative categories. Through computerized analysis, I was given a list of occupations that would agree with the data received. The content of this paper will evaluate the results of the Focus 2 assessment, in addition to the major points discussed by Mr. Glass. Come the end of this paper, the reader will gain a better understanding of my work
‘You might be an accounting major if…’ was the phrase I had to base 5 valid statements off in regards to my chosen major. This gave me the opportunity to look into what type of person would suit being an accounting major. My presentation started off by defining what a stereotypical accountant is generally thought to be like “Number cruncher looking for stable, boring cubicle job. Proficiency with calculator and pocket protector a must. Sense of humor not required.” I then continued to present on the more relatable characteristics of modern day accountants: liking numbers, solving problems or puzzles, good personal finances, rule follower, and good at communicating complex ideas. I concluded with a new school definition of an accountant: “Energetic problem-solver needed to consult on business strategies and financial operations. Must be an excellent communicator, critical thinker and technologically savvy.” This assignment as well as being informative to non-accounting majors was equally as informing to me. I had never really looked into what type of people like accounting, and through this assignment I found I was somewhat suitable for this field. I couldn’t base my personality match to an academic discipline just on five statements I had come up with myself. It was time for career/personality tests, which it turns out was one of the next assignments we had
As an educator and advisor, I am very interested in student interest inventories. Working in the classroom, it can be very difficult to assess interest of students when choosing thematic units or classroom project. As a college advisor, I am constantly searching for resources to help my students choose a future career path. I completed research and found three popular interest inventories- the Strong Interest Inventory, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Clifton Strengths Finder. Each of the three assessments analyze the same general theme of interest, personality and career choice. I have analyzed each to determine the best interest inventory to use with my students.
Choosing a career path is one of the most important decisions I will make. All my life I wondered what type of career I will have. Now is the time for me to make a decision that will impact the rest of my life. Therefore I want to be certain that I choose an occupation that fits best for me.
Not a Secretary Click, click, click, yawn. Being a secretary would be the most boring thing ever. I would have to sit in a “desk” and answer phone calls all day. Sitting at a computer unable to move around would drive me crazy. Being a secretary would be a poor career choice for me because I prefer physical work that requires me to move around and use my hands, I enjoy working outside and finding adventure in my daily life.