
College Admissions Essay: All Scars Are Bad

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All Scars Are Not Bad The connotation with a scar is often a mark of physical damage to one’s skin, but a scar can also be psychological or emotional damage. Scars are seen as that something bad or wrong has happened but every scar also tells a story, a lesson even. We usually do not think the ones we love, or used to love, could be the ones who can scar us. In my last relationship, I loved the girl with all of my heart. I loved her so much that her views soon became my own and I began to lose my sense of self. What I learned from that relationship is what has shaped me into the person I am today. We met in the summer after my sophomore year of high school. She had just graduated high school and was off to college in the fall. From the moment we had started talking, I was, as you could say "head over heels" for her. To me, one of the most attractive qualities in a person is a sense of stability and that was why I was strongly attracted to her. She knew where she was going to college, what she was going to major in, and had her whole life planned out before she was 19. …show more content…

We spent our time in each other's company every chance we had. We often went on dates that often included hiking and attending drive-in movies. As our relationship progressed, matters grew serious. She would be leaving to attend Morehead University and I would continue to attend school in Pike County. We both decided that one night, whatever innocence our relationship contained, would be lost. After that, my love for her grew stronger. For me, it felt like our love was made for a movie screen. She was the first girl that I came to truly love and care about. All my past relationships faded away into nothing but silly flings that seemed to not matter anymore. She was all that was on my

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