My parents and I have always had a close relationship. There is not a time where I do not tell them about what goes on in my life, how I feel about things, and about my school life. Ever since I was little, I grew up trusting my parents. Dad always knew how to brighten up my days every time I was feeling gloomy and hopeless. Once I was very upset over a loss in a soccer game, immediately my father noticed my sorrow and did everything he could to draw a smile on my face. I trust my dad with all my heart, but my confidence has always been wider with my mother. She basically knows my life, everything that goes on, and everything I do. That bond that we share with each other is unbreakable. Mom has always been a stubborn person, and always gets things done her way. But she is also caring, and always listens to what each of us in our family has to say. I do not find myself in another home, my parents have gave me everything I ever wanted, love, comfort, understanding, and trust.
A week before my birthday, I
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I did not know where to start off with, my mind was filled with excitement, since I already knew my answer. I took a sip of my glass of water, and explained everything. Starting with how I wanted to attend a good University, maybe outside of Houston, and then perhaps transfer to one of Mexico’s best medical schools. They immediately started laughing, and I figured out they were not taking me seriously. That moment, I decided to keep all my dreams locked away, and laughed along with them. I quickly changed the story and told them I was just teasing them, that I did not really want to go far. I decided to tell them I wanted to continue my school years at San Jac. They nodded their heads and gave me a big smile, saying I had such a great plan. I obviously agreed, and continued eating my plate like nothing had just
My mother was very supportive of my father, and although she had a lot of health complications, she was a very strong woman, emotionally and mentally. When I was brought into the world, my parents were overjoyed. They immediately brought me home to Laredo (I was technically born in San Antonio, but I was there for a day before living in Laredo) and were excited to show me the world. My mom was a beautiful person and wanted the world for me, and treated me like I was royalty for as long as she could.
When I went to high school, I went to a private school. My parents were always active in our lives. They went to our school activities and always took an interest in our lives. We were not rich, by any means. My father had to quit grade school to help his mother take care of his 7 brothers and sisters. His father was an alcoholic and never cared for any of the children. I believe for everything my dad did for his mother carried over to his adult hood by not wanting to repeat any of his father’s actions.
History is my academic passion -- specifically the archeological and genealogical bases of individuals and families. But setting aside bones, genetics, and all that fun evidence, I also love to study the more anecdotal past and present situation of a family: where they've lived, what they've done, and how they've done it. Studying my own family, i've found that neither of my parents, or my soon to be step-dad has obtained a degree, and with my older brother choosing the armed forces route, I'm left to navigate on my own and chart new territory for my family -- I will be the first to get a college degree. Hopefully my choice will influence my younger sibling to also pursue her goals. I believe by making this decision, to be the first to
My parents take up a big part who I am. I am independent because I watched my mother carry the burden of being the only breadwinner for me and my younger sister. I am open minded and caring because my father taught me to understand that things are not always as they seem. I am cautious of love because my parents were not.
Three rambunctious, energetic children. Two hardworking, loving but frequently exhausted parents. One girl amidst the ruckus attempting to complete her homework. Five years ago, my family symbolized this chaotic mess, however, change is upon us. Promptly that one girl turned into me, Hami Abebe, a resilient leader who checks those three little rascals tidy up their beds, eat their breakfast, grab their lunch and snacks and punctually leave for school in the morning. Subsequently, when they come home, I help them with their homework after this, they eat Mother’s delicious dinners, change into their pajamas, and say their prayers every night. Even though my parents leave for work at seven o’clock and come home exhausted at six o’clock, they still push themselves to their limits to care for us.
Your parents are always gonna be there for you. Sometimes when they offer their support it’s more important than other times. For example, there was a time in my life where all I wanted to do was give up and my mom showed me that I’m stronger than how I put myself.
The connotations associated with living in the south include the idea that family is everything. My family influences a lot of the decisions I make, and through my family I am able to learn a lot about myself. I am given an abundance of opportunities with respect to my family. For example, if it weren’t for my grandparents, I may never have traveled to Colorado and learned what it’s like to be an employee. I owe a lot to my grandparents, especially since they hired me to work in their shop every summer since I was nine. These are the types of special opportunities others don’t have. Opportunities that I cherish each and every day. On my father’s side of the family is where I gain all of my musical knowledge. With a father and a Grandfather
He is not mine and am I not his, per se, though there is a sense of belonging.
My parent's might not agree with all the decisions that I make and may not support them, but they always let me do them. Whether it is to teach me a lesson or because it is a good decision. I have made a lot of mistakes and they have warned me about a few whether it was something I was doing, someone I was dating, and or something I was saying. I have said thing I haven't meant. I have done things that have gotten me in trouble. I have also dated people that were bad influences on me or with a bad back ground. But in the end I always learned from them.
During 8th grade and freshman year, I struggled a lot with getting in trouble at home and at school. My dad saw how badly I needed someone to talk to about everything. I know my dad was waiting for, and hoping, my mom would step up. Things were getting really bad and he couldn’t wait anymore. My mom never did step up. My dad, on the other hand, was there any time I needed him. He taught me how to handle everything: my parents getting divorced, then both of them getting remarried, and moving in with my step brothers
Who am I? I don’t really know. Am I someone good or evil? I was so confused, everything seems to me so ambiguous and scaring. The only thing that I knew is that I am a human. In the summer of the 9th grade, I wanted to feel a little independent so my father suggests me to spend the summer in Belgium alone, he wanted me to assume all my responsibilities, after this trip I recognized a little part of my personality but the bigger part was missing.
Growing up, my parents were my environment. They made sure I made good decisions and tried my best, just as parents are supposed to do. Even though my mother taught me many important lessons, I’d have to say that my father showed me how to handle fear, and that has been the lesson that has shaped me the most in my life.
Although, I didn’t have the vocabulary to express all my feelings and thoughts, I began recognizing a wrongness between my parents at 4 years old. Growing up with fighting parents, I adopting the idea of personal responsibly because I decided at a very early age that it was my parents own faults they won’t happy. Reexamining the 4 years old’s termed wrongness between my parents in my teenage years, I assumed my parents couldn’t navigate their own feels or they didn’t have the capacity to react positively to the stress within their relationship. Additional evidence, the strain relationships they also had with their own broken extended families at the time showed they both lacked the skills of cultivating and sustaining most close long term relationships. However, my parents both did have longevity in their friendships. My parents broke up when I was six, my mother moved my younger siblings and I constantly after the separation. I attribute my easy acceptance of change to the fact that change is the opportunity for something better, as a child I didn’t have the option of changing my environment from the places I’ve lived in with my mother and various male strangers besides running away for a short time before hunger or my siblings brought me back. The chaotic lifestyle from 6 years old until I was 18 years old, encourages me as an adult to love myself before anyone else. My mother spent years putting herself down, I would never want my children to watch me suffering in my own unhappiness while struggle to care for them then eventually breaking down at times leaving them with no
My mother and I have always had a close bond in our relationship. When I was young, my mother was forced to raise me on her own, and during this time is when we developed a strong connection. Our relationship has never consisted of fighting, only the usual bickering that occurred during my teenage years. I have always reached out to my mother when I need advice, a shoulder to cry on, or am simply looking for a good laugh. Without I doubt, I consider my mother, my best friend because she continues to love me unconditionally despite the mistakes that I make. Together we are very open with each other and I value the fact that I tell her everything because I know this is something that is unique to a mother-daughter relationship.
My parents having unconditional love for me cause them to feel the need to always look out for me. They still believe that I am a little girl and I probably will always be one in their eyes. This love, however, always causes them to try to control my life in order to keep me safe. I believe that this is one of the worst qualities that they have because they do not let me make my own decisions on what is right and what is wrong. They are way too overprotective about certain aspects in my life, such as dating and going out. The love that they have for me also leads to their best quality of caring for me unconditionally. Whenever I’m feeling sick or down my parents are always there for me to make me feel better.