From ages one to five someone was constantly caring for me. Every move I made was watched. No freedom. I was not even my own person. At ages six to ten more freedom and responsibility came. I could pick out my own clothes, feed myself, and decide if I wanted to play barbies or babies. Eleven to fourteen are very confusing ages.I was trying to become my own person, instead of what my parents were. Ages fifteen to eighteen have definitely been the most challenging, but also the most fun years of my life. Where did all this freedom come from? I can drive a car, stay out late without the supervision of my parents, and even choose who I want to spend all my time with. Everyone expects teengagers to “be good.” We have the whole world at our …show more content…
“What do you want to be?” “Where do you want to go?” Honestly, I don’t know. This is a great big world with endless opportunities. The future holds millions of possible careers. The only career choices I even know about are the obvious ones; nursing, teaching etc. Deciding where to spend the next four years of my life is also a very big decision. In the next four years, I will do a lot of learning, growing, and having fun. Many thing will affect what kind of person I become. If I stay close to my parents, I might live to please them. If I travel far away, I might get so homesick I can not focus on my academics. There are endless scary things that could happen when thinking about college choice. If these factors are not enough, then the curveball of ACT score, tuition price, and scholarships are thrown at you. It’s all so …show more content…
I mean what better time to do things. We go to school every week day. School can be stressful at times, I might have several things to study for and do in one day. The stress might be so bad that I make the choice to not study for that last test and just take the not so great grade. I will probably bring my grade down. I might even get in trouble. Even if all that happens. I did not hurt anyone or cause damage to the world. If I was an adult, and I messed up other people would be affected. If I was a businesswoman by whole office could be affected. No matter how bad the stress of school is it could be worse. Then comes the weekend. We get to go to parties and hang out with friends. We do not have to worry about the responsibility of children or taking care of a household. We are young. We can ride around and listen to music. We get to go to football games. We just get to have
I remember waking up that day and that feeling in my stomach, knowing what was about to happen. Growing up I knew about my father's sickness. My family, I recall, was always supportive. No one ever thinks about how one day, everyone you’re around for years, can just vanish. I cherished my friends as I was growing up. I lived there for a majority of my life, up until fourth grade. I remember sitting at a neighbor's house and having the mother come into the room and inform me that I need to be home swiftly. As I ran home, my head was crowded with thoughts to the point where I could not even think about why I was supposed to be home quickly. That day marked the transition of what would be the biggest change in my life. As by dad became sicker,
Ask my teachers, friends, coaches, and family, they’ll all tell you that I’m mature. The way I hold myself responsible for my life, my studies, and my activities through the good and bad is a unique quality about me that they admire, but also know little to nothing about.
My Junior Year of high school just recently started. I have learned so many different things while attending high school, and still have over a year to learn even more. As Matthew Kelly said, “whether you are sixteen or sixty, the rest of your life is ahead of you. You cannot change one moment of your past, but you can change your whole future.” This means while I have done a lot in my past, I cannot change anything that has already happened, but I am able to change my future. One of the most important things that I am involved in right now is school. My first two years at CBHS were good, and I made decent grades. Some of the grades that I made I am not very happy with now but I cannot change that so I need to focus on my grades right now because those are the ones I can change.
It is not for the first time that I stand on the crossroads of making a much calculated decision. A judgment call, not a product of mere intuition but of much introspection, soul-searching and self-examination. When ever I find myself apt to embark on a new journey I look back to evaluate my-self; trace the sequence of events that ultimately lead me to a follow a particular path. In retrospect I find myself fortunate to have been groomed in an all-rounded education system. A system that transformed a child who was reluctant and shy to even engage in a conversation to someone who made it a passion to step-up on stage to educate others.
To many high school students, college seems like a far away land, a mysterious place where everyone wants to be yet not many know how to get there. As children, our parents tell us how much time we have to think about college, and that it is too far down the line to think about. The truth is it is never too early to think about your future. I, like many people, put little thought into my future career and now am lost in an unfortunate mix of indecision and anxiety. Not knowing where you want to be in the future is a hard burden to bear. Many of us tend to find out that we only know what we do not want, not what we actually do want. Do we want to be poor? Absolutely not. Do we want a boring job? Of course we don’t. We all want our
Ever since I could have a clear understanding of the roles doctors play in our society, and to remembering my first doctor's visit I instantly wanted to become one of those woman in a long white coat running around helping patients or performing a procedure. My passion for helping others is something that has empowered me to become a doctor. Because of my passion for helping individuals , my dream of one day becoming a surgeon ,I have decided to further my academic career at Virginia Commonwealth University ( Vcu ) . I plan on attending one of the finest medical schools in Virginia while also maintaining a job and balancing life as a college student and a mother.
The teenage period is normally known for being the best chapter of someone s life.. a period full of fun and happy moments. The period where they get to build their own personality and develop their opinions about almost everything.
My life hasn’t always been the easiest. In fact, I have gone through a lot for a typically high school student. Most of the things I went through, a lot of people haven’t. Yet, nobody is perfect right? In those four years, you may learn scholarly wise, but you also learn to grow up real quick. These four years in high school really made me think about the person I used to be, who I am today and who I want to be in the future. Your high school years really are the most important years of your life.
Having started my college career back in 2008, I can definitely tell you that I did not have the slightest clue as to what I wanted to do with my life. Coming on a ten-year mark, I am here to say that I have overcome that hurdle and have finally found my passion - giving. Regardless, of where my many jobs have landed me from anywhere in California, to here in Lake Mary, Florida, I can honestly say that Nursing is one that will allow for that. Time and time again, I have struggled with life getting in my way and now I am the most mentally prepared that I have ever been to complete my degree in Nursing and now I am saying “yes.” Exactly two years ago, I jumped on a flight to visit my family in Jacksonville, Florida.
“Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation's compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain loving one another.”
Looking back at the years that I have completed in high school is a funny but a true life changer. If I was to go back to one year of high school I would want to go back to freshman year. One reason why I would want to go back to freshman year is to talk to myself. Another reason I would want to go back it tell myself to listen more. The last reason would to see if I could improve myself in any way.
I am an awkward, nerdy self-proclaimed non-conformist who lives behind a pair of horn-rimmed glasses. You can find me sporting distressed denim, earth tone tank tops and my beat up Converse All-Stars. I capture life’s fleeting moments with my sunflower yellow Polaroid camera. I am a lover of laughter and a purveyor of puns. The smallest things bring tears to my eyes; I am not afraid to show my emotions through my obvious facial expressions. My height is five feet two inches; my shoe size is 7; my green eyes are outlined with an amber circle; my hair is brown and wavy. I look up to everything and down at nothing. I write with my right hand but draw better with my left. My life is a tangled, extensive web of emotions
My last year of highschool has been both the toughest year of my life, and the most enlightening. Not only did it mark the passing of my grandmother, the beginning of my struggle with depression, and the realization of mundane adult life, but it also marked the point where I decided to deviate from the standard.
I believe the turning point of my life began with the separation of my parents. I had always imagined myself living in my native homeland of the Dominican Republic. Yet, my life would drastically change as a consequence of my parents divorce. A few weeks after my parent’s divorce, my mother and I arrived undocumented in Boston, Massachusetts. Thus, at the age of fourteen, I found myself in a new country with few family and friends. The following chapter of my life would require me to not only make sacrifices but also become more independent. The meaning and value for me becoming independent at a young age was twofold: (1) I was able to help my mother financially and (2) I learned the meaning of hard work and perseverance. I recognize that my tangible core values cannot be measured by test scores—though I have done well academically—but by my desire and perseverance to become a successful Latina.
I was a fan of computers and technology since I was a child. I am very much interested in using all new technology. I am also very interest in sports, I love playing soccer. Texas Tech University is my Frist dream college to attend and get my degree in computer science. During my first year of college, I spend a lot of time getting used to with college material, because it was a whole lot different than high school, and also I was new to the U.S, so I didn't know much more about the colleges in the U.S.