After walking onto the field at seven years old, I found my passion, my strength, and my world. Softball has been in my life for the past ten years, and I intend to play in college if I’m given the opportunity, nevertheless, I am going to fight to play. Playing softball has changed my life; I do not know where I would be without it.
It has given me the best experiences in life, and I have made long term friends while playing. I hit my first homerun at 12 years old, and have been a power hitter ever since. Traveling to Colorado, California, New Jersey, Tennessee, Florida, and many other states has given me an experience most teenagers are not able to have. I love traveling to the northern states to play since most of my family lives in the northern region, it gives me lasting memories and something to be proud of.
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I was devastated, and it was extremely hard for me to recover, but after months of training and physical therapy, I gained my strength back and came back stronger than I ever have. Softball is focused on skill, physical and mental strength, and repetition. I have lived by the motto “Perfect practice makes perfect,” and I still do to this day. It takes patience to gain strength, and even if it takes months to accomplish, it all worth it at the end (trust me I should know).
I have traveled all over the country to play, and have won multiple tournaments during my career. Traveling has opened my eyes about my surroundings, and how competitive this sport is, especially on the western side of the country. As the game gets harder, the more energetic I get, and adrenalin races through me. It has made me more competitive not only as a player, but as a student as well. I compete in every aspect in my life, and strive to do the best I
Many different things in people’s life can change their lives completely. One thing that changed the way that I look at things is softball. Softball as a whole showed me many life skills needed for my future. Softball changed my life in more ways than one. For example it showed me to have self control, watch my grades, and work together.
The long series of events started when I was seven years old and my parents signed me up for Bobby Sox softball. I soon grew to love the sport and came back to the organization every year until I turned ten. I stopped playing for the league and tried out for a local travel ball team and made it. I soon had a career out of playing travel ball, it was my whole life. I had been on many teams and created many memories. As I got older, I didn’t enjoy playing softball as much as I did before. I was scared to tell this my dad this because he had high hopes that I would play in college. When I told my dad that I wanted to quit softball, I learned that I need to do what makes me happy even if it disappoints people.
Ever since I learned the ropes, I wanted to play because it has always been my dream to play softball. My mom told me I could try out for Lakeshore Playground that got anyone involved in any sport. There was no such thing as tryouts for this playground. During some of the games, I had my good days and my bad days at either hitting or catching. I loved being on that field. I felt that it was just only my teammates and me on the field waiting for our rivals to hit the ball. That season was a good one, and I will never forget it. This is what started my dreams from just playing on a playground field to being on an actual team. To everyone else it may be just a field with red dirt, but to me it is more than that. It is everything I could dream of because the game is about my teammates and me. I loved my passion, and will continue it later on in my
When I was playing travel softball for Angels Fastpitch in my second year of ten and under softball, this memoir began. My coach would not play me much because he said I was not good enough, he said I could not catch. He said many other things all were horrible. The emotions that came
I began when I was 4, but did not start playing competitively until I was 10. As the years went on, I became a distinguished athlete. I started to travel across the United States for softball, and even had the opportunity to play on the number one team in northern California.
Well, the time has come for me to finally put in my two cents and everyone has to listen. So, here we go… I vividly remember being a sophomore and Brooke Bushman telling me “Just wait. The time for you to give your senior speech will be here before you know it. You'll probably write a novel and make it rhyme or something like that”. Well, sorry to disappoint but I really have nothing proud like that to share. For me, softball was always just a game. It was just another enjoyable outlet
Hard work never goes un-noticed, and although I did improve, I had acquired the label of ‘outfielder’. The position that wasn’t home to me, but I was forced to recognize as my spot on the field. My first year of Varsity softball arrived and I made it clear infield is where I wanted to be, but my coach’s confidence in me continued to lack to match the level of mine, along with the fact the returning third basemen was a veteran. And the outfield is where I was sent, yet again.
It wasn’t that long ago when I became in love with the game of baseball. I still remember the day that my neighbor met me outside in the front yard just as we always did. It has been approximately two years ever since that Friday after school he asked me if I want to go to a Angel’s baseball game. I decided to go nothing better to do that day, when I got there it was such a rush seeing all the people that came to watch a baseball game. I followed my neighbor down the line, eagerly I waited to try to obtain a baseball players autograph. My friend gave me a baseball to try to get autographed, and later that day I luckily got my first baseball players autograph. His name was Dino Ebel the bench coach for the Angels,
I came into high school softball not knowing what to expect. I have played since I was five years old, on the green t-ball team, on the ball field behind our Elementary School. When you play sports at a young age, you fail, but do not realize it. I met many of my friends today through sharing a love for the game of basketball and softball. When playing t-ball, you make the team with all your friends and play without thinking where this game can potentially take you. Playing with friends throughout the years, we have gone through failure together, losing a game or making
Have you ever had so much passion for a sport you have been playing for almost your whole life? I love playing all positions of softball and I admire everything that comes with it that includes battle wounds, road trips to games, making memories to practicing out on home field getting ready to bat some love into their lives. Softball is not an easy sport at all but it’s my passion and a privilege to be able to stand on that field. So much love, effort and hard work has been put in over the years. After 12 years of truly knowing the sport these are my favorite things out on the field such as pitching with strength, sliding with passion, and batting to hear all of your support to make a home run!
We all have specific talents that make us, humans, who we are. My talent is also my idol. If I did not have this piece of my life, then I feel like it could very well make my college application incomplete. I hope to be a successful prospect of my specific interest. Playing baseball is what I do.
I would go on to play baseball for many years, but the most fun I ever had with a
I enjoy helping others pursue their passions and achieve their goals. Softball is a sport that has taught me many important life lessons including teamwork, leadership, and dedication. As softball is a sport that has taught me so much, I spent several weeks of my high school summers volunteering at softball camps. It was always rewarding to see the young girls discover their passion for the game just as I did when I was their age.
“Not everyone is going to see or accept you for who you are, and you have to accept that.” I was told this quote everyday by my mother. Today was no different, walking up to the raked field, quote on my mind , eyes on the fresh red clay, and the sound of my metal cleats against the concrete. I was ready for this day. After months of hard work from November to February , the tryouts for Central softball team were over. Over the span of four months, I pushed myself harder than I ever thought I could, but what I did never seemed to be enough for the team.
All throughout my life I have remained involved in a wide variety of organizations including clubs, sports, youth groups, and honor societies. My free time is consumed by all of these, and still I am still willing to venture out and attempt so much more. Despite constantly contributing my life to numerous things, it is undeniable that Basketball is what I am ultimately passionate about.