
College Admissions Essay: How Softball Has Changed My Life

Decent Essays

After walking onto the field at seven years old, I found my passion, my strength, and my world. Softball has been in my life for the past ten years, and I intend to play in college if I’m given the opportunity, nevertheless, I am going to fight to play. Playing softball has changed my life; I do not know where I would be without it.
It has given me the best experiences in life, and I have made long term friends while playing. I hit my first homerun at 12 years old, and have been a power hitter ever since. Traveling to Colorado, California, New Jersey, Tennessee, Florida, and many other states has given me an experience most teenagers are not able to have. I love traveling to the northern states to play since most of my family lives in the northern region, it gives me lasting memories and something to be proud of. …show more content…

I was devastated, and it was extremely hard for me to recover, but after months of training and physical therapy, I gained my strength back and came back stronger than I ever have. Softball is focused on skill, physical and mental strength, and repetition. I have lived by the motto “Perfect practice makes perfect,” and I still do to this day. It takes patience to gain strength, and even if it takes months to accomplish, it all worth it at the end (trust me I should know).
I have traveled all over the country to play, and have won multiple tournaments during my career. Traveling has opened my eyes about my surroundings, and how competitive this sport is, especially on the western side of the country. As the game gets harder, the more energetic I get, and adrenalin races through me. It has made me more competitive not only as a player, but as a student as well. I compete in every aspect in my life, and strive to do the best I

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