For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be an elementary teacher. God placed the act of working with kids on my heart when I was very young, and I am thrilled to say that is still where I feel called. I went to a Union elementary school, Moore Elementary, until fifth grade, and the impact my teachers made on me there has shaped me into the person I am today. One of the most influential teachers in my life was my Pre-K teacher, Mrs. Greer. I had the amazing opportunity to go back to Moore and job shadow her. Being around her again made me remember all of the incredible things she taught me, and it was so surreal to see her in action impacting her current students. I am so happy that I got to job shadow her and to watch her from a different perspective than I had being her student. Through this new perspective, I learned so many new things about teaching. The schedule for my day involved various classroom activities, many songs on the smart board, recess, lunch, nap time, crafts, and the end of the day. The day started with “playtime” around the …show more content…
Kids are in a vulnerable part of their life in elementary school. Growing up, trying to find themselves can be a huge struggle. Sometimes all they need is to know someone loves them, cares about them, and is there for them. Some kids, especially at public schools, do not always come from the best homes and families. They might not see what love should look like from their current situation, but I was able to see how much a teacher’s love can impact her students through having and observing Mrs. Greer. She taught them to love others along with so many valuable lessons. For example, there was a phrase she kept repeating: “Don’t shout out the answer because you’re taking your friend’s thoughts away.” This simple phrase teaches the kids so many things including self-control, respect, and
Teaching was very natural for me. I felt comfortable and confident working in all my classrooms. I was fortunate to have the support from all supervising teachers and they provided me guidance and knowledge as I continued to grow in the classroom. I couldn’t wait to go to college so I could focus on teaching every day and officially start my journey as a future
Over the last several years in addition to being a full time student I have also enjoyed various other activities including working, sports, and giving back to my community. All of these activities motivate me to succeed. In addition, they each help to make me a responsible individual and a good citizen.
The field of education sparks my interest and it is the field I would love to be working in, in the near future. The role of a teacher is a very important one and is one that is not suited for everyone. A teacher needs to respect students, create a sense of community and belonging in the classroom, be warm, accessible, enthusiastic, and caring. These are all qualities I hope to be acquiring with my experiences working with young children. Being in the school of education and human services here at PCTI has been a wonderful learning experience throughout the years.
One of the questions I asked her was “What skills and personal qualities are important for success in your field?” after I asked this question she told me that some of the keys that make a successful teacher is someone who is patient and loves kids. She also said that being a teacher is one of the most rewarding jobs to have because no other occupation is possible without a teacher. Her response made me think about myself and made me realize that I really do want to be a teacher.
I would like to pursue a career in Elementary Education focusing on Kindergarten through second grade. I am going to be the first of my family to achieve a higher level of education after high school. I feel that being born and raised in Mountain Grove has given me values that I want to hold on to for the rest of my life. I have been a nurturing person for as long as I can remember and have strived to be a person that my younger sibling and cousins can look up to in life. I want to be an elementary teacher for many of the following reasons.
After interviewing Laurie Kaffka I realized just how much I wanted to be a teacher. I am good for this career because I am very patient and love kids tremendously and would love to help them succeed and be the very best they could be. I know this career is not for everyone and I will constantly get criticisms and have to adjust to the ever changing curriculum. Despite all the negatives this career path entails it is still what I would like to do with my future.
I had a teacher even before Preschool. She helped my brother and I with our speech problem. She was great help, and from there, my appreciation for teachers grew. My Preschool teachers made everything about school fun. We would read a book a week, and then afterwards we always did something fun. An example was cooking green eggs and green pancakes after reading the book Green Eggs and Ham. Then, during kindergarten I moved to Union. Discovering new experiences and making new friends. I have and always will be grateful for moving to Union and growing up in a place I can call
I thought very highly about teachers and education; to me, being a teacher was the best profession to be in. As I got older, I started to look deeper into the idea of being an educator, and my desire to become a teacher grew. My mother had a huge
I am currently a Kindergarten teacher at Our Lady of Trust Academy. Although it is a wonderful private institution, my goal is to teach at a public school. I have chosen this career path because I am passionate about working with children, while they are developing their foundational skills. I believe that by receiving a high quality education; that goes beyond remembering and understanding, students can master the core material through analyzing and creating. This will give learners a strong base to build upon, setting students on the path to be successful in high school, and go on to be career and
I have always wanted to become a teacher. From playing school with my little sisters, to volunteering a summer camps and elementary schools, there is not better feeling, to me, than to know that I have helped someone to accomplish a goal and develop better as a person. I think that there is no better way to impact the lives of other people than to become a teacher. As a teacher, not only will be able to affect the lives of these students from day t day, but I can also make an impact on the life of each child and hopefully their family as well.
I’ve always loved the classroom and children. In my senior year of high school, I was in an introduction to teaching program and I taught first grade. I enjoy teaching and see how children can grow within a year. My mom is also a teacher and she does a really good job. One day, I want to become the teacher my mom is.
Many elementary school teachers use fun activities to teach their students basic skills, such as: counting, ABC’s, and many other things. Students this young need activities to stay focus and many studies show that students who have activities along with their learning materials grasp the concepts better than a student with not activity or visual aid (“Kindergarten and Elementary school teachers.”).
I have chosen to become a teacher because I believe that education is the center of a country’s development process and prosperity. I want to be an educator to play an effective role in my society’s revival. Besides, I have always dreamed to be a teacher; it is a passion, which I truly have since I was young. The strong teaching motivation, which I have is derived from the deep belief that teachers can make a big difference in their students’ lives. In addition, I believe that teaching is a noble profession, which should be taken seriously. I know that being a teacher is never easy; it comes with high responsibilities and obstacles, but I am sure that I have suitable qualifications, which make me eligible to overcome them. Education as a basic concept in my perspective is all about developing knowledge, skills, values, ethics, physical and spiritual aspects,
Education is inspiring. The skills we are taught as children inspire us to become who we are today and are carried with us for the entirely of our lives. We learn from our mistakes, our environment, from our parents, our teachers, and our neighbors. To me, education means a future. It comes from my curiosity to learn, to improve, and then to teach. It comes from my drive to inspire.
My entire life, my body, my heart felt as if I had gone into a free fall when I heard of my president of the South Vietnam government command us to give up and hand the weapons to the North Vietnamese, it felt like an atomic bomb exploded inside my head. For years I gradually got used to a new reality that my government lost the war, and I became a Vietnamese citizen of the second class.