My Greatest Failure My greatest failure had led to one of my greatest accomplishments. I hate to look back at the period where I struggled.. From as long as I can remember, I always thought I was never good enough. There was always someone prettier, taller, richer, or more talented than I thought I was. I had a range of insecurities from my grades at school to the home I grew up in. Looking back, it was like a rain cloud over my head. I remember this rain cloud of insecurities following me from kindergarten until my senior year of high school. This rain cloud tried to destroy the person I was growing to be. My greatest failure was giving into this rain cloud and almost letting it destroy me. Freshman year was the year of prosperity for the rain cloud. A large, new school meant harder classes, more girls to compete with, and new classmates to impress. The rain cloud grew until I could not stand to be under it anymore. “I have to change myself to make myself better, more likeable, more attractive!” is what I thought. “How can I change myself? I can make myself skinner! Then everyone will like me and all my insecurities will disappear.” At a …show more content…
With that philosophy began the war between the rain cloud and I. My weapons against the rain cloud included fasting, purging after eating, and going on the treadmill for two or more hours a day. After a few month I was winning! I lost weight, looked great, and felt happy. I knew nothing about eating disorders and never thought that I had one. That is until I became very ill. My unhealthy eating habits that I thought were helping me were doing the opposite. These habits became more frequent and intense. I started experiencing massive headaches, my skin broke out in rashes because I was depriving myself of vital vitamins and nutrients, my muscles were fatigue, and my hair began to fall out. That is when I knew I had a
Rather than one failure, this essay will involve a series of failures that changed me as a person.
My Life, I don't know what to do with it… it’s just a mess of this, and that, and the other. All of my life, Horrible, like I should just be tossed aside. I don’t have good grades, I’m not good at any sports. I’m not good at Anything…
My fear of failing drove me to become better
(Essay #1- Bad Decision) As a 22-year old female who thinks she knows everything, I sometimes make bad decisions. There was one particularly terrible decision that still haunts me to this day. At the time, my question at issue was whether I should go spend the night with a boy I barely knew even though no one would know where I was and, not to mention, risk losing my parents’ trust.
They say that there is nothing to fear but fear itself, yet I tend to disagree. Our world is packed full of things to be afraid of. As a child, we are afraid of the dark or monsters hiding underneath our beds; but, as we grow with wisdom and age, those fears become bigger and more worldly. We fear things like terrorism or illness. The fear that consumes me most is that my best might never be enough.
Just as there are noteworthy examples of excellent college essays that admissions offices like to publish, so are there cringe-worthy examples of terrible college essays that end up being described by anonymous admissions officers on Reddit discussion boards.
Early in life, I realized that education often determines one's destiny. Being born and raised away from city with a remote and long isolated community, exposed me to the challenges of facing poverty coupled with squandered opportunities for education, health, and happiness. Though struggled to meet days end , my father insisted me along with my three siblings receive education to break this notion. He inculcated in us the compulsion to strive, the talent to prosper and the ability to overcome failure are strongly inherited. Even though confronted the stigma of social status, my parents relinquished us with every possible comfort in the defiance of material paucity........I fear I never noticed those tears melted away with water dropping
My freshman year of highschool I came to a turning point when my goals for the future outweighed my negative mindset. In the first weeks of my freshman year, I choose to use the failure I experienced so providentially in my past to motivate me throughout my following high school years. I started
Growing up in a big family of two brothers and six sisters was not easy, and what made it harder was living in a small village that practiced strict cultural and religious traditions. In our village, those practices prevent girls from continuing their education. In fact, most girls are obligated to quit education and to get married after finishing middle school; sometimes, even earlier. Fortunately, my parents, who both did not finish their middle school, gave my sisters and me the option to continue our education on one condition – to be successful in school.
If I were to be asked what my biggest fear is, my answer would be failure. I say this with great pride because although it may be a lot of people’s fear, it has been my fear since the day that I understood the concept of life and what our purpose is on this planet. Dating back to my family’s previous generations, education has everlastingly been the topic of discussion at any given time. When my grandparents were my age, they did not have the money or the ability to get into college and therefore were unsuccessful with their careers. My father, at my age, was the first person in our family to finish high school and advance to college, where he received a bachelor’s degree in business. In my generation, I am the first of my family to graduate
Have you ever been so overwhelmed with life that you feel like you're on your own, and have no one to turn to? Or have you ever been caught in a situation where you knew you were doing wrong, however you still continued to do it anyways? Well I was caught up in both of these situations. I found myself contemplating where to go, and what to do.
I thank God for my failures. Maybe not at the time but after some reflection. I never feel like a failure just because something I tried has failed-”Dolly Parton”. This reflection reflect my high school journey because I have failed a lot of classes but I never felt like a failure.
Failure is a part of everyone's daily lives; however, depending on the person you are you
In the early years of life, most children do not spend their free time looking in the mirror and wracking their brain for an answer to the question, “What are you?” I suppose that particular experience is quite unique to my childhood. For as long as I can remember my race has been something that comes into question or speculation in some way or another. To this day, I struggle with my identity due to being a mixed race individual.
Should religion be taught in public schools? It’s a common question that has been argued over by philosophers, scholars, and opinionated internet users alike. The Supreme Court has even given a ruling on the topic, saying students have the right to practice their religion at any time but schools cannot hold any religious activities (Joint Statement of Current Law on Religion in the Public Schools). Still, though, a debate remains. Some say that schools should enforce prayer upon students, while others believe that the church should stay out of education. However, in this paper I would like to bring to light a popular alternative to these suggestions that bridges the ideas while correcting some issues with both sides.