One definition for the phrase “within reach” is something that is within the capacity of someone to attain or achieve something. For me, I know being successful in high school, sports, and in life are within reach. It will be a struggle, but I am willing to have a hard time now so later down the road it will all pay off. In order to be successful in those topics, you have to be willing to sacrifice your time, friends, and your comfortable habits. But first, if I want success to be within reach, I need to focus on my schooling and grades.
So far throughout my high school career, I have been doing well; however, I know I can do a lot better from where I am now. For my freshman year I obtained a cumulative GPA of 3.5 for my second semester. I was frustrated with myself because I was used to get a 4.0 all throughout middle and elementary school. I knew I had to work harder my sophomore year, and was willing to continue to take advanced classes. So far, this year has not been going as planned. I am struggling in algebra two and AP world history. I know I can do better in those classes. I will not give up on myself
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I have been playing football and basketball for quite some time before high school, and plan to continue throughout my high school career. Last year as a freshman, I joined track and field not knowing if I was going to like the sport or not. After just one year, I love the sport and plan on being on the team every year. For football season, one of my goals is to start on JV and swing up to varsity before the season ends. In order to do that I need to prove to the coaches that I am skillful enough and capable of leading the team to victories. In basketball, I hope to start on JV this year, and hustle at whatever I do. By junior year, I hope to be on varsity for basketball. In the spring when track season comes, my goal is just to get faster than I was before and break my
Former baseball player Tommy Lasorda once said, “The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.” The journey of our life is full of winding paths and concrete obstacles whose sole goal is to slow us down, and to attempt to block us from reaching our ultimate goal in life, whatever that may be. These barriers are there for several different reasons, whether it be mental or physical. Sometimes these obstacles are motivated by fear, other times they exist simply because we have to make a decision, and that decision can be life changing. But through our determination, and through our perseverance, we can achieve what these barriers told us was impossible, and can pursue the path in our life that leads us to our ultimate self. Throughout my life, I have had thousands of barriers stand in my path. And the only way I was able to defeat them was through conquering my fears, and breaking my limits in order to achieve excellence.
I entered high school, and I made it a personal promise and goal to absolutely succeed and push my limits. So far, I have succeeded with this goal. From the beginning of my freshman year, I made sure I took the maximum amount of classes, and I finished each course with an A. I took advantage of an internship program at my school, where I shadowed one of the science teachers at my school. Throughout my Sophomore year, I continued this. I finished each course with an A, except for Biology, for which I finished it with a B. I am now in my senior year, and I continue to be successful with all of my classes.
Like any other athlete, I always dreamed of winning a state championship. This dream was a little too big for my high school team to accomplish, so I had to reevaluate my dream. When I joined the team my varsity
My freshmen year, I have many goals that I would love to achieve. Now that I am in high school, sports are more important than in middle school. Being watched by recruiters and making it to state are both possibilities in high school. However, grades come before everything, and graduating with a 4.0 G.P.A., could mean scholarships to many school. I will have to take my studies more seriously because what happens now, could determine my future. Even though this year is going to be hard for me, I am going to achieve my goals by keeping focus on them and work hard until I accomplish them. My goals this year are to be healthier, excel in sports, and finish freshmen year with a 4.0 GPA.
It’s a weird feeling being compared to your seven-year-old sister. It’s an even weirder feeling when you’re being compared because she can run five times as long as you can.
I didn’t know that expect when I went into high school. I was a scared incoming freshman with big goals. At that point of my life I thought I had it all figured out but I’d love to go back to my first day of freshman year and give myself a couple tips about failure and dedication.
Although mostly unknown in the United States and around the world, in the city of El Cajon, California, I am among the 70,000 that belong to the Chaldean culture, a Christian-Catholic minority from Iraq . Over the course of my educational path, I sometimes wondered why I did not have blonde hair and blue eyes like many of my peers, but I finally came to understand that my background is an important trait as it reflects who I am among many and what I value: a strong connection to religion and faith, close familial ties, and the power to believe that anything is possible. The adversity that my parents faced as immigrants from the religious persecution in Iraq has given me the motivation to succeed as I am immensely honored and grateful for the
My biggest goal during my high school years have been achieving for greatness and having amazing grades. I’ve been a part of the Top 10% this past three years. Little by little I’ve been steeping up on my rank. This year I decided to take three AP classes, but next year I will push myself and get as many as AP classes and if possible get Dual Enrollment classes to increase my rank and be a part of the Top 5%.
Pathway for Success College is something everyone expects a young adult to be a part of, be it private, state or other. When a teenager gets to their junior year of High School the questions start pouring in. “What college are you going to?” “What do you want to major in?” “Are you sure that’s a smart career choice”, the questions become tiresome.
Coming from a world where competition is everything, it can be hard to figure what I want with my life. Students are told that education is everything, that we need to go to college to be successful. I have been told by my family that I need to aspire for greatness. My father and mother immigrated to the United States before I was born; looking for a better life. My parents struggled with understanding a new language, while also attempting to find work. In order to help my parents I must attend college and get a stable job.
Within Reach can mean many different things depending on the person. To me personally, within reach means having a goal that can be accomplished in a near time frame that is possible to achieve. Everyone has different goals in different periods of their life. Some goals may stay the same while others may change depending on the situation. My personal goals that are within reach are to get this year's homework done, be in the top twenty-five for the second year in a row, and to be a healthier person.
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" (Lao Tzu) My freshman year at Mater Dei High School is best described as both nerve-wracking and exiting.
My pathway to success has been marked by overcoming the obstacles that have strengthened me into excelling academically and becoming a leader in my community. Originally from El Salvador, I’ve grown up in a nation which has found its economic growth and social development stuck between alarming rates of violence and poverty. Since a young age, I have aspired to achieve a higher level of education by studying in the United States and pursuing a career in the corporate world. Little did I know, those ambitions would nearly become unreachable when I got rejected from college due to insufficient financial support. Not losing hope, I looked into every viable option that would grant me acceptance into college until, a family friend saw the potential in me and decided to act as my financial sponsor.
Albert Einstein, one of the greatest physicists who ever lived, stated, “Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others, it is the only means.” (Albert Einstein) I embrace this same philosophy in my life. Daily, I strive to lead by example to influence others positively. I am an excellent candidate for the HOBY Award because I consistently demonstrate leadership skills through problem- solving, creative thinking, decision making, community service and courage to speak out.
There are several qualities to have to be successful in college. These qualities can range from attending class to going above and beyond what’s expected. Success comes from the journey taken or the path chosen. Success also comes from being prepared. As a student, I must step up to the challenge and find the path to success along the way. Several ways I define success is to uphold academic integrity, have the ability to prioritize, and to motivate myself to stay on top of what needs to be accomplished.