
College Admissions Essay-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

I used to be a fighter. I used to walk confidently, I was never afraid to kick or scream or punch. I’ve grown up in a house of loud, stubborn people with strong opinions. But one day, I started feeling dull. I don’t remember when or how it happened, really. I guess that the looks I got and the laughter from other kids across the room began to take a toll on me. So in the Summer of sixth grade I started changing. I began to wear makeup. I dyed and straightened what used to be a huge frizzy mess of orange hair. I stopped wearing color even. During my first few weeks of middle school, I quickly learned two things. One being that people like you a lot more if your pretty, and the other being that loud, bold personalities are frowned upon by my peers. So I got quieter and cowardly. …show more content…

I dated an older boy in Seventh grade as well, who was also attracted to miserable people. I think this is because he himself was miserable, and because he knew he’d be able to walk all over me. Things quickly began to spiral out of control, he stopped being nice to me and he would use emotional manipulation to keep me around for the next two years. Over time I started to dislike myself a lot. I would write awful things about myself on my arms, stomach and in journals. I let people use me over and over again because I wanted them to be happy. I eventually grew very attached to my sadness and would lie to my therapist because I didn’t want help

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