Growing up has been an adventure for me, being raised in a family that cares and loves each other I have been taught the importance that one can create for another. From vacations around the world to community services around the city my family and I have experienced it together. I have been raised by a Mexican mother where the cultural values are different from the traditional American lifestyle, in where she lets me stay on a longer leash unlike the helicopter parents that my friends had growing up. This made me to stay on top of things without being asked to, or looking after my own grades and missing assignments. When it came to manners, that was a completely different story. Both my parents heavily reinforced the need of being polite, …show more content…
I have been able to see myself in a clearer lense as I mature knowing both sides of many things, my less privileged cousins from a different country or my rich uncle and his business I fall into a place where I see myself capable of giving rather than receiving. Although there are things that I have had to overcome that shaped me more into the individual that I am today like everyone I have lost a loved one, I have had the worst day of my life, I have had a time where I cried all day, but I won't use it as an excuse for my failures but rather the keys to my success by benefiting me as an overall individual and trying to make others around me better as well. My mother has taught me how to be me by knowing the importance of personality my father has showed me how to dream by becoming a leader in the business world and my sister has paved a way to succeed by her hard worked studies at the University of Austin, but the next step to my adventure
A thick cloud of smoke fills the air, the crackle of the debri engulfed inside of the glowing orange flame, with heat radiating off an unstoppable fire. “The most powerful weapon on Earth is the human soul on fire” (Foch). Every fire has to start somewhere, either you build it yourself, or someone else drops the match that will ignite and develop the fire. Many people in my life have dropped the match to start the fire for me, such as encouraging me on the path to become an Eagle Scout. However, I have also gathered my own sticks and materials to grow my fire by successfully overcoming adversity in my life.
“You know Kwesi, I only came to this country with forty bucks in my pocket and the clothes on my back and look where I am today.” -- words from my father I thought to myself the first time I saw a rifle plummet down to my head.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls, and looks like work." - Thomas Edison. An opportunity can change your life, but your attitude towards the opportunity will determine whether it will make your life better. I believe you should take the opportunity when you see it.
I’ll take you on the ride of your life, need you here on the passenger side! I live for entertaining, sharing positive vibes and just having a pleasurable time, all the time. I’m currently a student studying psychology, but I definitely know my future lies in singing, songwriting and dancing. I’m a very creative person and I love being inspired, whether it be through traveling to new places, trying exotic foods, meeting brilliant and innovative people or my favorite, spontaneous
Throughout our lives, we make choices and decisions that change our lives and others in positive and/or negative ways. It is these decisions that determine how we will be remembered, our legacy. When I graduate high school, I want to be remembered by the qualities that define me as a person and the good I’ve done for others. Throughout the years, I’ve been often been described by my family and friends as bold, confident, outgoing, and hardworking. Not only are these characteristics important to me, but they are important to my family, as they want to leave a legacy in the name of our family. The qualities I have exhibited are the same qualities past family members have shown and are remembered for. Through always putting out my best effort when it comes to work and school, I have shown my dedication and discipline. Through doing what I can to help others, I have displayed my commitment to world peace, the betterment of the world as a whole, and the yearning to make a difference in someone’s life other than my
I was always different from the other kids in my class. I was reserved and quiet. Most would tell me that I always look like I was in deep thought. Well that's because I was. I always thought that I thought deeper and viewed the world differently than other people my age. I had a great interest in people, in fact they fascinated me. I greatly enjoyed meeting new people and listening to their life or things they like. So I guess one could say my interest in Anthropology dates back to grade school. History was always my best subject, I would always sit at the front of the class "bright eyed and bushy tailed". But I especially loved when they talked about different civilizations of people and the thing they did. When it was time to decide where I wanted to go to college and
"Youth is everlasting if you feed your soul with much love and many adventures," a phrase I have claimed my entire life. I have traveled across the seven seas, from the white sand beaches and crystal clear waters of the Caribbean, to the snowy tundra of the Italian alps. I have studied traditional Indian art and learned to play the tabula under the tree canopies of Karola, India. I have hiked to a cliff's edge to watch humpback whales migrate through Queensland, Australia. I have payed homage to my religious ancestors at the western wall in Jerusalem, Israel. I mention a few of the places I have traveled not because they describes who I am, but because my adventures have created the person you see today. Seeing the world has struck passion in my heart and curiosity in my mind.
Ever since I was able to reach the sink, I have helped to clean the dishes. My family takes longer to wash dishes than most because we wash every recyclable before putting it in the bin. I always threw a fit because I did not understand why we had to wash our garbage, and it was not until later that I learned it was so that everything we put in our bin would be accepted by the recycling plant.
“Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay”. Habakkuk 2:10 NKJV Bible
In the corner of my memory, there had lain a dilapidated, black sofa. The piece of furniture was my only loyal friend who had accompanied me throughout my numerous bouts of boredom. Although I had yearned to create a multitude of unbreakable friendships, fate was not on my side.
It may seem unusual for a teenager to look at their early childhood and compare it to their current lifestyle. When we were young, most of us were filled with optimism. We would be easily occupied with a simple task unrelated to our surroundings. We as children would color, listen to music, or chow down on our favorite snack regardless of where we would have been. In the cycle of life, we begin to outgrow our childish ways, yet our roots have remained with us throughout our life.
My life is ineffable. Sometimes I wonder if my life can be counted as an oxymoron? So sour, yet so sweet. An organized madness. A sane insanity?! When one thing happens, another follows; being contradictory to the first. Or maybe an anaphora? Always starting the same tedious way, but always ending differently. Perhaps my life is an idiom. Not many understand how my life goes through its day-to-day basis — possibly being no one except me. How arduous life seems to my eyes, however it appears to be the simplest and “effortless”, implying that I don’t have to work to achieve or receive something to others. Despite the fact that they have never lived a day I have, they still decide to give me a non-asked-for opinion about my life.
Little piece of my life It’s mid fall, and everyone is submitting their essays to colleges to register and hopefully get accepted. Everyone, including me. I was born and raised in Lewis County. My dad taught me that the harder I work, the more successful I will be and the more money I will consume as a consumer. I currently attend Napavine High School.
Along with manners come a child’s level of laziness and intensity, because of this children are able to persevere through hard times and find ways to step it up when they mature. As a child my parents raised me to the best of their ability and I would say 100% they did a great job and I’m sure others would agree. I was taught to be hard working versatile person who would go to the extreme for a family member, God, or a job, and because of this I had grown up doing all of these to make my life as good as I could get it. Everyone knows that when a person gets older they are given responsibilities they have
What has my journey to graduation been like for me? My journey has been a crazy, fun-filled learning adventure. I met many goals and accomplishments I set for myself but I also faced some challenges on the way. For example, I finally met my goal of graduating with a 4.6 GPA and maintaining it. Also, I accomplished completing my last four years of grade school and now I am on the way to college. My last year has been interesting and there are many goals, accomplishments and challenges I can reflect on.