Have you ever dropped a pebble in a pond and watched the water ripple outward from the center for what seems like an eternity? It is fascinating how one seemingly insignificant pebble can have an enormous effect on such a large expanse of water. Through my life experiences, I came to the realization that everything I do has an effect on others in some way either positively or negatively. Every person that I come into contact with, on any given day, is affected by me. Even a simple gesture such as a smile, holding the door open for someone, or a kind word could change that person’s day for the better. Doing my best can positively affect others, and can in turn, inspire them to do their best. Consequently, they may pass on their best effort to …show more content…
Last summer, I volunteered for a program called “Acts of Kindness” where I lead a group of elementary students performing service work. One of my most memorable days occurred when we visited Linden Grove Retirement community where we worked and had fun with residents who lived there. We brought drums and acoustic guitars to play music with the retirees and joined in on their card games. Afterward, our team swept, cleaned, pulled weeds and washed the employee’s cars. We were told by one of the employees that we had improved their day ten-fold. The elderly residents thanked us for one of the best days they have had in awhile. It made us all feel so happy and gratified that we could affect those people in such a positive way.
I have learned that it is important to be aware of how my actions affect others in my life. By being my best in school and volunteering in my community, I have witnessed the subsequent positive results. If being my best drops a pebble in water that can make huge ripples of positivity in others and bring out their best, then imagine what the world could be like if everyone dropped a pebble of their best effort into the
Volunteering at the Laurel nursing home was an eye opener for me. I had done volunteer work before but the one that inspired me the most was for Laurel Nursing Home. As a group from AP Fatheree Vocational Tech Health Science class, we would go to the nursing home whenever they would allow us to come. At the nursing home, we would come up with games and activities to play with everyone such as: cards, bowling, family feud, and karoake. The best part about volunteering there was seeing the joy on their faces as we all walk in. Our presence meant more to them then we all would have expected especially for the ones who rarely got visitors. Being able to sit and listen to some of the stories they had to tell was a blessing. Although, I learned
While volunteering at Discovery Challenger I have exclusively worked with a blind man named Geno. My service to the Discovery Challenger Program has positively affected the community in that the athletes that required a helper were able to have me as one despite the limited number of volunteers who helped the athletes. Another community service I committed myself to while in high school was the club Life is Delicious. Life is Delicious is a club that between two and three times Year members of the club cook a warm meal at the high school, and then some go to the St. Vincent DePaul Homeless Shelter in Waterbury. At the end of my sophomore year I was named Co-President of the club. As a member of the club I went to all of the cooking and serving activities and was able to help the homeless of Waterbury by giving them a warm meal. The most impactful service I performed in my opinion was during my junior year when I was the organizer for the Penguin Plunge. During my junior year I thought that it would be a good idea for the basketball team to do the Penguin Plunge in order to raise money for Special Olympics Connecticut as I had done so in the previous two years. So, I approached the athletic director
What became evident in my life, were the snowball effect consequences that come with making good or bad choices. Due to this, I arrived to the realization that helping others is principal for all to do. In my opinion, helping others is like guiding and counseling them consciously like a counselor. When family would support me with a difficult situation, I was advised and able to transcend. Everyone will
Not many people have inspired as many people as Maya Angelou. She had a slow, easy way of talking that was beautiful. Everything she said had meaning in it, which is probably why Maya Angelou quotes are some of the most powerful quotes for living a better life. She was also one woman who gave some powerful life lessons to some very powerful people, such as Oprah, and she can still give those lessons to us through the words she left behind. Following are 10 Maya Angelou quotes that remind us of what life is all about.
In tenth grade, my English teacher posed the class with a question: what are you going to do for your community? She emphasized the importance of making a positive impact, even if it meant simply smiling as you hold the door open for someone. She prompted us to go out of our comfort zone and do something for our community. While I had been volunteering at Church and at school, I had never really taken a step out of my comfort zone. Instead of just helping out in, say, a soup kitchen, I decided that it was time
“Anywhere I see suffering, that is where I want to be, doing what I can,” Princess Diana so bravely pronounced when she was living. When we help others, we make a difference in their lives. If you leave an impact on someone, they can follow your footsteps in making a positive change in the world. Sometimes, it can be a domino effect, which can lead even more people to help others out.
I can make a difference in the world by being kind to everyone at any circumstance. For example in the article, “The Science of Good Deeds” the author states, “"One study showed that when men felt loved by their wives, they were less likely to experience chest pain that might signal a heart attack." This just goes to show that being kind can benefit any person in a positive way. Additionally, “Angel in Disguise” shows us that being kind to someone can not only benefit the recipient, but it can also benefit yourself. Mrs. Thompson was selfish and cruel before she met Maggie, while she was taking care of Maggie her heart changed and she became less selfish. Furthermore, in the song “Hall of Fame, I learned that you can accomplish anything as long as you try. This proves that anything is possible, but it isn’t always easy to do.
In the movie Pay it Forward, 11-year-old Trevor’s idea to impact the world through helping others in a way they could not pay it back. They had to help others instead. One simple idea sparked an entire movement. I have been involved our student organization Random Acts of Kindness. Leaving Encouraging signs and notes across the school with others in my club has been fun and helped to create an atmosphere of positive energy that is infectious. Like Trevor, I have a strong will to keep trying until I get
Instead of being in the library or at school, I was out on the road with the underground passing out food and water to the homeless. It was my idea to bring out food for those who couldn’t get to us. There were a lot of people who were disabled and barely able to move who needed help.
Everyday with simple words, we could be changing peoples lives for the better or for the worse without any second thought. Our words and actions no matter how small they might be, could be an immense factor in someone else’s future. Your actions might be regarded as minuscule now, but that could develop into something much more substantial.
By doing one simple kind act, out of the kindness of your heart it makes people around you want to do something kind as well, and that is how one drop of water can affect a whole pond. When someone commits a simple act of kindness it changes things, more specifically the effect it has on society, how you are seen as a person and the relationships you can establish. Without kindness, the world we live in would be completely different and dangerous place, and we will risk people becoming selfish. Being kind-hearted does not take much and it is a very simple task. Therefore everyone should be able to
When society discusses the impact that people have on one another, they generally speak about the conscious decisions that people make to change another’s life. These, like all things, can be good or bad. In the movie Pay it Forward, Trevor made a choice to positively impact the lives of three people. He chose to let a homeless man stay in his house, help two people find love, and stop the abuse of a friend. In all of these actions, Trevor succeeded in making the lives of others better, even when it was to his detriment. This movie has inspired many people to make a difference in the lives of others. Similarly, there has been a story circulating the Internet recently that features a kindergartener who realized that her classmates did not have money to buy milk. She decided that she would use her own allowance to help these kids. She inspired so many that she was able to raise over $9,000 for her cause on GoFundMe. Perhaps her classmates will remember this good deed and will feel motivated to do the same when they are older. As
Mohandas Gandhi, once said, "In a gentle way, you can shake the world." My whole life I have always been active in my community and involved with young children. Through these experinces I have learned to see the beauty in the simple things and that I didn't need to be part of something grand to make a difference. Whether it was with the children or the families of my community, everyone involved was always thankful for whatever I was doing. Their thanksgiving changed my whole world because then I realized my whole life I had been living, trying to be part of something great and now I know I can change the world by just being me.
I believe the small things make the biggest difference in a community. Over the years, I have served many, worthy volunteer organizations. From lobbying to the state legislators on bills to alleviate hunger in our communities, to serving lunch at the local senior center, to assisting disabled children at sporting events, I’ve enjoyed many opportunities to make a difference on a large scale. But one ordinary day, I did something I am truly proud of and I think it made my community a better place. I was driving home from work one afternoon during the summer. It was hot by San Diego standards; the temperature approaching more than 90 degrees. As I neared my home, there was a team of workers digging trenches to install reclaimed water pipes
Margaret Mead once said: “Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” This quote certainly holds true for me. When I was in elementary school, a caring man changed my life without knowing it.