In my lifetime I have been many places. Out of these places there is one that is very important to me. This place has helped shape me into the person I am today. I am very thankful that I have gotten to grow and get better in this very place. To get better at what I love to do, and what I hope to do for years to come. This place that is truly meaningful to me would be the Softball Field. Growing up in this environment of tough competition taught me about hard work and dedication. It also taught me about teamwork and sportsmanship. Team mates are like family so you always have their back and they have yours. Win or lose, go out with dignity. From my experiences in softball I have gained a good work ethic. Therefore I try very hard to reach my goals, in softball and in life. If life knocks me down then I am going to get right back up and try harder. It is the exact same thing on the field. I have learned to take the pain and try harder next time. In order to get better that is what I have to do. I have made some of my best friends while playing softball. Friendships are made in practice and strengthened on the field. Trust plays a big part in a team and in the friendships made within that team. 0n the field everybody has to trust every other person on their team. Or …show more content…
But it is friendly competition that pushes each person to get better and be the best they can be as an individual player. Then the coach takes each players good qualities and puts them towards making the team better as a whole. That is their job as a coach. One coach that is currently my coach has a quote that he lives by, “the four most important things in softball are eyes, focus, confidence, and 110% till the end.” I am thankful for the coaches that I have had during this process. They have taught me the game in order for me to succeed at it. Also their love for the game has made me love it even more because I see how much they
People always say that the team is only as strong as its weakest player. Meaning that I had to help my teammates do the best that they could do. Therefore the weakest player was still a strong player compared to others. I could not have made it all about me because I can not play all nine positions at one time. Something very important about that comes with team work is getting along with the teammates. For a while I did not get along with one of my team members. I am not going to lie all we wanted for each other was to see each other down. Again my coach was not having that on her team. She pulled me aside one day and talked to me and said “The only way that our team is going to get somewhere was if you and you know who get it together.”. In these few words I knew that if i wanted my team to succeed I was going to have to but my feelings about my teammate to the side and focus on the bigger picture. I had to work with the team to put aside our differences and do what was best for my
From the young age of five, through the eleven years full of learning curves and numerous injuries, I was shaped by my self motivation and peers. Softball was a profound component in my daily life. When I was younger I would have never thought softball would have such an incredible impact on my character. Today, my past experiences shape me into an individual who can be seen as not only a leader, but as someone who can work as a team to achieve goals and standards. I remember learning to pitch for the first time.
Some people think that softball is just a game. A game where the blood, sweat, and tears do not have meaning. On the other hand, the blood, sweat, and tears have more meaning than some people think. It is part of softball. A place where the people always have my back. The place where I met my two best friends. I have learned discipline, life lessons, and leadership skills from softball. It is a place I can shut out real life problems. Softball is more than just a game; it is my life.
Softball has always been a huge part of my life. In cleats by the time I was 4, the sport of softball inevitably became a love of mine. As with any sport, there are specific skills that are required to be an effective athlete. For me, I had to be able to throw, catch, and hit a ball. These various motor skills are gradually learned, and eventually mastered.
Softball has taught me many life skills like how to get along with twenty girls and have a friendship with each and every one of them. Also, I think it has really shaped my life a small amount; I don’t think I’m the same person I was two months ago. Even though my team didn't win every game or even most of our games, we still acted like a unit and didn't give up easily and we played our hardest at every game. Honestly from my own opinion, I think losing made us even closer to each other and we weren't a cocky team either we were just really confident.
Softball shows friendship by how the team comes together, we laugh, smile, and joke around all the time. Softball without friendship is almost like you are going into a war zone. Sometimes a team full of friendships, is a team that’s not ready for big the big game, or a team that will be ready ever second for anything that could happen. A team like this will help each other improve on the simple things, like the perfect swing, or the perfect play. Friendship can win championships, because everyone knows what your strong point is, and talk to you when you aren’t trying that hard. And when you know how to talk with everyone they will soon find out how important this is for everyone. And want to help win the championship for the ones that want it most. At the end of each day its more than a friendship, it’s more like a family. Everyone comes together at the end of the season, it sad to see the good players go. And even after the season is over everyone will still talk about next year’s season. It’s the best family that anyone could ask for.
Softball: Fondest Memories and Most Valuable Lessons Nothing in the world can compare to the thrill of placing your feet into the batter’s box, with bases loaded, the whole crowd chanting your name, and the pressure being all on you to execute the winning hit of the game. Slowly, you begin to forget about the 100-degree weather, you block out the noise, and focus solely on the one goal in mind; achieving this win not only for yourself, but your whole team as well. Your batting gloves clench around your bat, anticipating the pitch coming your way. As the ball comes closer and closer, it meets your bat as you scorch the ball directly down the left field line.
We all have specific talents that make us, humans, who we are. My talent is also my idol. If I did not have this piece of my life, then I feel like it could very well make my college application incomplete. I hope to be a successful prospect of my specific interest. Playing baseball is what I do.
A significant place for me is located in Scarborough, Ontario. To be more specific this place is a building named "960" on Markham RD, this is a building where my roots began. I have lived in this building for 13 years and it's been a great experience. The characteristics of this place is, there is a lot of peace and it has a welcoming feeling. When I was young I use to believe that I should only be playing with kids that have the same background ( Hindu ) as me. 960 was ninety percent filled with people from a Hindu culture, so use to think that 960 was a dream place. 960 has a big role in shaping my identity and 960 is a reason why I am partially Indian and Canadian. when I lived in that building I use to have so much freedom, in the
I enjoy helping others pursue their passions and achieve their goals. Softball is a sport that has taught me many important life lessons including teamwork, leadership, and dedication. As softball is a sport that has taught me so much, I spent several weeks of my high school summers volunteering at softball camps. It was always rewarding to see the young girls discover their passion for the game just as I did when I was their age.
Playing softball, you get fit. Being fit, makes people like their bodies, which makes people happier in general. When throwing the ball, you have to throw it harder than you would a baseball, which means you’re using more of your muscles than you would when throwing a baseball. As a result, your arms and body get toned, and running to catch the ball gets your legs worked out as well. When hitting the ball, you have
Throughout my life, I have played sports, thinking I was just competing and having fun. What I did not know at the time was the amount of lessons I would learn along the way. My greatest accomplishment is getting the opportunity to go to state in softball. I know that this accomplishment did not come easy and that softball has taught me many life lessons. This achievement has taught me how to work hard, how to compete, and how to be a team player.
Something that is really important to me is Puerto Rico and my family there. The reasons as to why Puerto Rico and my family are important to me is because my family remembers me even though I don't remember them. There are a lot of fun places to go to. Also, I grew up there l. First, my family always come up to me and ask me if I remember them. No matter how many times I go there I will always forget some of my family, but they don't forget me. Next, every time I go to Puerto Rico I always visit new places. There's a place called Parque de las Palomas, which in English is just pigeon park. You can feed the pigeons there and in my opinion it's really fun l. Lastly, I grew up in Puerto Rico. I lived there when I was little in a house
The most memorable place i’ve been to would have to be Addis Ababa ( the capital of Ethiopia). This trip was a life changer for me and my whole family.
As a child, people will always remember certain destinations that stick with them that made a good impression. I have a place that not only made a good impression, it changed me. It made me think off all the things in life people take for granted; places, people, activates. This place brought all though special things in life to one place where I can enjoy them all at the same time. The Oregon coast. Traveling there, as a kid was always special. Waking up early in the morning and driving the long trip there, going through forests, valleys, and cities.