
College Admissions Essay: What Is Nature Or Nurture?

Decent Essays

Nature or Nurture? It is the age old question of which one makes us who we are. Is it nature, our predisposed traits passed down generations that shape us? Or is it nurture, the environment we grow up in and the people who are around us that shape us? Looking at ones major events and influences in their life you can discern whether nature or nurture dominates their character. Some of the major influences in my life which have shaped my nature would start with my parents as my biggest influencers. They are vital in a child’s early development. Parents either encourage good habits and values or they demonstrate bad ones. In my case it has been good values that have been instilled in me. They have taught Christian morals which has shaped my worldview and . My parents have been faithful in attending …show more content…

I saw first hand what they did for a patient. Through this I was wanted to become a nurse. Their work has impacted me in what I desire to do. I have moved around many states and other countries because of my Dad’s job as a Chaplain in the Army. This has provided many opportunities in getting out of one’s comfort zone, learning how to interact with different people, and seeing new places. I have been shaped by many lessons I have learned through these moves. It has given me insight as to others cultures and the appreciation for them. The difficulties in moving so much have indeed shaped my outlook on life and appreciate the sacrifice that has gone into it. The peers around me have given a great outlook into how I would want to act or not act. Everyone has had a great many people which has affected him and paved his path. I have had people who had discouraged me and shown me what an ugly heart looks like. I have had other encourage and push me to do my best. This influences what a person thinks of himself and what you put your value

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