Nature or Nurture? It is the age old question of which one makes us who we are. Is it nature, our predisposed traits passed down generations that shape us? Or is it nurture, the environment we grow up in and the people who are around us that shape us? Looking at ones major events and influences in their life you can discern whether nature or nurture dominates their character. Some of the major influences in my life which have shaped my nature would start with my parents as my biggest influencers. They are vital in a child’s early development. Parents either encourage good habits and values or they demonstrate bad ones. In my case it has been good values that have been instilled in me. They have taught Christian morals which has shaped my worldview and . My parents have been faithful in attending …show more content…
I saw first hand what they did for a patient. Through this I was wanted to become a nurse. Their work has impacted me in what I desire to do. I have moved around many states and other countries because of my Dad’s job as a Chaplain in the Army. This has provided many opportunities in getting out of one’s comfort zone, learning how to interact with different people, and seeing new places. I have been shaped by many lessons I have learned through these moves. It has given me insight as to others cultures and the appreciation for them. The difficulties in moving so much have indeed shaped my outlook on life and appreciate the sacrifice that has gone into it. The peers around me have given a great outlook into how I would want to act or not act. Everyone has had a great many people which has affected him and paved his path. I have had people who had discouraged me and shown me what an ugly heart looks like. I have had other encourage and push me to do my best. This influences what a person thinks of himself and what you put your value
The historical debate regarding nature and nurture has been going on for years and is still unresolved. Many theorists believe what we have inherited and our genes, makes us the way we are and how we develop. Other theorists believe it is the way we are brought up and our experiences, that make us the way we are and how we develop.
Nature or Nurture. Nature may be all of the genes and hereditary factors with which influence them to become who they are such as physical appearances and personality characteristics. Nurturing impacts people’s lives as well as how they are raised and all the environmental factors. In combination, these qualities can be the true identity of oneself. Many people may argue that nurture appears to a play huge factor in the two, but others may think otherwise. Not having both as a characteristic can have a negative effect on a person physically and mentally. The debate of nature versus nurture appears to be the oldest argument known to man, and it still remains to be unanswered. In the old-age argument nature versus nurture, nature may play a huge role in determining a person’s true identity.
Stephanie Bueno Ms.Parascandolo Humanities II 9/1/14 Nature V.S Nurture It’s a question that many people have asked throughout history to get the psychological process of how people obtain certain qualities that make them who they are. The question everyone knows, Nature or Nurture? People grow up to be who they are because of one of these two factors.
Nature Vs Nurture is often the huge debate in psychology when it comes to determining and understanding individual’s characteristics traits. Nature is hereditary to our behavior while nurture is based on our environmental influences. Although most argue whether or not nature or nurture defines our characteristics, I believe both have an impact on we are.
The characteristics of nature vs. nurture are quite different. Nature is those qualities about a person that are deemed genetic. Such genetics heritability includes a person’s color and gender. Nature is a person’s biological determinism. Characteristics of nurture include environmental variation and external influences. These characteristics are dependent on such factors as social status and education and the influence these factors have on a person’s character. In my opinion, both nature and nurture uniformly determine of person’s personality and intelligence. This opinion is widely debated but not debunked.
For me my biggest influences have been my family. Naturally they are the people i spend the most time with and enjoy doing so. I admire something in everyone of my siblings and parents and can see what i have attained from them pretty clearly. From my brothers I have my music taste and odd sense of humor, from my mother my passive aggressive under tones but strong belief in self-discipline, and from my father a subtle belief in religion without active practice. Other things have also shaped me such as growing up in a decently wealthy town with a familiar atmosphere, but traveling often and enjoying other cultures i can take into account different views and a more worldly perspective on things. Politics have also shaped my life even though I am not active in them, but because of the company I keep. Due to the recent election tension has been created between many of my friends and has caused conflict because of opposing views. Many other things account for the way i am and the way i live my life but there are too many to count and even notice
Nature alludes to the majority of the qualities and inherited elements that impact who we are from our physical appearance to our identity attributes. Nurture alludes to all the natural variables that effect who we are, including our initial adolescence encounters, how we were raised, our social connections, and our encompassing society. There are still arguments as to which in fact influences us. While we are being affected by both we are more impacted by nurture. Nature and nurture are big parts of our lives, we cannot have one with the other they shape who we are, however nurture is a bigger influence.
Nature versus Nurture is the issue of the degree to which environment and heredity influence behavior and development. In this issue nature can be defined as, behaviors due to heredity. Which means behaviors are based on the genetic makeup of an individual and is an influence of the individuals' growth and development throughout life. On the other hand nurture are causes of behaviors that are environmental. Which means the influence is from, parents, siblings, family, friends and all other experiences to which the individual is exposed to.
The fact that I could sit down and write a list of how these people influenced me suggests that the influence did not alter me in any profound way. These people are all my elders, and perhaps I feel distanced from them. The person whose influence shook me to the deepest level is a person whose influence is nearly impossible to describe. Mike, the best friend I’ve ever had, changed me, and I changed him at one of the most crucial times in our lives: the seventh grade. We developed our personalities, our senses of humor, and our love for girls at the same time and in the same manner. It would cheapen his influence to quantify it; I am what I am because of him; I cannot say that about anybody else.
Nature vs. Nurture There are two things in this world: Nature and Nurture. Those are contradicting terms used to differentiate genetic thing and learned thing. for example, a kid who has been able to do mathematics calculation at the age of 3 while common kid at that age is still learning to memorize number, and this is called nurture. Nature influenced by genetic inheritance and other biological factors that influence who we are, like from our physical appearance to our personality characteristics.
Nature versus Nurture is an argument that is known to directly affect the development of children. Nature is the idea that what an individual accomplishes is due to the the genetic information they have, while nurture is the idea which says the accomplishment of an individual is due to the environment that one is raised in. After understanding what the two mean, I strongly believe that i was influenced more by nurture.
“Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy” -Sigmund Freud There are a few other things that arouse greater fascination than the human mind itself it’s complexity and the mystery which enshrouds it, has always appealed to me, which is why it is my dream to psychology at Regis University. Since Seventh grade I have always been a psychoanalytical person and have always wanted to know why people behave the way they do, what the origins of their behaviour are, and why they are motivated to behave in such a way. The concept of nature vs. Nurture is one that fascinates me greatly, and the raging debate that ensues that being nature referring to the wiring of one's neuro pathways from birth, and nurture referring
Over the years this topic has grown into a big debate; what has a bigger impact on who you are? Nature, the genes inside you that make up you, or nurture, how we were raised and the environment that we lived in. Many people have been studying it for years and finding evidence to support their belief, but in my opinion, I believe that nature has a bigger impact on who we are as people.
Nature is based upon genetic influences (Rathus 197). Stated in “Psychology student edition 4 by Spencer A. Rathus “heredity defines one’s nature”, which means that heredity helps make up your traits that is passed down from generation to generation (Rathus 54). Nurture is based upon environmental influences (Rathus 197). Stated in “Psychology student edition 4 by Spencer A. Rathus “nurture is in the origins of your behavior and mental processes”, which means that your behavior and mental processes are basically based on the environment that you live in and it includes the friends that you hang out with (Rathus 56). In your opinion, what influences how our personal development: nature or nurture, or perhaps a bit of both?
My parents are the biggest influences on my life. They have raised me differently than anyone that I know. Tiny differences in many different cultures have made me who I am. The have taught me how to reach for the stars, and I need to be focused in order to them reach them. I must work hard in order to be successful in life, but hard work always pays off.