This papers emphasis focuses on what motivates me to be my best. Throughout the paper I elaborate more on how success is my motivation. Also, the experience I have faced in my life which had lead me to have success as my main motivation in life. I like the satisfaction of achieving an accomplishment.
What Is Your Why Essay: My Motivation Insight
What motivates me? When reflecting on my motivation insight, it occurs to me that achieving the goals which I have set for myself motivates me to be my best and enables me to set no limits on what I can achieve in this life. I take great joy in what I excel at I love meeting my deadlines it gives me a great sense of accomplishment. Also, having something to look back into as a reference
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It was enduring for me to have come across John Wooden's definition of success. He define success as “a peace of mind of self-satisfaction and becoming the best version of yourself.” John Wooden definition of success resemblance my definition of how I view success. I consider success as achieving goals that you have set for yourself which indeed gives you great satisfaction. I had concluded on success as my motivation when I came to the University of South Florida. My primary focus is to experience new things and find a strategy on how to succeed at it. I made a list mentally of the things I would like to expose myself while attending USF. On the top of my list, I want to graduate with outstanding grades. Secondly, on my list, I want t to expose myself to try different things that would help turn me into an excellent public speaker. Therefore, I join the Orientation Team to gain success in this journey. I needed to remain positive and believing that I can succeed. Even though success does not guarantee the comprehension of understanding, that success comes from a successful
What is the real definition of success, in fact is there even a definition? Well, in the book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell it is the story of success. Some successful people are born with talent, and skills. As others may have to put in hard work to get to where they are. Every successful person is different, which means there is no definition for being successful. Being successful is made of many different categories. Many successful people are born with talents, put in hard work, and are different from everyone else.
What is your definition of success? My definition of success is achieving the highest goal that you set for yourself and overcoming all odds to achieve that goal.
John Wooden once said, "success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best you are capable of becoming." This quotation is relevant to the question of how would you define success because success can be defined in many ways, depending on who you are asking. For you to have a better understanding, I will explain how success is defined in John Wooden's "Pyramid of Success", next how success was defined in the movie "Hoosiers", also how Bobby Plump saw success in his Milan team, and lastly how I have had success in my life time.
Motivation: My motivation is myself and my kids. Providing a better and secure future for my family. I’m striving to do my best at everything in my life right now. I’m the glue that holds my little family together and it’s very important that I never give up, and I continue to reach all of the goals I have set for myself to be a successful mother, student and Addiction Counselor.
Success is something that all people strive for in life. Google defines success as the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. John Wooden, one of the most successful basketball coaches of all time, defines success as peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming. For you to understand of success I will explain the success from John Wooden’s pyramid of success, examples of success from the movie Hoosiers and our Skype with Bobby Plump, and success in my life.
His definition of success is “Peace of mind attained only through self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do the best of which you're capable.” Everyone had different goals and thinks differently therefore they should all have their own understanding of succes. John Wooden’s definition of success is basically not only about their accomplishments but also when the person is content with where they are at. He decided to make his own definition because he knows that for many people success is the accumulation of material possession or the attain of a position of power, but in his opinion that is not necessarily success. For some people success can be being the best mother or father in the world while for others it can be being the best the richest person in the world.
There are infinite hobbies and pastimes that could ignite a flaming passion in their soul. Fortunately for myself, that flame early on, though I did not realize until years later. From an early age I was involved in dance, choir, and theatre. Though performing did not start out as a passion, dancing and singing became an outlet to express myself. The arts is a fairly difficult field to get into; talent is a large factor in success, but sometimes connections can be an even larger factor. My passion for performing, especially theatre, kicked off during my freshman year of high school. Unfortunately, the department was political and unbeknownst to me, those politics would become the root of stress and disappointment for the next four years.
While brainstorming on how I can create my own motivational theory, I stopped and thought of the reason I am writing this paper. What motivation do I have in order to complete this paper and turn it in? Is it because I would like to graduate next Spring? Is it because I need a good grade so that I can pass the class? Is it because it is the right thing to do? Is it because I would like to really create and understand my own motivational theory and apply it to my everyday work life? Honestly, all of the questions above contribute to my personal motivation for this assignment. Everyday people do things, such as go to school, study, go to work, take care of their kids, etc. Why everybody does these things vary from person to person. I know that a big part of my satisfaction at work derived from how motivated I am to complete the work and what part my organization aids in that motivation.
Throughout my entire life--or, only as much of it as I can remember--my family struggled financially, as we still do. I had become so accustomed to my family’s penny-pinching tendencies that I would constantly compare prices whenever I went to the grocery store to see if I could find a cheaper price.
The definition of success is in the eye of the beholder. More than three-fourths of your life is spent working to become successful. People are told during childhood to work as hard as they can so they can grow up and make lots of money. But the word success can be taken in many different ways. Everyone has a different understanding of what success means to them. Generally, success means fulfilling the goals that you set for yourself. For some, success is measured by popularity and riches; for others success is determined by the amount of happiness that they feel.
People need self-motivation to succeed because not every problem can be solved by others, some have to be solved by oneself. When conflicts arise, individuals need to seek out the path of best fit to conquer the issue at hand. Throughout my entire childhood, I aspired to be a great swimmer. When I was a young adolescent, my favorite sport to watch during the Olympics was swimming. How could someone move so fast through the water? The extremely close races and extraordinary comebacks always excited me. I wanted experience the thrill for myself.
I would define success as achieving a goal that you set out for. The three most important things on John Wooden's Pyramid of Success are Confidence, Condition and Fight. These create success in many ways. If you have confidence to win you will always win or come very close. If your team is in condition you will be able to outwork the other team and be success. And if you willing to fight to win then you will be successful in every accept of life. I thought these were important because of how the sports I play I use all of these to be successful in these and in life in general.
When we hear the word “success”, we often think of wealth and money. To some people, the embodiment of being success is earning a lot of money. In fact, the concept of success is primarily based on how much money a person earns. However, each person views the definition of success differently. One way to define success is something that has more to do with flash than it does with substance. John Wooden, an American basketball player and coach view success as “a peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming” (JLP). John Wooden believes that true measure of success comes simply when someone do the best they can do, no matter what the outcome is. This shows that some people view success in a way that does not deal with wealth and money. Success is considered as one of the American Dream which each individual have at least dream of achieving it at some point in their life. Although this simple word can be defined in various ways, to achieve success require rigorous hard work, sacrifices, strong motivation and a wild interpretation of success.
Motivation is the number one driving force behind anything and everything an individual does each day. “Motivation is the desire to do the best possible job or to exert the maximum effort to perform an assigned task. Motivation energizes, directs, and sustains human behavior directed towards a goal.” (Honor, 2009). Motivation can determine the outcome of projects, goals, and can set limits on what an individual can obtain or what they believe they can obtain. Motivation often is the deciding factor on how successful a project in an organization is, and an individual’s needs and desires can both influence a person’s motivation greatly. Motivation can also determine how well an individual does in school, college, or university.
In a small part, every aspect of my life motivates me to strive for my dreams. My family; parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, nephews and nieces motivate me and push me harder to achieve my goals and aspirations. Me being the first in my family to graduate high school, and enter into college is a tremendous amount of pressure. I want to be able to prove to them that they can reach their dreams no matter how old or young, if they are determined. Mainly, I want to show them that everything is obtainable if you work for it. My boyfriend motivates me to be the best verision of myself that I can be, we both chose to go to SFA together, after I stated I wasn’t interested in going to college. He motivates me to be better, faster, stronger and more determined. He teaches me to set high goals and reach them. Lastly, my coworkers motivate me to continue to improve my already strong work ethic. As their manager, they depend on me to teach them how to succeed in our work environment. Having people look up to me motivates me to no end. I love to set examples and be a leader to show people anything is possible.