
College Athlete Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

About 750 million dollars was made in television rights in the National Collegiate Athletic Association, or NCAA, in 2014. This 750 million dollars was not given to the players that played in those games, but the coaches and their colleges (Pallack). Athletes in the NCAA have many aspects they have to monitor: the possibility of getting hurt, expenses, and their time. Around sixty hours is how many hours a college athlete spends practicing and playing basketball (Majerol). College athletes are just like professional athletes but at a lower level, so college athletes should be paid to play a sport because of their hard work, passion, responsibility, and commitment. The possibility of getting injured or hurt is something everyone has to watch out for. If a NCAA athlete gets a fracture or broken bone and their family isn’t very wealthy, how does the NCAA expect the injured athlete and the family to pay for the surgery or recovery? The NCAA doesn’t care how the athlete gets the money for the surgery or procedure, but they care if that athlete is going to be alright after the procedure occurs. A college …show more content…

“The NCAA gets a cut; universities get a cut; coaches get a cut. The only ones not cashing in, it seems, are the players themselves. Under NCAA rules, they’ve been considered ‘amateurs’ who aren’t allowed a profit from their sports” (Majerol). This is something the NCAA has to change if they want more college athletes to be happy. If athletes in college were paid, even a small amount, this could change their lives. College athletes are risking their lives, spending a large amount of time with their team, and paying college expenses, and this is why college athletes should be paid for the dedication of their team and the risking of their

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