
College Athletes and Scholarships: Not what it Seems

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Many still seem to believe a “free” education is more than enough, when in reality, not many players are actually given a free education. While every student has the potential to earn financial aid and academic scholarship money, athletes are also capable of receiving athletic money. A majority of athletes today are either playing without an athletic scholarship or a partial scholarship, in addition to other grants and academic subsidies. To non-athletes, this may seem unfair, but look at the big picture. These athletes are spending much of their time in the gym, on the practice field, and even in the trainer’s room dealing with injuries on a daily basis. It is extremely difficult to manage school, athletics, and life itself at once let …show more content…

This process is allowing schools to widen their athletic programs, while making academic accommodations. An English philosopher and author once wrote, “Knowledge is power” (“Philosophy”). This saying has shown to be very true through the years and in the collegiate world of today, athletes are essentially being told knowledge can be optional under your circumstances. This is not what we as a society want conveyed to the young generation.
There are also many benefits as to why institutions would want to keep players on the field rather than in the classroom. Not only does making academic accommodations rob student-athletes of a proper education, but this creates a lot more competition between rival schools. When the deck is stacked, the rival schools have no choice but to counter in order to keep up athletically. Each year more and more athletes are given a less than useful education, while also being taught many improper values. Therefore, this dishonesty has most likely spread through many division one schools across the nation. If it has not yet, it will soon. When the recruiting base is not limited to those with a quality high school education the competition within the game will increase dramatically. This makes for better games more television deals, sponsorships, fans, and thus revenue. The schools seem to acquire an endless amount of benefits when it comes to college sports. Yet, athletes are being objectified and deprived of a valuable

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