
College Degree Benefits

Decent Essays

The transformation from high school to college is a huge jump in any person’s life. It requires deep thought and big decision about what to study in college, where to go to college, and what someone wants their future career to be. Many times people decide what they will study based on how much the average salary may be for that field, or what the likelihood of receiving a job may be. Although a college degree is no guarantee of economic success, it does increase the odds of receiving economic success. To increase the odds even more, hard work and sacrifice is necessary for economic success. Many people solely base what they wish to study in college on how much money their future career will pay. Quite a few colleges do not focus on what …show more content…

The money factor does come into play, because I wish to be successful in life, but I include the importance of finding a job that I love and will enjoy working. Certain jobs pay very little, but require a college education, while other jobs can be achieved without a college degree at all. Those that accept the lower paying jobs, show that they truly care about their job and not just about the amount of money they are receiving. Jobs within the science fields tend to end up paying significantly more than those in fields like cosmetology, hospitality management, and human resources. They also tend to require a college degree when the less paying jobs do not. The demand of labor within specific fields also plays a large factor into which field of study I may choose. The less need for labor means that the employees are probably going to get paid less and there is a greater chance of not receiving a job. Also, in order to ensure a full-time job, people have to be willing to work for it and sacrifice time and effort that may not be required in other fields. This takes a high work ethic and drive for success. Specific degrees within the engineering field tend to produce salaries that are quite a ways above the average earnings for fields such as zoology and psychology. This by no

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