
College Education Cost

Decent Essays

When we think about a getting a college education the first thing that comes to mind is cost. Most students and their families have to consider the high costs attending college and how they are going to finance or pay for a higher education. Like many families in the poor and middle-class the justification of going in debt for a college education is still worth the price tag. Then getting the best education for their money comes to mind, when just a fraction of families can afford the price for some of the top institutions in the country. A much higher percentage of families cannot afford the costs of a public 4-year college or University without the assistance of grants and scholarships to offset the costs. Although most institutions of …show more content…

The cost of tuition is just the sticker price an entry level fee, there are also other fees involved and sometimes the fees may be more than the tuition, it's like looking at the sticker price that’s posted on a new car plus you also have to consider the cost of finance charges, insurance, operation and maintenance of the car and that is the real price. Thus it’s not just the costs of the admission to the school, but the other costs involved such as housing, clothing, food, and essentials for living. Many colleges and universities have many ways to help a student pay for their college education, through student loans, scholarships and grants to help make college more affordable, but most students still end up with a huge debt after they get out of school that may take years to pay back. Students and their families have to consider all the costs involved in getting higher education. Having a plan on what to pursue such as degree will aid a student in getting that job or put them on that career path that you plan to have after you finish …show more content…

Caroline Bird (Bird 130) wrote: “A diploma saves the employer the cost of screening candidates and gives him a predictable product: He can assume that those who have survived the four-year ordeal have learned how to manage themselves. They have learned how to budget their time, meet deadlines, set priorities, cope with impersonal authority, follow instructions, and stick with a task that may be tiresome without direct supervision.” and “The employer is also betting that it will be cheaper and easier to train a college graduate because he has demonstrated his ability to

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