When we think about a getting a college education the first thing that comes to mind is cost. Most students and their families have to consider the high costs attending college and how they are going to finance or pay for a higher education. Like many families in the poor and middle-class the justification of going in debt for a college education is still worth the price tag. Then getting the best education for their money comes to mind, when just a fraction of families can afford the price for some of the top institutions in the country. A much higher percentage of families cannot afford the costs of a public 4-year college or University without the assistance of grants and scholarships to offset the costs. Although most institutions of …show more content…
The cost of tuition is just the sticker price an entry level fee, there are also other fees involved and sometimes the fees may be more than the tuition, it's like looking at the sticker price that’s posted on a new car plus you also have to consider the cost of finance charges, insurance, operation and maintenance of the car and that is the real price. Thus it’s not just the costs of the admission to the school, but the other costs involved such as housing, clothing, food, and essentials for living. Many colleges and universities have many ways to help a student pay for their college education, through student loans, scholarships and grants to help make college more affordable, but most students still end up with a huge debt after they get out of school that may take years to pay back. Students and their families have to consider all the costs involved in getting higher education. Having a plan on what to pursue such as degree will aid a student in getting that job or put them on that career path that you plan to have after you finish …show more content…
Caroline Bird (Bird 130) wrote: “A diploma saves the employer the cost of screening candidates and gives him a predictable product: He can assume that those who have survived the four-year ordeal have learned how to manage themselves. They have learned how to budget their time, meet deadlines, set priorities, cope with impersonal authority, follow instructions, and stick with a task that may be tiresome without direct supervision.” and “The employer is also betting that it will be cheaper and easier to train a college graduate because he has demonstrated his ability to
“Even with scholarships or free tuition, these students struggle with hefty fees and living costs, and they pay the opportunity cost of taking courses rather than getting a job. ”(Shell Par. 7) Considering all of the scholarships and free tuition that can be earned, it unfortunately does not cover all of the expenses and all of the living costs that college students need. Additionally, in college, students are not able to work a full-time job, meaning it is harder for them to make
In my case, my parents and "society" did not pressure me to pursue a college education, my dreams and passion for brain surgery did. I push myself every day in my classes to make sure I can get everything I can out of this college experiences. In paragraph 20, Bird states, "The bill for all four years at an Ivy League college is currently climbing toward $25,000; at a state university, degree will cost the student and his family about $10,000." Of course, over the years these numbers have definitely grown. It's almost double or triple the amount now today.
Ever since you were little, your parents have been talking about this wonderful thing called college. They told you that you have to go there to get an education before you can get a good job. Many kids have dreamed of going to college, and being able to get the job of their dreams. By putting in hard work and dedication to good grades in high school, you had high hopes that you would be able to get into an Ivy League school. The American dream of being able to go to college to get a degree is sliding away from many people due to rising costs. With increasing tuition prices and job loss, the college dream is slowly and surely slipping away from many students and their families.
One of the biggest questions a high-school student will be asked is about their future career. What most students pursing a college degree fail to realize is the opportunity cost they might have to sacrifice. It all comes down to the individual because unless the person is a professional basketball player, then college might not be worth the opportunity cost for that said individual. Unfortunately, not everyone is a professional athlete so their opportunity cost for college might not be so easy to determine. Also the student must take into consideration what degree they want to pursue and see how the job market is like. For instance, an art degree may not be the best choice to go with in today’s economy. The CNBC article that brought an interest to this topic is “What’s the
In times, nowadays college is one of the main ways to become successful in this world. The thing is college isn't for everyone. Some kids simply do not qualify because of grades but a major problem is tuition. On average tuition can range from 20,000 dollars to 40,000 dollars a year. Add this up for 4 years and you are looking at about 120,000 dollars for a 4-year degree. This price is what can take away an opportunity to go to college. In 2011-12, the NCAA reported $871.6 million in revenue. That could fully cover about 7,263 students, so imagine if this price was split each year for students, this would help lower the cost of tuition. Student athletes already get a full scholarship and most of the money received yearly by the NCAA is from
First, there are some students that disagree on college being worth it because of the cost of tuition that is, so high. They feel that college is far too expensive to even attend, so they just look for a job, instead because they feel that they’re wasting time and money. But, what they don’t know is, that there are other colleges out there that have much cheaper tuition to pay. According to Louis Menand, “Public Colleges are much less expensive—the average tuition is $7,605—and there are also many less selective private colleges where you can get a good education, and a lot more faculty face time, without having to spend every minute of high school sucking up to your teachers and reformatting your resume” (Live And Learn). Also, there are people that say they don’t have the money after they graduate from high school to get into college, which then, they can apply for financial
Some people believe that the cost of college is too high, but other people believe that it is not high enough. If you are trying to go to college and don’t have a scholarship, where else can you get the money from? If you don’t have a job you won’t be able to pay for college. They should make it where if you want to go to college you can, for a price that everyone can afford. Basically, most people in college are there on scholarships, academic or athletic. I believe that the cost of college is way too high and it is unfair to the people that can’t afford it. Just because you don’t have enough money that should not stop you from trying to get a greater level of education. The cost of college is too high because of the cost
For years adults have been questioning whether or not college is worth its cost. Over time the price for college has increased drastically and the potential income of a college graduate is barely following that trend. As colleges become more wealthy and powerful, they’re too pricy for someone to afford without help and debt.
For most students, finding the right college is hard, there are all these different things that need to be right. What majors do they have, how far away is it from family, does the campus a nice feel to it, and probably the most thought about question among students and their parents, how much is the tuition. According to the Department of Education, the tuition for a four-year college in the eighties was around nine-thousand dollars, now tuition has gone up to almost forty-thousand dollars. Many students, who are unable to pay for the tuition usually take out a student-loan, which helps them in the short run but later in life can become a big burden. especially if you're someone who has an average salary of fifty-thousand
“The writing in this essay is my own work. If I have used outside sources, I have acknowledged them through correct documentation.”
An article by HO, J.D says, “the National Center for education statistics reports an average tuition of 25,409 for the 2014-15 academic year at four-year colleges and universities.” It’s amazing how costly is to get an education. Where many questions, Should the amount of wealth you make determine whether you attend college or not.? Many students going college are in college debt College expenses are getting higher, every individual that is thinking of going college goes through the financial struggle. As many think of a question of how much income they need to pay college tuition.? In regrade to making their college life, usually, student tend to go school and work. although, going school and working becomes the habit but the student will have a dangerous effect on their study. They would have less time to study and take a rest. Education has given many an opportunity to change the world and taught people to saves other people lives. Now our world has doctors, pilots, engineers, scientist and much more that people are not seeing. The life cycle of humans is amazing where we lose another and get even smarter and betters. In this cycle, many have not have gotten an opportunity to show the talent because of college tuitions rising every year. There have been different college grants and some help on college fee if you are under poverty level. Education should not be compared with the price, we can buy a nice dress with a good price but we cannot buy an education at a price
The author talks about college cost, and the effect it has on students and on how times it takes longer to graduate. This is an important topic because college cost has been a problem for many individuals for decades and it still is. College cost is something that shapes people's lives and it worries them because college cost is what determines if they're going to continue going to college. It’s something that people should take lightly because college is pretty expensive. According to the advocacy group complete college America, it cost 63,718 for one extra year to attend college. For students who take longer to finish school because of certain requisites, it becomes a toll because of the cost. According to Norton Field Guide to writing by Richard Bullock and Maureen Daly Goggin found a report on Los Angeles-bases campaigns for college opportunity, saying students who attend school 6 years instead of 4 years will lose 110,900 dollars in their lifetime. Many people in the work field and colleges expect students to attend school for four years. According to the NFGW, “nearly nine out of 10 freshmen think they will earn their bachelor degree within the traditional four years.” Yet In the NFGW quotes the U.S Department of Education and they report that “about 45 percent won’t have finished.”
Bernie Sanders, senator of the state of Vermont said, “The cost of college education today is so high that many young people are giving up their dream of going to college, while many others are graduating deeply in debt” (“Brainy Quote”). Each year students take out loans to pay for a college education. Is it really necessary? They are just going to be a statistic. I believe everyone should not go to college. College is not for everyone.
To most people college is their goal at succeeding in life. Whether you get a scholarship or pay yourself, college is expensive. To some it is a waste of time and money due to the fact that, graduates are not getting their money's worth in their degree, they are burdened by student loans, and their degree does not guarantee them a job. With that and a growing tuition rate, most people can't afford a higher education. College is simply not worth the cost anymore.
Most students who seek higher education cannot afford it on their own. Many of them don’t have wealthy families and scholarships don’t pay for as much as they used to so they have to work A LOT or take out a student loan of some type. More times than not, students will end up seeking