
College Education : High School College

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“Freshman myth”, the freshman myth is high school seniors that get affected by the transition from college life. They are overly optimistic and confident in their ability to manage the challenges they will encounter in college. This freshman myth being blamed on by high school because in high school there is no help preparing students for the transition from high school to college, giving future students high expectation on academic, social and personal experiences for when entering college. But this becomes a domino effect because high schools can’t exactly help because they are faced with several budget cuts and lack of support to help high school students in that stage of their lives before going off to college. “Many counselors are overwhelmed and can’t help students like before and are left with little time to help students make such a jump in transition from high school to college and the transition in academic, personal and social challenges” they will soon face on their own. “Statistics show an estimated 18 million students enroll in college in 2008 and almost 35% dropped out or failed out in the first semester because they were over confident, no prepared and lacked unreal expectations for entering college after graduating high school”. Not being prepared for college and expecting it to be exactly like high school effects some students because they believe being on their own with their own rules and no parents on their back makes it easier, but if they do not have

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