College Education Practice Benchmark
According to census data, there are 209.3 million people in the United States that are 25 years of age or older. Of that 209.3 million only 66.9 million have a bachelor’s degree or higher. That means about 68 percent of people who are 25 or older do not hold a bachelor's degree. This seems like a problem considering that in 2011 there were 46.2 americans living on the poverty line, meaning that the family which includes two adults and at least 2 kids are making less than $23,021. This is definitely bad for the future because less than 30% of students in that bottom quarter of income, enroll in a 4 year school. Out of that 30%, less than 50% graduate. So when people say a college degree isn’t worth it, they
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Now, critics often argue that going to college delays them from saving for retirement, buying a house, or getting married. Certainly there can be truth to this in some situations, but it really just depends on the person. Nevertheless, getting a college degree is extremely essential. Even though going to college could delay you from from saving for retirement, buying a house, or getting married the reward for going is significantly better. Giving higher employment rates and better job benefits. For instance the sirs issue reacher article provided many expert's opinion on the topic. One acknowledged that “In the past couple decades, a college education has been promoted as a necessity for success in life.” “Higher employment rates, bigger salaries, and more job benefits are what a college degree provides”. (author not listed). In other words the sirs issue reacher article is saying that getting a college degree and all that comes with it is essential for a successful life. Additionally, according to Arthur Chickering's "Seven Vectors" student development theory students not only have a high reward for getting a degree, but they also learn lifelong skills. Chickering states that not only do college graduates have higher employment rates and more work benefits than high school graduates. College graduates also have better …show more content…
One cannot deny that a degree does not always guarantee a job to pay that salary. Certainly, it can depend on one's job or who that person works for that determines the salary. Despite this idea, having a college degree definitely gives a much better chance for a larger pay. For example, New York Federal Reserve Bank economists Jaison Abel and Richard Deitz in a study calculated the annualized the return investment on a four year degree. They found that associate and four-year degrees remain solid investments. Return on investment for the money put into a college degree over a graduate's career, pegging it at about 15% for current graduates. with a bachelor's-degree (Peters and Belkin,
When it comes to the topic of attaining a college degree, most will readily agree that it is essential to securing a successful career post-graduation. Whereas some are convinced that a college degree does not guarantee entry into a career in one 's field of study nor does it determine success in one 's career, others maintain that a higher education is, in fact, the way to job security and financial success. What comes into question is whether the investment in a college education is truly worth it or not in order to accomplish a student 's goals of success. I think it could be said for most prospective college students that the reason for going to college is to gain the credentials required for most jobs today. What many of those potential students may not realize is the substantial percentage of graduates who do not acquire a job related to their majors, how much debt they will incur, and just how many students don 't graduate at all for reasons such as an overwhelming workload and a poor work/ life balance.
Stephanie Owen and Isabel Sawhill report that bachelor’s degree holders make on average around 10% more than those with high school diplomas. They also write that a college education improve one’s standard of living. Gaining a bachelor’s degree is not accomplishable by everyone due to different reasons, so only a select few will be able to receive these benefits, given colleges’ selectivity.
In the article “We send to many students to college,” Marty Nemko discusses how college may not be the answer for everyone, and how a person can be successful without college. Nemko argues that it is most likely that a person that is at the bottom half of their graduating class in high school is not going to earn a diploma while in college. Nemko also says that a person that has been to college could end up working a job that a non-college graduate would be working because of the degree that a person has is useless. Many may think that a person that has a college degree is better off, but a person that didn’t graduate may work harder, and be more motivated in life to accomplish the goals they have set for themselves. According to Nemko “Colleges
The report “Should Everyone Go to College” by Stephanie Owen and Isabel Sawhill states that typically, there are numerous perks for attaining a college degree; that observation is not consistent depending on variables like school, majors, occupation and individual. In the report, different factors were investigated that impact the benefits of a college degree in the course of one’s career. One of those factors noted an increase in earnings by 10% with an extra year of college education. Along with non-financial payoffs observed with acquiring a college degree like an enriched overall wellbeing. The other factor discusses how the school, course of study and rate of graduation affect the return from a college degree. The earning potential for
Having a college degree is not only a something anyone can frame, it can have value, along with other benefits as well. According to the Get Rich Slowly website, it states that “on average, those who have a college degree earn almost twice as much as those who do not” (Roth, 2008). Employees with have a higher lifetime earnings with a degree, making roughly a million dollars in their lifetime (Roth, 2008).
A college degree is a valuable asset that could ultimately lead to a productive life in society due to the received education, but people without a college degree do turn out more than adequate in regards to societal success. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, of the forecasted 30 fastest growing jobs between 2010 and 2020, five do not require a high school diploma, nine require a high school diploma, four require an associate 's degree, six require a bachelor 's degree, and six require graduate degrees to get the jobs (College). In an article called “College Education” by,
Many people believe that a college education is a worthy investment. The ability to become a college graduate will result in making more money. There are more jobs in today’s society that require college degrees. College graduates develop more and better employment opportunities within earning a degree. Self-discipline is a major element in becoming a successful graduate. Also, college graduates are healthier and live longer. Adults-young and old, male and female-who have a bachelor’s degree or higher have twice the annual median income than someone with only a high school degree ("Do college graduates," 2014).
As it is heavily believed and statistically proved by Document A, Earnings and Unemployment Rates Based on Educational Attainments (2015), the higher the degree earned, the more money attained, similarly the higher the degree earned, the lower the unemployment rate. This proves the worth of college by giving numerical comparisons of those who invested in it verses those who didn’t. The median weekly earnings of $1,730 from someone with a professional degree put up against the $678 from someone who only graduated from high school shows a very obvious difference. This information greatly supports the decision of going to college by displaying the “in the long run” advantage of college through the amount of money you can make in the future with the degree you earn
Although college tuition is a lot nowadays, graduates are “far less likely to be unemployed than non-graduates.” (D) A college degree gives you a higher chance of getting a job to assist in securing the future of you and your family while also helping paying off your financial obligations. A college degree not only helps you obtain a job, but it also increase your income. “Construction workers,police officers… make significantly more with a degree…“(D)
For a well-paying and/or professional job, a college degree is essential. According to Labor Department statistics by the Economic Policy Institute in Washington as stated by Leonhardt, “Americans with four-year college degrees made 98 percent more an hour on average in 2013 than with people without a degree.” A higher income is what most people expect when attaining a degree, but most jobs require
Source D states that “education seems to make people happier and healthier,” so it could help the college student do better in college for higher degrees for a career that earns more money. College also prepares young adults to be more mature after graduating, so they can be wiser about having a successful future. Smart choices in an adult’s career or life can be beneficial because their decisions could open up better opportunities for themselves, and their skills in life and career could be improved to become more successful. College graduates said that “their education was very useful in growing intellectually, helping them grow and mature as a person, and helping them prepare for a job or career” (Source
Beginning at an early age, children who are encouraged academically by their parents, educators, and coaches will grow up with the realization that a thorough education will provide for them—financially and professionally—in the future. One of the first things that we are taught is that if we graduate with a degree from college, then we will have a better job and more opportunities in the future. There are many instances where this rings true. According to Brookings Institution publication “an individual with a college degree is nearly nine times more likely to make over $100,000 than someone with only a high school diploma and 13 times more likely to make more
There are many benefits to obtaining a college degree. Having a college degree is worth the expenses and two or more years put into getting it. A college degree can help with getting a well paying, enjoyable job in the future. Having a well paying, enjoyable job is important in one’s success. Which means that having a degree is important. If you listen to me, and go to college, then you can get your dream job, even if you have to put in a little extra time and
One of these articles by the "Upshot," magazine provided many very convincing and factual data. "The pay gap between college graduates and everyone else reached a record high last year, according to the new data, which is based on an analysis of Labor Department statistics by the Economic Policy Institute in Washington," says the article. They also stated that "Americans with four-year college degrees made 98 percent more an hour on average in 2013 than people without a degree." The fact is that the want of higher educated workers is proliferating.
It seems in the society we live in today, having a college degree is a necessity. Years ago it was the norm for people to just go right into a full time job after high school, if they even finished high school; they did this to support their families. In today’s society a person has a difficult time getting a decent job without a college degree. During an adults working life, bachelor degree graduates will earn about $2.1 million and a high school graduate can expect to earn an average of $1.2 million (Day and Newburger, 2002). This is quite a difference and it puts a college education in