
College Education Practice

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College Education Practice Benchmark
According to census data, there are 209.3 million people in the United States that are 25 years of age or older. Of that 209.3 million only 66.9 million have a bachelor’s degree or higher. That means about 68 percent of people who are 25 or older do not hold a bachelor's degree. This seems like a problem considering that in 2011 there were 46.2 americans living on the poverty line, meaning that the family which includes two adults and at least 2 kids are making less than $23,021. This is definitely bad for the future because less than 30% of students in that bottom quarter of income, enroll in a 4 year school. Out of that 30%, less than 50% graduate. So when people say a college degree isn’t worth it, they …show more content…

Now, critics often argue that going to college delays them from saving for retirement, buying a house, or getting married. Certainly there can be truth to this in some situations, but it really just depends on the person. Nevertheless, getting a college degree is extremely essential. Even though going to college could delay you from from saving for retirement, buying a house, or getting married the reward for going is significantly better. Giving higher employment rates and better job benefits. For instance the sirs issue reacher article provided many expert's opinion on the topic. One acknowledged that “In the past couple decades, a college education has been promoted as a necessity for success in life.” “Higher employment rates, bigger salaries, and more job benefits are what a college degree provides”. (author not listed). In other words the sirs issue reacher article is saying that getting a college degree and all that comes with it is essential for a successful life. Additionally, according to Arthur Chickering's "Seven Vectors" student development theory students not only have a high reward for getting a degree, but they also learn lifelong skills. Chickering states that not only do college graduates have higher employment rates and more work benefits than high school graduates. College graduates also have better …show more content…

One cannot deny that a degree does not always guarantee a job to pay that salary. Certainly, it can depend on one's job or who that person works for that determines the salary. Despite this idea, having a college degree definitely gives a much better chance for a larger pay. For example, New York Federal Reserve Bank economists Jaison Abel and Richard Deitz in a study calculated the annualized the return investment on a four year degree. They found that associate and four-year degrees remain solid investments. Return on investment for the money put into a college degree over a graduate's career, pegging it at about 15% for current graduates. with a bachelor's-degree (Peters and Belkin,

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