The big question everyone seems to be floating around is achieving a college education worth all your time and money? Since plenty college graduates had faced record levels of unemployment, it’s very ironic how they have a high degree yet cannot have a career like those without one. However, having an intellectual college education does offer us more than just an occupation. It gives us a great experience, a broader mindset and a stronger capability. The college graduates that discharge a career find an exceptionally satisfying job or a prosperous career in the liberal arts as well. For a distinguished college education, the general outcome of that would be to live happily ever after making a living effortless in the profession you studied …show more content…
Leonhardt David mentions, “Education helps people do higher-skilled work, get jobs with better paying companies, or open their own business.” Knowing that an education can get people to be more successful in life is a preferable vindication to want to take the time, labor, and the funds into maintaining one. The quantity of time and money put towards a college education should be rewarded by receiving the same amount or superior paid after you get a job. With many individuals not possessing a education the ones that do, can undoubtedly get an occupation. College is a superb investment, especially with those who qualify for financial aid or even a …show more content…
The amount of time and money put into this situation is worth more than just the career you’ll be achieving. A college education seems to grant many people a new way of life, or even more opportunities. The great thing about getting a college education is not just what you are being taught, but more of what you really learn. The college experience is an immeasurable gift that only can be seen from first hand encounters. Therefore, strive to overcome a college education put the blood, sweat and tears into it such as the generations before
When it comes to the topic of attaining a college degree, most will readily agree that it is essential to securing a successful career post-graduation. Whereas some are convinced that a college degree does not guarantee entry into a career in one 's field of study nor does it determine success in one 's career, others maintain that a higher education is, in fact, the way to job security and financial success. What comes into question is whether the investment in a college education is truly worth it or not in order to accomplish a student 's goals of success. I think it could be said for most prospective college students that the reason for going to college is to gain the credentials required for most jobs today. What many of those potential students may not realize is the substantial percentage of graduates who do not acquire a job related to their majors, how much debt they will incur, and just how many students don 't graduate at all for reasons such as an overwhelming workload and a poor work/ life balance.
Not all have to go to college to be successful, and not all hardworking jobs require a college degree. College is not necessarily a measure of intelligence. Especially in todays economy, a lot of people can not afford to pursue higher education. That does not mean they would not make really fantastic doctors or lawyers if they could afford to go to college. Not everyone has the means to receive degrees and titles, some do not even have the desire to. “We reinforce this notion by defining intelligence solely on grades in school and numbers on IQ tests” Rose explained. (Rose, 279) I believe that higher education is definitely a worthwhile endeavor. I also believe while it may be the best route for some, it is not for everyone. For example, my mother and father both did not attend college. They both make good incomes, and love their everyday jobs. My mother always wanted to be a hair stylist, so obviously college was not the best option for her. My father was always good at persuading people to do things, so he got into the sales business. My mother and father are a prime example of being successful in their field, without pursuing higher education. Attending college is not the only way that a person can live a happy and full
More people than ever before are attending college due to the endless opportunities that it provides. Louis Menand, a college professor and the author of “Live and Learn: Why We Have College,” explains the meaning of college through three theories that have been developed. Theory 1 supports the idea of the sorting-out process that separates the highly intelligent from the less intelligent. Menand’s second theory explains that college provides opportunities for developmental growth, personal growth, and teaches individuals about the world around us. These are valuable lessons that will not be learned anywhere else. Theory three supports the idea of people attending college to specialize in a specific vocation. I
As it is heavily believed and statistically proved by Document A, Earnings and Unemployment Rates Based on Educational Attainments (2015), the higher the degree earned, the more money attained, similarly the higher the degree earned, the lower the unemployment rate. This proves the worth of college by giving numerical comparisons of those who invested in it verses those who didn’t. The median weekly earnings of $1,730 from someone with a professional degree put up against the $678 from someone who only graduated from high school shows a very obvious difference. This information greatly supports the decision of going to college by displaying the “in the long run” advantage of college through the amount of money you can make in the future with the degree you earn
Students receive free public education from pre-k to 12th grade, so why should students have to pay for college? College can be a huge expense, and many loans have to be taken out to pay for their education. Is this right? If high school is free then why isn’t college? According to student support organization College Board, published tuition fees for 2014/15, state colleges are an average of US$9,139 for state residents, and $22,958 for everyone else. This compares to an average of $31,231 at private non-profit colleges. Why is it so expensive, unlike in some places where it’s free.
Despite of whether going to college is worth it or not, recent college graduates have become more successful in their lives. Some people may think that attending college is a waste of time and money, while others feel that college gives them valuable skills in the real world. College will help the person gain the necessary work skills for his or her future job career. Moreover, the job that a person gets after college can outweigh the money and time the person spent in college. College graduates will be more favorable to have a better job than those who does not have a college degree. As our generation is rapidly changing, the work- force is getting tougher which means having a higher education is important in today’s world. Having a college degree is an obvious part of the candidate and is expected by the many employers. Nonetheless, going to college can also give students the opportunity network and develop personal connections among other students who are also interested in the career field.
money to pay for their education. Colleges are very expensive and need to start looking at it on the student perspective. Students who are graduating from high-school barely come out with less than $3,000 or less.WIENER, J. (2015) Not Every individual is able to pay for college and this just isn't fair. A high percentage of students are independent while in high school and are forced to work because of their parents low income. What happens to that student? Smart in academics, good athlete but because they cannot pay for their proper education they are forced to forget about their dreams.
In America college tuition has quadrupled in the last 35 years. College administrators like to tell the story that baby boomers paid their college tuition from the money they made during summer break. A few years later colleges decided to raise tuition price because people wanted to get a college degree. Colleges were seeing that people wanted to go to college they decided to raise the prices and make business out of it. In Germany, however college tuition is free, and by doing this Germany gets both domestically and internationally to enroll in Germany colleges. I think that for Germany for doing this is a great idea because it give people opportunity to get an higher education to make some money out of it.
Throughout all of high school, and especially during their senior year, the only thing students seem to hear about is college. They have to attend tours, fill out application after application and decide what school will be best for them as a person and their career path. But what most people seem to stress over more than anything else is being able to actually pay for college. College tuition is high in price and increases every year, making it almost impossible for students to graduate without extreme debt. There are scholarships, financial aid, and loans to help out those who cannot afford to pay high tuition prices, but these loans are not desirable as they lead to this debt immediately after graduating. There is the help of financial aid, which is based off the parent’s income unless you are 23 and over, but financial aid can be difficult to obtain as there many requirements a student must fall under. Scholarships are another viable way to get financial help but it can be extremely difficult to find ones that you qualify for, especially without the help of an advisor or school counselor. Therefore, financial aid and must become more accessible to students so that future generations are not graduating with overwhelming student debt made worse by their interest rates. If we could minimize the fear of student debt then more of our youth would be pursing their degrees of interest.
One must consider their choice of major, cost of school, where they are attending school, and a variety of other factors. Depending on the situation college may not be a smart investment (Owen and Sawhill 209). I agree with this notion that some people are not meant for college, but we as a society still push the idea of college which creates conflicting thoughts in the mind of a student. When discussing the benefits of attending college the biggest supporting reason revolves around further expanding one’s knowledge in order to earn a higher income. They use ethos in their appeals but they fail to provide evidence of this. They may show numbers that are skewed showing the difference in salary of a high school graduate and a college graduate but they don’t show the majors that earning that high income. They don’t show the number of college graduates without a job and how much debt they are in. Owen and Sawhill do a tremendous job in their report of giving us those numbers and statistics to back up their
Many people are confused on why to invest time and money of attending college. A reason for obtaining a higher education is that a college degree can possibly earn a much higher salary than the majority of the people who have a high school diploma. College can be expensive and time consuming for the most of the people that do not have enough money and spare time to go to college. Stephen Rose, a research professor at the Georgetown University, wrote an article on “The Value of a College Degree” to explain if a college degree can be valuable to people to have. Eleni Karageorge, an author on the United States Department of Labor, wrote an article “Is A College Degree Still Worth It?” to give some details on job occupations that compares with employees having a bachelor’s degree or a high school diploma on how much they annually make on their job. Finally, Paul E. Barton, a consultant and a writer for topics related on education, wrote an article “How Many College Graduates Does the U.S. Labor Force Really Need?” on giving details on how valuable to have a college degree in the near future are needed when certain occupations are on high demand with a requirement on having a least a bachelor’s degree. We need to know why going to college is so important for anyone who wants to have professional occupations.
On the opposition side, though it may be difficult to grasp an understanding as to why college expenses may be so steep. All of the renovations being done to the college, here is where it happens. Being a resident and a college or university you expect to live comfortable. They are beyond aware of this, and even takes the time out to fix these issues. All of the parties and special events tend to cost a little extra as well. Many people tend to complain about college living lower, but totally losses past the fact that this is usually what you are paying
William Butler Yeats, once said “Education is not the filling of a pale, but the lighting of a fire.” Education is a necessity to become successful in making a living in the world. Texas Tech University, home of the Red Raiders, will provide me with the needed knowledge to become a Surgical Technologist, it is known for the Human Healthcare program.
After high school, a choice that many students have to make is whether to go to college or not. There are many factors that go into one’s decision. There are pros and cons to going to college and also there are pros and cons for not going to college. But the decision that will give someone the better opportunity to have a more successful life is to go to college. The money that one will earn after getting a college degree will be more than the money a person will make without getting a college degree. As our society has continued to evolve, education has become the optimal route to professional success: pursuing a degree is the best way to receive training, to gain expertise in a given field, and even to guide you and help you make choices
Most expect that by attending college and graduating they will be able to find a good paying career with benefits in a field that will interest them. It seems that from high school it is drilled into our heads that we must attend college to be successful in life and contribute to our society. However, college graduates often find themselves working in a field that is unrelated to their degree. This could be due to how many people are also trying to apply for jobs in that specific field, or it could be that that job does not provide them with enough money to live off. The most important thing that students really need to ask themselves before they attend college is, “is a college degree really enough in today’s world to get a good career