
College Essay On Dyslexia

Decent Essays

I’m a senior at the University of South Carolina Upstate and have been diagnosed with dyslexia since childhood. This label could have caused for a disastrous college experience, but there has always been something in myself pushing beyond the stigma.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines dyslexia as a disorder in the brain that makes it difficult for an individual to write, read, and spell. People who have been diagnosed with the learning disability are often thought to be “lazy, dumb, careless, ‘not trying hard enough,’ or [have] behavior problems” according to Ronald D. Davis, founder of the Davis Dyslexia Correction Center.

Throughout elementary, middle, and high school, I was viewed as less likely to succeed while also being labeled as lazy, dumb, and not willing to try. Labels affect people and I dropped out after one year in college. I took to the stereotype and believed that school was not my thing.

Two years away from higher …show more content…

I’m easily distracted and would rather watch a show I don’t like than work on my schoolwork. If I’m listening to a song with lyrics then I find myself singing along and dancing rather than studying. Silence is beneficial for someone with low attention spans but sometimes that silence becomes too much for me.

• Listen to foreign music if silence is too quite for a study session.

To keep the room from being silent I downloaded a Greek radio station app and found that the music won’t have me singing along because the language is foreign to me. Listening to foreign music that has a soothing beat can be a bit less boring for those who don’t like instrumental pieces.

• Put smartphone on airplane mode
I find this helps me from checking for text messages or social media updates. When my mobile is off airplane then I’m more apt to check for messages because it has become a habit when I’m

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