
College Essay On Dyslexia

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Studconnections. Often times students with dyslexia have strong skills at designing and manipulating three dimensional objects. Other areas of strength for students with dyslexia are strategic and creative thinking. They are often able to solve problems in creative, unorthodox ways. Students with dyslexia work hard to keep up with the pace at which their peers progress in language skills. They tend to develop strategies to hide their weaknesses and as a result develop strong compensation skills. Students with dyslexia often perform well in art, drama, music, sports, mechanics, sales, business, designing, building, and engineering. In school settings, students with dyslexia perform better on oral exams, rather than written.
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This instruction should be in addition to the regular classroom instruction. Students with dyslexia need to master each skill to the degree of automaticity before adding additional skills. The brain of a student with dyslexia works so hard on decoding and encoding that each small skill need to become automatic before it can take on the next piece. Language arts curriculum should be systematic and accumulative. The approach should begin with the small most basic details. Once mastered, layers of language can be add. Instruction should contain extensive exercises in phonological awareness. Educators should provide practice in rhyming, syllabication, and sentence planning. Students with dyslexia need strategies for segmenting words into syllables and then segmenting each syllable into phonemes. Once students have a strong understanding of the phonemes within words, teachers should provide them with exercises in applying symbols (letters) to those sounds. Students with dyslexia need strong, repetitive instruction in these encoding and decoding skills. Older students can benefit from the study of morphemes, such as base words, roots, suffixes, and prefixes. Lastly, the focus of instruction can shift to syntax and

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