
College Essay On Mutations

Decent Essays

Introduction to life:
13.7 billion Years ago the big bang occurred and generated all the stars and planets we now know as “space” over time many planets took form after creating many elements that are essential for life to survive such as Hydrogen and Oxygen. 9.1 billion years passed and a planet known as earth started to form from an exploded solar nebula and this explosion created so much energy that it created a red hot planet that the proceeded to cool and created a thin layer of “earth” also known as crust. After 1 billion years of the earth rapidly heating and cooling life first appeared as the form of bacteria such as Prokaryotes that soon evolved into multi cell organisms such as Primitive metazoans after millions of years many processes of Evolution occurred such as Mutations and Natural selection.
So what does the word mutations mean? According to the world dictionary it means “a sudden departure from the parent type in one or more heritable characteristics, caused by a change in a gene or a chromosome” (, 2016). Mutation is a natural process that …show more content…

However Mutations are not necessarily always bad, some mutations and fall in the large areas of the genome that sit between genes. It is very rare that a mutation can cause death or illness, some examples of beneficial mutations are; the ability to be resistant to Malaria, “Malaria is a type of parasite carried by mosquitoes that can lead to death (about 660,000 people per year) or at the very least make someone feel at death’s door. Malaria does its dirty work by invading red blood cells and reproducing.” (List verse, 2016). Some other beneficial mutations are having the golden blood known as type O blood, type o blood has gotten its name of the golden blood by being able to be used for blood transfusions for just about all blood

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