Nursing is being viewed as today as a high development field. The necessity for medical caretakers has expanded incredibly throughout the years and this is being seen as a decent sign. Nursing education from a decent school can do marvels to your vocation and the better than average thing is that you can even settle on cutting edge courses at whatever time in your profession. Further seek after your studies in the nursing field is obviously all that much supported on the off chance that you are as of now an accomplished attendant rehearsing with a set up specialization range. Nursing education PhD courses are really basic where they are generally science-escalated course. On the other hand, on the off chance that you discover the employment of a medical caretaker really lazy and plan to turn over another range, maybe the education field would be a fabulous thought. …show more content…
There are a lot of nursing education programs accessible, including the on-grounds and the online alternatives. Maybe it is an extraordinary open door for one to seek after their propelled contemplates from the solace of their homes or pick up the experience where you expect to instruct online some time or another later on. For the most part a PhD in nursing education has practical experience in preparing medical attendants to instruct in the nursing education industry. At the end of the day, it is about showing and addressing the courses in nursing. The basic prerequisite before you are permitted to seek after the PhD level is a graduate degree in nursing or any related fields. Fundamentally the nursing education course would underline more on the showing strategies as the nursing education learning ought to have been prepared in you in any
Nursing has a long history of formal education which moved out of hospitals and into colleges and universities early last century. The associate degree level of nursing was developed out of a need to produce nurses in response to a shortage during and
First, the educational background needs to be standard. To become a nurse, there are various pathways to become one, such as; Bachelor of Science degree in nursing which is about four years at the college or university level. While the other one is an associate science degree in a community college which is two to three years and after completion of the program the next is state board exam also known as NCLEX with a licensed to work. Nursing programs require
The medical world is about to entire unfamiliar territory in the very near future. The first Baby Boomer hit retirement age in 2011. Progressively, the medical world will be flooded with the largest aging population in history. The issue isn’t the number of those in need but the number of those available to meet that need. The graduate nurses are finding that each country has their own minimum standard in order to work. The United States is one of the few that has yet to mandate BSN as the minimum. In order to keep pace with the rest of the world, nursing schools are initiating the RN to BSN push.
In order to even consider this career student need to have certain calcifications for this career. If you are pursuing a career in nursing there are few prerequisites that are needed to even qualify for this job. For instance you must have graduated from a high school or obtained a GED if you did not finish high school. If a high school students has advanced placement classes in sciences it is a bonus for them because students will have experience in how these classes will be and the potential that is needed in order to pass this classes of nursing. Another qualification to be a registered nurse is either to go to school and get a diploma for nursing, go to a community college and obtain an associate’s degree that can take up to two years to complete or go straight inn to a cal state university or a university of California which can take four ears and you will earn your bachelors degree when finished with those four years.
In addition, a DNP degree will help me better serve my community by advocating for quality and safety healthcare system. Once attained, I would seek employment at either a school or university with the mission of educating nursing students to practice the highest quality of patient care. One of the major issues facing the nursing profession today is the lack of advance nursing practices. The medical field is in crisis. Doctors are stretched to the limits, and patients are demanding more advanced care. To alleviate some of the concerns facing medicine in the 21st century, advance nursing practices is a vital area in the contribution of understanding and working within the bounds of a team structure, and the promotion of communication between the interdisciplinary health team. The mission of the advance nursing practice is to help individual patients, and their families, determine and achieve optimum physical, mental and social potential, and to do so within the challenging context of the environment in which they live and work Nurses are among the largest professional care group within the healthcare service industry. We are responsible for providing quality care and assisting patients towards independent and healthy living. Considering the changing working environment, health care practitioners like nurses are
Nursing is an amazing profession to pursue. It can be stressful but has so many rewarding moments. I’ve been passionate about nursing since middle school and it’s not something I take lightly. A higher education is extremely important to me, especially since I am a first-generation college student.
I really do not have any desire to obtain a doctorate degree. I am getting close to retirement and incurring more student loan debt is not foreseeable. If I were younger, I most likely would pursue a doctorate degree. Since I work in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and there is a shortage of Neonatal Nurse Practitioners (NNP), I would become an NNP. In addition to what has been said, I will follow Recommendation 6 (ensure that nurses engage in lifelong learning) to continue learning. My next step after I finish with school is to obtain my certification in Neonatal Intensive Care. I will also continue my learning by attending conference and seminars. I am currently a Neonatal Resuscitation Provider (NRP) instructor. I make sure I stay abreast of any changes or updates that occurs in NRP. I also participate on several committees that are unit specific or hospital base which allow me the privilege of learning hospital operations, implementing hospital policies and procedures and strategies to promote safe care. My organization also foster a culture of lifelong learning and provide resources for inter-professional continuing competency programs that is suggested by the IOM report (Initiative on the Future of Nursing,
Nursing is a complex and ever changing field full of new areas to advance, learn, and grow in. Some of the institutes available for nursing studies are Harkum College and West Chester University. Kristine Balay, the nurse I interviewed, attended Harkum College for her Associates degree in Nursing and she attended West Chester University for her Bachelors degree in Nursing. She has been practicing as a nurse for about 10 years now in various settings. When she was working on a trauma unit she was required to obtain an ALS certification, Kristine admits that she was grateful for obtaining this certification because it sets her apart from others in regards to job opportunities and promotions as well as gives her confidence in situations.
The career of a Registered Nurse has changed since the beginning in 1905. Before the year of 1905 Nurses weren’t required any specific training or schooling. In 1905 the Board of Registered Nurses was given permission to set standards, administer exams, administer educational programs, issue official nursing certificates and revoke certificates as well. Today, before becoming a Registered Nurse, you must earn a diploma, an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN), or a Bachelor Degree in Science of Nursing (BSN) (2008 National)
As of 2008, there were about 753,600 Licensed Practical Nurses and 2,618,700 Registered Nurses in the United States (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). In the year 2018, the LPN employment percentage is expected to rise 21% while the RN rate should be approximately 22% (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). This may not seem that high, but it is, when one considers that the expected employment rate for a Dentist is only expected to be 16% (U.S Department of Labor, 2010-11). Nursing is a highly respected and sought after career because every person that enters this profession is able to make a difference and is needed by the general population for his/her skills and contributions to the medical field. When a person is contemplating entering
The webinar titled “Succeeding as a Nurse Educator” was presented by Diane Billings, EdD, RN, FAAN. The three objectives for the webinar were to be able to “differentiate between the roles of faculty appointment: teaching, service, and scholarship; implement strategies for working smarter, not harder; and develop a career plan for success as a nurse educator” (Billings, 2013).
In the future nurses will have to face complex care situations in hospitals and should take critical lifesaving decisions with the help of technology and information management systems which requires analytical and synthetic skills. A baccalaureate or doctoral degree will help nurses to master the domain with more than basic knowledge of patient care.
Like many other careers education is crucial. It takes years of studying and dedication. Without proper knowledge and education, someone’s life could be at stake. All careers in the medical field have different educational requisites that have to be met. Each level of nursing
Nursing is universal in the sense that nurses can be found almost in all countries around the world (Henderson, 1978). They are in the hospitals, in school clinics, in the community centres, residential homes and even play major roles in some of the popular soap operas in television. There are even television shows that mainly revolve around nurses and which chronicles what they do at work - both the positive and the negative. It is one of the most visible and easily identifiable occupations as compared for example to other occupations such as engineers, managers or even pharmacists, medical technologists and other health related occupations. This is partly because of what nurses do and most especially how nurses look - with some still
Healthcare has many different areas one can go into if interested in this field. I have chosen two that have always been an interest to me; Nursing (particularly registered nursing) and an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician). Both jobs are very demanding and extremely important. Both are respected jobs and require a tremendous amount of caring for others.