Peer review
As an American we have the right to exercise freedom of speech and I believe that freedom of speech is one of the most valuable rights we have, and I have not been able to exercise this right for the last 18 years of my life. I am most fortunate to be able to exercise this right in my English 1102 class during peer reviews. In my opinion, people learn best by teaching than they do by listening to the teacher and I believe peer reviews work the same way. When I was engaged in peer views, I learned more from my own writing than I ever have been reading my own reviews. I feel this is true because we are engaging in reading over another classmate’s paper, and offering our advice that could potentially improve their essays. For our first peer review our teacher gave us a list of guidelines to go by in order to do the most efficient job in peer review. It
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The number 6 represented the question, How did style and subject interact. The number 1 represented “What questions has the essay left unsaid, and the number 10 says does the title reflect the theme of tenor of the essay’s concern. The second task of the assignment was to Perform at least three of the following tasks. I used 2, 13, and 9. Number 2 told me to rewrite the essay’s thesis in my own words. Number 13 told me to write in a short paragraph why the author’s essay was worth reading, and number 9 told me to note the most memorable, and to explain why. I chose to perform this specific task because it showed positive feedback, and complimented the writer on what he did well, and I believe that in order to provide great feedback you must have positive remarks to emphasis as well. I believed it was the most efficient way to peer review by having a set of
You are right doing a peer review does ensure a better quality of work and allows for the writer to improve on the material being presented. In law enforcement having all work peer reviewed protect the writer from handing in documents that are filled with minimal to major mistakes. These mistakes if not identified can result in dismissal of a case or an acquittal at trial
While attending public schools english teachers did not begin teaching students the proper method to create a essay until the sixth grade. I never understood writing, because the stress of the state test, the teachers only taught what will earn students a successful score. In lectures, we learned to create and revise an essay. The teacher trusted student to be accurate in their corrections. By analyzing Richard Straub’s document, I have gained knowledge on where to put place my comments, how to criticize an essay and goals a responder should encounter.
All through this course, I have taken in various systems for composing different sorts of essays. This class has truly enhanced my written work abilities; I can now effectively think of enough words, which was a major issue for me before this class. I couldn't have done these without the inside and out rules gave all through this class from the instructor's assignments and lecture notes.
In the English 110 class, we performed many tasks that are required to do in the class. The class also required us to read a book which was titled, The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Reading the book was to help us write an essay about the book. We wrote many essays in the class also each essay was a different type of essay. In total in the class we wrote 4 essays on different subjects and with different methods of writing of the essay. Three of the four essay I selected because it showed the seven different outcomes that are for writing. The seven outcomes are process, revision, critical reading, rhetorical analysis and argumentation. Then the others are researching, quoting, paraphrasing, and documenting sources plus
Dr. Mark Lasser’s book “Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction” gives insight to those who suffer from sexual addiction and to the families, friends and other people in their lives. Dr. Mark Lasser has chosen to write this book, to share with others his personal struggle and victory with sexual addiction. Dr. Lasser has written this book from a Christian view, to give other individuals hope in a difficult and growing disease, which is taking control and destroying our families. Lasser defines sexual addiction as “a sickness involving any type of uncontrollable sexual activity, and because the addict cannot control his
This is due to the students not being very thoroughly with reviewing. As a writer, I lack in certain area such as clarification and details. My classmate lack in certain areas too such as being able to criticize my work or they aren’t as knowledgeable as I thought. For our peer reviews, it is up to the students to rely on each other as this is more of a group effort. I have done these in the past so, I’m quite use to peer reviews. However, this doesn’t cut it. Every response I came across are mostly “yea I think it’s pretty good” or “your essay is better than my.” These responses are generally useless as they don’t offer much help. Based on the responses I have received, I concluded that my classmates aren’t really helpful. When a person is serving as a peer reviewer, they should be offering me, questions, suggestions, and insights. With these offerings, I can begin to reassert my work. It implies to me that I must find an outside source to appeal
Byerly, W. (2009). Working with the institutional review board. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy: AJHP: Official Journal Of The American Society Of Health System Pharmacists, 66(2), 176-184. Retrieved from
Of particular interest to me was the complicated nature of categorizing and defining self-forgiveness. What seemed to be a simple concept is, in fact, layered with multiple levels of complex considerations that must be addressed in order to properly define and diagram self-forgiveness.
I need my paper to be easy to read, so I applied all these tools. The more I revised my writing, the more grammatical errors I corrected. After the first draft correction, I learn there were words I took for granted and used them in my essay that had a completely different meaning. I made generalized statements and did not attach much evidence to support most of the claims I noted in my writing. To improve my writing, I search the Internet to note other people’s remarks about these essays. Since I did not want to be embarrassed in front of my classmate for use of grammar, I had to read more to write more clearly. I did not like the peer review because it will allow my classmates to see my grammatical errors and would think of me to be a horrible English language person. But because of these peer reviews, I tried to make my text simple so that everyone could read and understand my writing.
7) Did you notice anything about the way in which this essay was written that seems to contradict essay “rules” you have been taught in the past? If so, explain
Without having someone else to look over your work, it is hard to realize what you are doing wrong. When someone else reads your paper, especially having not read it before, they can easily identify your mistakes, whether it be punctuation or spelling errors. I strongly believe that when peer review is taken advantage of and used correctly, peer reviews are extremely helpful, but, unfortunately not everyone takes it serious and gives you the feedback that can really help you fix your essay.
I also have a process when I peer review papers. I make sure to always compliment the student’s paper and then I point out some areas where there may need some improvement. I always make sure to provide an example so they know what I am trying to say.
This is a reflection of my essay from module four where we did a peer review and feedback on our essay. I found this to be a really helpful and great assignment. It gave us an opportunity to have a peer doing the same type of essay give an outside view point. The feedback that I took into consideration from my peer was very valuable. I did not have a strong enough opposing viewpoint providing a negative view on censorship or a positive view of free speech. This was very good feedback and I feel that my peer definitely took the time to break down my essay and gave a great review. This was such an important part of the persuasive essay that the need to make sure I had a strong counter argument was important.
Within English 219, we have already learned a vital set of writing skills, that will allow for the improvement of essays, and summaries that must be written for future assessments. Some of these skills that would be relevant for achieving general writing improvement could be ideas such as thesis development, structuring and planning, or more specific examples when actually fleshing out the essay such as elements of grammar and style. Thesis development which is crucial so that ideas can be fully explained and related back to a point which can be interpreted as an overarching theme for the entire paper, and allows the reader to interpret the topic of not only the essay but of each paragraph. Taking a step back we looked in class at the subject
I have learned many things throughout the course of the term, including such things as: how to write an essay and how to improve on essays that I have already written, how to locate and composite better research through the use of numerous resources found at the campus library, the internet, and the “Common Sense” textbook, how to cite research, examples, and quotations properly within the contents of my research paper as well as document it accurately according to MLA standards. Through the exploration of the “Subjects and Strategies” textbook, I have learned nine different methods used when writing an effective essay and how the different writing styles affect the overall theme and tone of the essay when used properly. This past