To many high school students, college seems like a far away land, a mysterious place where everyone wants to be yet not many know how to get there. As children, our parents tell us how much time we have to think about college, and that it is too far down the line to think about. The truth is it is never too early to think about your future. I, like many people, put little thought into my future career and now am lost in an unfortunate mix of indecision and anxiety. Not knowing where you want to be in the future is a hard burden to bear. Many of us tend to find out that we only know what we do not want, not what we actually do want. Do we want to be poor? Absolutely not. Do we want a boring job? Of course we don’t. We all want our …show more content…
Pharmacists make, on average, $111,570 per year. To become a pharmacist in the United States, one must receive a Doctor of Pharmacy degree, referred to as a Pharm.D, and being certified by passing board exams ( To be accepted into a Pharm.D program, one must complete at least two tears of undergraduate study (, while some attain a Bachelors degree in a science to better their abilities. These courses include biology, chemistry, and calculus, among others. I think I would make a good pharmacist because I have always had an interest in medicine. I also love helping people and doing things for others. As a pharmacist, I would be able to study and work with medicine while helping people understand their sicknesses, manage their health, and improve their overall quality of life. The feeling that you just helped a person with a problem is very satisfying, and is having the ability to save someone’s life is more gratifying than any amount of money made.
To have the abilities necessary to help people, a good education is paramount. After looking at many schools, I found the University of Pittsburg, commonly referred to as Pitt. Pitt is located three miles away from downtown Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. It is a large school, with 18,427 total undergraduates. The average age of students is 20 years old. Pitt is considered to be somewhat selective, accepting approximately 58% of applicants. Pitt’s tuition is
c) (5 points) In steps Ben Bernanke and the Fed and they conduct massive amounts of open market purchases and get the real rate of interest all the way down to - .05 (negative 5% = -.05). Recalculate the optimal bundle for Dagwood and add this point to your graph and label as point C*C. (Note, point C*C incorporates the shock to wealth in part b))
You indicated you are interested in being considered for admission to The Honors College. At the end of this application, you will also be asked to complete a personal statement which is not required. You may choose to skip the personal statement if you do not wish to provide additional information.
Because of this circumstance, I have decided to utilize my college experience as an opportunity to learn more about myself and what I love. Many youth feel as if they need to plan their lives out ahead of time and that they should know what career to pursue by the time they graduate; being lost and confused about the future, however, is not only limited to our teens. For this reason, I wish to encourage my peers to treat their college experience the same way. Finding out what we are passionate about and pursuing it is important not only because it allows us to avoid ennui, but also because it is a powerful motivator that helps people grow and reach new
Writing is the ability to express yourself and to communicate with others. College writing courses strive to provide students with the ability to do this. In the following quote, AOur greatest multicultural resource, one that is authentic, rich, and truly diverse,@ Maxine Hairston, is obviously speaking about today=s student. How can we give all students who have different values, language, and cultural background the ability to express themselves, to communicate, and to contribute in significant ways to the relationship with others locally and globally? Do we strictly emphasize correct grammar and usage? Do we focus on critical thinking skills or personal expression? I am sure that this has obviously been a very
The first quarter is always the hardest for me, this one especially as I work a lot after school. Being senior year I was looking to take an easy route, but instead I took hard classes to keep challenging myself; looking back now I should have taken the easy route. The biggest struggle has been finding time to work in homework after work, getting my work in on time, and I’m looking to improve my quality of work for the next quarter.
The Water Pollution Gizmo™ will teach you about some of the main kinds of water pollution. On the TYPE tab, under Types of pollution, check
Being able to continue a higher education by entering a college is a significant social concern on both competence and equity grounds. The actuality of socio economic barriers which obstruct youngsters from lower income families from continuing their education limits their potentials and capabilities, therefore restraining the growth in economy, and likewise it also raises people’s concerns about opportunity equality. Entering a college is considered to be a big part of our lives. With college (a higher education), there will be more job opportunities choices for us to choose from in the future. It will be the beginning of a better career path for us as compared to those people who did not study in a college. Also, with a higher education level, we will be paid with higher salary as compared to those who did not complete their college. Having a higher education means that we will widen our knowledge and skills, and at the same time also enhance our character and personality. Studying in a college give us the chance to interact and meet new friends with different backgrounds which allows us to learn new things. We will also have a bigger scope of our surroundings, increasing our understanding for the country and community. Hence, we can see that having a higher education will only give us benefits. A person’s ability to join a college depends on many different factors such as Parent’s level of education, grades, family income, gender and race. All these factors have influence
After further questioning you learn she is strictly following the fl uid and salt restriction ordered during
I chose Texas a&m because it one of the best veterinary schools in the united states i also chose it because it's the closest university to home and i don't have to go out of state to become what i've always wanted. My steps to become a veterinarian is to take my basics (2 years) at stc then transfer to texas a&m.
When the challenge of beginning college presented itself, I had no goals in mind. When you’re 18 and have a high school diploma in your hand, people tend to see you as a piece of molding clay. Your friends and family can’t resist telling you what you should do and how you should do it. They also never fail to pile on the questions. Not having the answers to such seemingly simple questions like, “What do you want to be?” “Where do you want to go?” “How are you going to do it?” can make a young, ambitious person question herself. But the reality was, I just did not know yet. I considered becoming a business manager, a dental hygienist, an accountant, a nurse. Originally, I thought not having a solid plan meant I wasn’t prepared for college. However, I discovered that no matter what students aspire to pursue during their postsecondary education, everyone must complete General Education Requirements, so that is where I began my journey.
There are many reasons why I want to transfer from a two year institution to a four-year school such as furthering my education, to learn new skills and to stand out form others when trying to get a job. Going to a four-year college will give me access to more material and classes that would allow me to gain new knowledge. I currently am a psychology major, there are a lot concepts that I need to fully understand how the human mind works. me in the field I want to go into. Four year institution teaches at a higher level , this allows me to gain a deeper understanding of the many concepts of psychology and further my education considerably. Also, these institutions offer a lot of internships opportunities that allow for one to gain skills that
After I graduate, I hope to attend a college with medical engineering based programs. The only reason I possess this dream is because I have a little cousin who had to have below his right knee amputated when he was just 3-4 months old. To this day he can walk and run and he is not any different from anyone else, which is why I want to help people just like him. To fulfill my dream I plan on trying to get a scholarship from University Of Iowa because they not only have a great school and good classes to take, but so I can be close to home as well. The skills I will need are working with math and science. I need to focus on and learn how to build a good eye for design, communication and team working skills, and how to be able to have a
As a high school senior, I spent all year searching for a compatible college that fits my requirements. I wanted a college that is affordable, so when I graduate I am not stuck with a massive debt. I wanted a campus that is has friendly people and feels like home. Finally, the college must provide me with the right skills to start my career. With those three standards in mind, I narrowed my choices to one perfect college.
Hello Lucy! I hope to gain a greater understanding of how college will be. I hope to be challenged and learn from an experience like this. The school I go to now, I do not feel pushed academically. I was searching for summer classes I could take to be ready for college and I stumbled across this program and I could not be more thrilled to apply.
It had been a long morning. The patient had been checked in, educated on the surgical procedure, with an IV placed in her arm. At 14, she had been worrying about this upcoming surgery for days. As she laid on the hospital bed, waiting to go into the OR, she was incredibly nervous. After she was wheeled into the OR, there were to people who introduced themselves: a nurse anesthetist and their technician. They placed the mask filled with anesthesia on her face, sensing how unsure the patient felt. As the laughing gas began to make the patient giggle, the CRNA turned to the tech and said, “She’s laughing at your face!” The patient started laughing for real and began to calm down- a sense of trust had been created between the patient and the