Have you ever thought about how college is going to be like paying you college dept well by getting a scholarship you could possibly not have to pay for anything. (free college!)
Background information (2 sentences):
1. 3,000,000 football players just football there is 19,000 get a college scholarship
2.Also you get more exercise and more cardo so you can stay healthy.
3. Super Claim sentence (thesis):
4. Three sub-claims/reasons sentence:_________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph 1
1. Claim/Reason 1 sentence:playing competitive sports
2. Evidence 1: There should be competitive sports because it helps get into college for free or they get a few years free at college.
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Evidence 2:another reason why there should be competitive sports is because kids that play competitive sports tend to have better grades than kids who don't play sports all
5.Conclusion: there should be competitive sports because it can help kids get into colleges and get better jobs or possibly go pro and kids that play sports have better grades which means that get into a better
The analysis of the data in this study showed that there was a statistically significant difference in the grade point average of high school junior student-athletes when compared to non-athletes. During their participation in an athletic season, the mean GPA of the athletes was 3.11 and the standard deviation was .73, when the athletes were not participating in an athletic season, the mean GPA was 3.20 and the standard deviation was .90.
The impact of preserving sports in high schools has been surrounded by much controversy as people suspect that it is the reason behind the poor academic achievement of students. Opponents to high school sports feel that allowing athletics to be a part of schools sidetracks the focus of the student body, which goes completely against the main purpose of schools. Indeed, this assertion is completely true and based upon plentiful evidence. High school sports undoubtedly come at the expense of student academic achievement since they divert the attention of students away from academics and they come with far too many financial costs, both of which incur negative impacts on the academics within a school. The bottomline is that sports are harming the education of students, so a school must make the decision between composing quality sports teams or providing high level academics; both of these choices simply cannot occur simultaneously.
In the article “The Case Against High School Sports”, Amanda Ripley provides solid reasons on whether sports have a negative effect on students’ academic progress. Along with solid reasons, Ripley gives the audience live examples to support her claim. Ripley claims that eliminating sports is the best way to improve students’ academic progress because students will have a larger emphasis on intelligence.
The thought of eliminating sports from schools have become very popular in the last couple of years. Recent studies have shown that sports bring down children academically. Therefore, schools should eliminate sports to allow students more time to study, bring up kids grades, and improve financial issues. People who have gone through school know how important it is to study in order to familiarize themselves with the material taught. In “Should Your School Get Rid of Sports?”, Amanda Ripley states that a former quarterback that attends a school with no sports says, ¨there was all this extra time, you never go behind on your work¨ (11).
To many educational institutions, it is controversial whether or not sports are beneficial to scholastic success. Offering athletic programs is said to supply students with an enhanced learning experience, as well as adding amusement to a rather dull school year. Therefore, sports should be provided in all schools to reduce stress, improve academic performance, and develop teamwork skills and equal opportunity in school.
Why should college students get paid for playing a sport? If you really think about it, it might sound nice to get paid traditional salaries just like a professional athlete does. But, it’s not really that good of an idea because of what college offers you already when you play the sports. College students who play college sports get put on live TV broadcast during their games so everyone in the world could see them play and some students who play sports in high school will get a scholarship to go to a good college if they are recognized by how good they are at the sport. All of that is a privilege for playing a sport in college and those who get recognized or are that good at the sport could eventually become a professional athlete and then
Introductory Paragraph Sports have been in schools for many years, however schools may change their decision about sports. During recent studies, over 20 different countries have shown higher graduation rates than the US, and many feel this is because of after school sports. Therefore, athletic programs should be eliminated in schools because it can put districts in debt, students will stay more focused on their homework, and kids can spend more time with their family.
money to pay for their education. Colleges are very expensive and need to start looking at it on the student perspective. Students who are graduating from high-school barely come out with less than $3,000 or less.WIENER, J. (2015) Not Every individual is able to pay for college and this just isn't fair. A high percentage of students are independent while in high school and are forced to work because of their parents low income. What happens to that student? Smart in academics, good athlete but because they cannot pay for their proper education they are forced to forget about their dreams.
Topic Sentence stating claim: One of the first reasons parents should not discourage kids from playing football is that it teaches them how to set and achieve goals and it makes them dream of making it into the NFL. Expand on claim: With this activity, individuals can learn how to create short and long term goals, so they will never get discouraged from football if they have goals. If someone makes a goal to get one tackle in a game they will have something to strive for. If players make goals it
The prices the days College students are paying for higher education is atrocious. It is true that universities paint a beautiful picture in on pamphlets because at the end of the college is a business Instead of putting majority of donations to sports universities should them in financial aid to students and towards research. When deciding on a college, families should create a plan and see if it loan is manageable before taking it. Having debt can be a burden, but this will makes students more eager to actually want to get a job and remain focus on school. But I also do not feel college should be given to everyone for free because then a degree would be worthless. There would be an abundance of highly educated people working in jobs below
One of the many problems with making college free is that college, in time, needs to be paid for by someone or something. With the government having the idea that college should be free, these same people wouldn’t be taking the hard payment; You would, through government taxes. As Alex Groves says in his article, “Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a free ride. Every program requires a source of funding, and free education is no different.” (para 5). Groves is a college student himself working on his last year
There are many types of jobs. Some require education and others require skills. At their meetings, the school board is discussing whether or not students should be allowed to chose if they can take College Preparatory classes or Career Technical Education courses, eliminating General Education. I believe students should have the choice to pick their own classes depending on what career they want.
As you can tell, without sports, crucial elements are missing within student's lives. Sports contribute to the ability of socialization among kids, encouragement on academic performance, and achieving goals. These pieces would be affected greatly if sports were eliminated from schools. Lasting friendships from team sports, otherwise misplaced academic encouragement, and goal skills would be lost. Keep school sports. Save kids the
A big problem today is that parents and teachers are arguing about competitive sports and if they should continue focusing mainly on the topic. To me, I think that sports are a big thing in life and schools should focus on it.
Many people are debating whether or not school sports should be removed due to the critical consequences they are having on young athletes academic, and social lives. Studies have proven that cutting sports from schools can improve students grades in a plethora of ways. Therefore, school sports should be taken away to prevent students from failing classes, save districts money, and allow children the study time they need.