
College Students: A Metacognitive Analysis

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Metacognition: a Missing Tool in the Undergraduate’s box Metacognition, the process of thinking about thinking, is an essential tool to possess for university students. When metacognitive strategies such as planning, monitoring and evaluating are actively used during the process of learning and studying, it becomes easier for the student to determine the steps that need to be taken in order to either ameliorate or to maintain the same results as previously attained (Soiferman, 2015). However, in a study led by Kornell and Bjork (2007) it was found that most undergraduate students tend to overestimate how well they would perform on assignments and exams. This lack of awareness on one’s knowledge show a lack of metacognitive skills among …show more content…

Such commitment can be hard or even impossible to achieve for children and teenagers whose first goal is not necessarily to learn but to socialize with friends during school hours (Kaplan, 2008). Indeed, during the compulsory school age requirement period, ranging from six to sixteen years old in Manitoba (Public School Acts, 2015), children and teenagers are obligated to attend school by mandate rather than making a deliberate personal choice to “gain an education.” Since metacognitive self-regulation is a conscious and self-initiated process, it relies on the student’s desire to learn and achieve their goals and can therefore not be forced on …show more content…

Metacognitive strategies have been shown to contribute to the success of students in universities by helping them develop planning and self-monitoring skills. It was also proven that students who use metacognition generally earn better grades, are more motivated and less likely to drop out because they can handle the typical challenges of attending university such as: analyzing the course material and evaluating what information is important to study and knowing which kind of learner they are and consequently adjusting their learning strategies, better than most undergraduate students (McCabe, 2010. & Thompson and Geren, 2002). Although metacognition is a self-initiated learning process that requires the students to be actively and consciously trying to perform better in school in order to be effective, it is important to mention that over 60% of young Canadians have attended a post-secondary institution by the age of 19 (Zeman, 2003), which means that three students out of five could benefit or show interest from learning metacognitive strategies in high school. Moreover, even if metacognition is specially a beneficial tool for students, it is also an advantageous skill to possess as a

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