
College Tuition Research Paper

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College tuition is in constant continuous rise in the United States. The rise in tuition varies from state to state a and from the two years public school to the four years private school in the United State, causing a heavy burden on students and parents. The four years private universities have double their tuition since 1980 while the tuition in 2 year community colleges increased by 50%. Still one cannot tell at what point this escalation of the tuition is going to become less than desirable.
College tuition costs, as well as room and board, are increasing dramatically. “Tuition and fees at community colleges are up 24 percent more than inflation over the past five years, according to a new College Board survey. Which cost for in-state …show more content…

(Bennett, 1987). Others claim that the colleges and universities were too simply forced to increase their tuitions the state subsidies for education decreased deeply because of the recession. But how about the private colleges they don’t get state subsidies, they increased their fees.
Let’s not forget that colleges have become top high tech buying new computers, creating fancy academic laboratories, hiring more experienced professional teachers and others support staff. All these innovations contribute to the tuition climbing. One may said that the colleges need all those prestige for higher and competitive formation of students for the readiness for today workforce.
The increase of college tuition can be also related to a higher demand in enrollment rate because since the institutions have limited places for an exact number of students their have to raise their fees to a certain level to limit the accessibility. Still with high tuition the enrollment increases. This increase in demand of college is mostly due the expectation of a better paying job than the job with a high school diploma after graduation. Which is not always the case when compare the in job training with the high school diploma experience and sometimes the college graduate entry level earning. (Belkin, D.,

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