Most people today think of college as simply a place to get a better education, or merely as a steppingstone to financial success. College is far more than that. College is an experience that shapes a person, which can have both positive and negative outcomes. It is all up to the students to make the college experience worth their time and effort. Students must realize the importance of the responsibilities now demanded of them by higher education.
Colleges are in a sense a microcosm; a smaller model of the world. Students encounter many new people and activities at college. Meeting new people who have new ideas and beliefs can greatly modify students' perceptions of the world they live in. In Dee's case, in Alice
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The instructors basically make this student think, see, and hear what they perceive to be what the student should be thinking, seeing, and hearing, through forms of mutilation; blinding him, packing his ears, and removing pieces of his brain. This is not what students need; nor should professors have to advocate student conduct to such an extreme level. In college, students must take it upon themselves to figure out what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. Such things include doing homework, studying for tests, reading for classes, managing time, and even procrastinating. In college, no longer are students forced to do assigned work, instructors don't need the burden of stressing to students to do their work. A college student must be committed to his or her study. Today's standards are, on average, that students are recommended to spend 2-3 hours for every credit hour is worth, per week. Students must commit themselves to spend, sometimes, 45 hours a week outside of instruction on furthering their education, which really shaves the time available for students to have a life. A student must commit to not putting off work until it is too late, or going out instead of studying for a test. Not only that but they must commit themselves to learning on their own. A true teacher can only introduce concepts and information to a student, instead of drilling it into their mind through repetitious tactics and methods of punishment and reward;
During their highschool years, students often look forward to college. Not necessarily as a step towards a career, but as an experience. Over the years, the media sells teenagers the idea of the ‘’college experience’’. They promote it through movies, tv shows and ads. It’s made out to be this amazing transcendental and essential part of life. Miss out on it, and you’ll have missed out on your youth. It’s not only media though, older relatives and peers, influenced by the media, further influence teens. They talk of their own cool college stories and how much fun it’ll be once you’re there. Is your main reason for going to college to live this experience? Then let’s see if it’s worth it.
College gives students endless opportunities. During this time, students are able to grow and develop academically and individually. It also provides students with
College is an important place that can lead us to a bright and successful future. College success is more than academics; for us it’s learning how to become an adult for the first time in our life. In college we will develop skills to have relationships with professors, counselors, and with our peers. The whole college experience enables us to truly succeed. Meeting new people, becoming acquainted to different ideas and cultures, and mostly, the enjoyment of the four plus years of being in school. A couple of years from now we will look back at college as either one of the best or worst times of our lives. The one thing that motivates people to go to college is “career
There are numerous things that come to mind when people hear the word college. One of the most common things is the expenses for materials, courses, and room and board. Most people tend overlook the academic achievements that come with a degree and the valuable lessons that are retained from the numerous and rigorous courses taken. Not only is college preparing you for the profession of your choice but it is also gives you a well developed opinion and opportunities that may lead you to expanding your educational career.
Have you ever thought of going to college and how your own life would change if you attend. College provides a lot for the ones that want to go to college. College puts you in the right place and start in life. There’s so many thing you can study and be in life. Although there are people who think college is a wasted of time and money.
Unlike high school, people don’t normally get one try to get it right the first time! College, for most is a critical development into adulthood. College teaches beyond the classroom and sheds light on certain attainable humanly characteristics. Such as: perseverance, hard work, integrity, love, admiration, and respect which allows one to find oneself using knowledge.
Everyone has his or her own ideas of what the ‘college experience’ should include and be like. Some thoughts on the subject include going out a lot, meeting lots of new people, and dating many different people. Other people consider it the education, and finding someone to settle down with.
The education that one receives from a college will be very beneficial to people in many ways. College is worth it for meeting new people, learning new things, and experiencing and working on the right path to take. College from a personal perspective is quite the experience. Me being a student-athlete, it's more than just an athlete. It's more about a student.
Preparing for College after graduating from high school is considered to be as one of the most thought by students. Even so, most students nowadays are uncertain whether attending college will be a good advantage for them. Some believe that it is a waste of time and money, but most people consider it as a reason to thrive in life. Unlike High school, College is certainly different because it determines your future and should be taken more earnestly by the students. College education is a worth of cost because it basically provides students with great benefits, which can be a good help in shaping their future goals.
Along with gaining social skills and great networking opportunities, college is a place to learn how to work hard and become a self-reliant person.
College is a place where students learn what they want to be when they graduate and they use that knowledge they obtained from college to fulfill their dream by what they have studied, so hard for in college. Some people ask, “Is College worth it?” and the answer to that question is, “Yes.” A lot of people continue to disagree with that answer, but when it’s all said and done: college is worth it. That is why, there is still students that enroll into a 4-year college or a community college because they want to become successful in life which is the reason why they feel that college is worth it.
For many students the immersion into college is a stressful, although rewarding, experience. These new adults are forced to make what could be one of the most important decisions about their future. Many details weigh into this decision.Cost, time and whether or not it is worth it or not to that individual are all considered. College is almost always worth the cost, time and effort because it teaches useful real world skills, and helps prepare students for the responsibilities that are to come.
Higher education is good for many things in today's world. College experiences help people to truly find themselves through personal growth. Higher education will expose you to people, ideas, and topics that you would never encounter in high school. Each year of college assists in
Success in college requires one to identify key aspects of personal responsibility, understand the relationship between personal responsibility and college success, and establish a specific plan to follow that will ensure he or she incorporates the various elements of personal responsibility in every facet of his or her college experience.
College is a chance to be free and is a bridge between the real world and school. I’m an adult and expected to behave as such; I make my own choices where I have to decide what is important to me. I have an opportunity to learn how the world works, to explore the limitless possibilities and a chance to admire how vast knowledge can be. College will change my life in the way that I can develop life skills outside academics, to be fully