
Colon Cancer Research Paper

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Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States. It affects the large intestine by growing tumorous growths which are call adenomatous polyps. The continued growth of these tumor like substance can lead to colon cancer if left untreated. The cause for colon cancer is explain by Peter Crosta from Medical News Today which says, “In most cases, it’s not clear what causes colon cancer. Doctors know that colon cancer occurs when healthy cells in the colon develops errors in their genetic blueprint,”(Colon Cancer: Symptoms, Treatment, and Causes). Being related to someone who has colon cancer increases your risk of having this. The inherited gene is passed spreading to the next member of the family. There are symptoms that occur …show more content…

If over the age of 50 it is best to see a doctor once these symptoms occur. Every type of cancer has stages which tell how severe the damage is. There are four stages to colon cancer. Stage 0 is the earliest stage when the cancer has gone no further than the inner layer of the colon. Stage 1 is the continued growth of the cancer into the next tissue, but has not yet reach the lymph nodes or other vital organs. Stage 2 is once the cancer has reached outside the colon. Stage 3 is when the cancer has spread past the colon affecting one of the three lymph nodes. The final stage is stage 4, it is when the cancer has passed the wall of the colon and attacks other parts of the body. This cancer is very progressive and only three treatments are available. The stage of the cancer is what determines which treatment is necessary for the patient. The first choice is surgery which branches into three types. There is colectomy, laparoscopic, and palliative surgery. Colectomy procedure is explained by The Mayo Clinic for when “The surgeon removes the part of the colon containing the cancer and the surrounding area”(Colon Cancer).

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