Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States. It affects the large intestine by growing tumorous growths which are call adenomatous polyps. The continued growth of these tumor like substance can lead to colon cancer if left untreated. The cause for colon cancer is explain by Peter Crosta from Medical News Today which says, “In most cases, it’s not clear what causes colon cancer. Doctors know that colon cancer occurs when healthy cells in the colon develops errors in their genetic blueprint,”(Colon Cancer: Symptoms, Treatment, and Causes). Being related to someone who has colon cancer increases your risk of having this. The inherited gene is passed spreading to the next member of the family. There are symptoms that occur …show more content…
If over the age of 50 it is best to see a doctor once these symptoms occur. Every type of cancer has stages which tell how severe the damage is. There are four stages to colon cancer. Stage 0 is the earliest stage when the cancer has gone no further than the inner layer of the colon. Stage 1 is the continued growth of the cancer into the next tissue, but has not yet reach the lymph nodes or other vital organs. Stage 2 is once the cancer has reached outside the colon. Stage 3 is when the cancer has spread past the colon affecting one of the three lymph nodes. The final stage is stage 4, it is when the cancer has passed the wall of the colon and attacks other parts of the body. This cancer is very progressive and only three treatments are available. The stage of the cancer is what determines which treatment is necessary for the patient. The first choice is surgery which branches into three types. There is colectomy, laparoscopic, and palliative surgery. Colectomy procedure is explained by The Mayo Clinic for when “The surgeon removes the part of the colon containing the cancer and the surrounding area”(Colon Cancer).
In 2000, Eloisa Casas was diagnosed with colon cancer. She went through the stages of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy and one year later with considered to be cancer free and placed in remission. On July 10, 2001, she was addmitted to the hospital with abdominal pain, as well as a fever and an elevated white blood count, which could indicate a possible infection. Her primary physisian and surgeon, Dr. Garcia-Cantu, consulted infectious disease specialist, Dr. Jelinek, who then prescribed her Maxipime as a general antibiotic and Flagyl as an antibiotic for anaerobic bacteria on July 11.
Colon and rectal cancer develop in the digestive tract, which is also called the gastrointestinal, or GI, tract. The digestive system processes food for energy and rids the body of solid waste matter (fecal matter or stool). Colon cancer and rectal cancer have many features in common. Sometimes they are referred to together as colorectal cancer.
It is important to contact a doctor immediately if these symptoms occur due to the severity of the illness.
Colorectal cancer mainly starts at colon or the rectum. They are common in most of the way like features, but they have different treatment. What is the different between colon cancer and rectum cancer? Colon cancer happens first four to five feet of the large intestine and rectal cancer happens in the last few inches of the large intestine where it is connected to anus.
This condition is diagnosed with a medical history and physical exam. You may also have tests,
There are about 35,000 new cases each year in the UK. More than 80% of
Colon is one of the ten provinces that Panama has, and definitely of the most special ones. The Panama Canal, the Panama Canal Railroad, the Colon Free Trade Zone, and many others, are some of the remarkable places this province has. In order to understand the importance of this province from a geographical, economical, and historical point of view, our geography class decided to visit Colon City and Portobelo, as part of our personal knowledge growth. Without doubts, this was an incredible experience, because we understood many of the positive and negative things this province is facing, and the reasons for it. Colon is one of those must to visit places, because you will understand why it was called “The Little Golden Tea Cup”.
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Bowel cancer is the second leading cancer in Australia with over 90 % of whom over 50 years old (Bowel Cancer Australia, 2014). Every year, over 17,000 people are newly diagnosed with bowel cancer (Cancer Council Australia, 2015). The most common treatment for all stages of bowel cancer is removing the cancer and forming a stoma which may help people to maintain the maximum function of their digest system. Depending on the patient’s situation, the colostomy can be reversed to recover the function of absorb nutrition and exclude metabolites. This paper will review the whole process of a patient who received reversal colostomy from admission to discharge, and explain the symptoms that the patient had post operation.
There was a time I use to consider the colon as a passage for waste products. However, after reading a couple of health related articles, I found that the colon plays many roles in the body, and not just as a passage for waste products. Unfortunately, it is one of the less recognized organs in the body.
Certain factors may make you more likely to develop stomach cancer. Some of these factors are related to nutrition and lifestyle choices. By making a few changes, you can reduce your risk of developing this type of cancer.
Goldwasser (2009) accepted that being diagnosed with cancer comes as a terrible shock for most people and those affected may look back on the experience and remember it as all being 'a bit of a dream. Often they are given information that they are only able to take in part of what they are told. As the news sinks in and they are ready to talk about what is going to happen, the most important thing to remember is that it is their body they are discussing. People must be allowed to make decisions and to ask the doctors or nurses to explain things again if there is anything they do not understand. The effects of the diagnosis of bowel cancer will have a whole new meaning and will be a while before people understand it all. Once the doctor has received the results, they will discuss the diagnosis with the patient Baxter,(2009). This will help them to understand the options available to get involved in putting together individual treatment plan. Each plan is unique depending on personal circumstances, and will depend on a number of factors including the type, size and location of the cancer and general health. The decision making process will be done jointly between the patient and the responsible Multi-disciplinary team. According to Baxter (2009), doctors will help the patient to understand the advantages and disadvantages of what is being proposed so they can be confident in the decisions being taken, and satisfied that their individual needs and
Moreover, for advanced cancer, the surgeon recommend an operation to relive blockage of your colon or other conditions in order to improve your symptoms, like bleeding and
There are many risk factors for stomach cancer. Gender is a minor risk factor because men are more likely to get stomach cancer than women are. Age is a risk factor as well because most people are over the age of 65 when they are diagnosed with stomach cancer. Ethnicity is a big risk factor because the rate cancer is higher in Hispanics and African-Americans rather than non-Hispanic white. Tobacco use is a risk factor for stomach cancer along with most of every other type of cancer. Smoking doubles the risk for someone to get cancer. It has been proven that people with Type A Blood are more likely to get stomach cancer as well. Some other risk factors are things like bacteria infection, diet, earlier stomach surgery, stomach polyps, and oddly enough, some occupations in coal, metal, and rubber industries are even risk factors of stomach cancer.
Colorectal cancer mainly starts at colon or the rectum. They are common in most of the way like features, but they have different treatment. What is the different between colon cancer and rectal cancer? Colon cancer happens first four to five feet of the large intestine and rectal cancer happens in the last few inches of the large intestine where it is connected to anus. (